Cat. #301 Construction and Cloning of a DNA Recombinant
For 5 Plasmid Constructs & Analyses. Cloning is frequently performed to study gene structure and function, and to enhance gene expression. This experiment is divided into five modules. Clones are constructed by ligation of a vector and a fragment insert. The constructs are then transformed into competent cells and the cells are grown and selected for resistance. Plasmid DNA is then isolated from the transformants, cleaved with restriction enzymes, and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis.
Complete in 5 modules in approx. 5 hours of class time.
Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator & Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #301 Components and Requirements.
Cat. #301 and Cat. #302 are recommended for college level courses.
Cat. #302 Purification of the Restriction Enzyme Eco RI
For 5 Purifications. In this experiment, students actually purify the restriction enzyme, Eco RI! This procedure utilizes an ion exchange chromatography step for Eco RI purification. Column fractions are assayed for the enzyme using Lambda DNA and digestion products are identified by agarose gel electrophoresis. Fractions that contain Eco RI are identified and pooled. The total and specific activities are calculated. Recommended for college level courses. Packing column 45 min.
Restriction Analysis A 35 min. Restriction Analysis B 50 min. Gel Prep 30 min. Electrophoresis 30 min. Staining 2 min.
Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #302 Components and Requirements.
Cat. #557 TruBlu ™ 2 Blue/White LED Transilluminator Designed to visualize SYBR® Safe or blue stained gels.
Cat. #500 EDGE ™ Integrated Electrophoresis System Features an electrophoresis chamber, power supply and blue light in a single, safe, and easy-to-use apparatus.
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