2025 EDVOTEK® Resource Guide




Cat. #135 Using CRISPR to Treat Cystic Fibrosis

Binding to target

For 8 Gels/8 Lab Groups. In this experiment, students will simulate the use of CRISPR-Cas9 to target a genetic mutation found in a patient suf- fering from Cystic Fibrosis. Students will develop an understanding of guide RNA (gRNA) design, and use agarose gel electrophoresis to examine pre- prepared DNA samples after CRISPR treatment.

Double-stranded cut

Cat. #118 Cholesterol Diagnostics

For 8 Gels/8 Lab Groups. Elevated blood cholesterol has been established as a serious risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke which are leading causes of death in the United States. A disease known as familial hypercholesterol- emia (FH) causes an increase in blood levels of the “bad” form of cholester-

ol, known as low density lipoprotein (LDL). In this electrophoresis experi- ment, a simulated genetic test for hypercholesterolemia is demonstrated in which patients are tested for a DNA polymorphism linked to the FH gene.

ALSO Available: Full Experiment featuring SYBR® Safe DNA Stain DNA Samples Only in QuickStrips™ for 8 gels DNA Samples Only in Microtest Tubes for 24 gels

Cat. #118-S Cat. #118-A Cat. #118-C

Cat. #121 Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms

For 8 Gels/8 Lab Groups. For centuries, humans have used selective breeding and conventional hybridization to produce desired quali- ties in plants and to increase crop yields. Today, scientists use genetic engineering to directly manipulate the DNA, quickly producing these desirable traits. In this experiment, students will use agarose gel electro- phoresis to explore the molecular methods used by scientists to identify genetically modified organisms. No thermal cycler is required. Students are also encouraged to explore the controversy surrounding the use of genetically modified organisms.

ALSO Available: Full Experiment featuring SYBR® Safe DNA Stain DNA Samples Only in QuickStrips™ for 8 gels DNA Samples Only in Microtest Tubes for 24 gels

Cat. #121-S Cat. #121-A Cat. #121-C

Cat. #120 Ready-to-Load™ DNA Sequencing

For 8 Gels/8 Lab Groups. Introduce your students to the exciting science of DNA Sequencing. This kit contains the four Ready-to-Load sequenced DNAs (nucleotides A, C, G, & T) in an easy to use, safe format. Students load the four separate reactions into agarose gels, run the gels, stain them, and actually read the DNA sequence. This experiment can be used to introduce genome concepts and help your students gain a better understanding of the science behind DNA sequencing.


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