Cat. #342 Learn to Code! Introduction to Python for Detecting Disease
For Any Group Size! Bioinformatics is a field dedicated to biological data analysis; an interface between computers and human health. Scientists use powerful computers to create simulations of biological activity and process large data sets, making large and complex data sets easy to understand and ana- lyze. In this experiment, students will learn how bioinformaticians process gene data, how they make sense of gene behavior, and what happens genotypically when a mutation occurs in a DNA sequence. First, students will be introduced to the basics of the coding language Python, and will then use these skills to identify a SNP in a simulated patient’s DNA. No previous knowledge of coding necessary. All you need is a computer with internet access!
Cat. #225 DNA Fingerprinting Using Restriction Enzymes
Cat. #212 Cleavage of Lambda DNA with Eco RI Restriction Enzyme
AP Biology Investigation #9 Option
For 10 Restriction Digestions and 5 Gels. The DNA from bacteriophage lambda is a well-characterized linear molecule containing six recognition sites for Eco RI (generating 5 fragments with distinct sizes
For 6 Gels. Teach your students about restriction enzyme digests in the context of forensic science! Your students will cut DNA with restriction enzymes and then compare the banding pattern of the crime scene DNA versus that of two suspects using agarose gel electrophoresis.
and 2 fragments that are very close in size). In this experiment, Lambda DNA is digested by the Eco RI endonuclease. The digestion products are analyzed by electrophoresis.
Complete in 90 min.
Complete in 1 hour and 20-45 min.
Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #212 Components and Requirements.
Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #225 Components and Requirements.
Cat. #206 Restriction Enzyme Mapping
For 6 Sets of Restriction Digestions. In this experiment, a plasmid DNA is cleaved with different combinations of restriction enzymes. By determining the fragment size and using agarose gel electrophoresis, the relative positions of the restriction sites can be mapped.
Complete in 1 hour and 20-45 min.
Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #206 Components and Requirements.
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