2025 EDVOTEK® Resource Guide


Cat. #314 In Search of the Cancer Gene

For 10 Groups. Suppressor genes such as p53 are essential for cell functions. Mutations in the p53 gene can be correlated to predisposition for certain cancers. Mutations in genes can either be inherited or accumulated due to environmental insults. This experiment deals with a family pedigree determination of several generations relating to cancer formation due to p53 gene mutation. This experiment does not contain human DNA.

Complete in 60 min.

Storage: Refrigerator. CLICK HERE For Experiment #314 Components and Requirements.

Cat. #315 In Search of the Sickle Cell Gene by Southern Blot

For 5 Groups. Southern blotting is an important technique used widely in clinical genetics and research. By transferring DNA from an agarose gel onto a membrane, the method allows you to analyze and identify the DNA bands on a gel precisely. Your students will use Southern blotting to find a point mutation in the hemoglobin gene indicating Sickle Cell Anemia.

Electrophoresis 45 min. Blotting Overnight Staining & Destaining 10 min.

Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator & Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #315 Components and Requirements.

Cat. #316 In Search of the Cholesterol Gene

For 10 Groups. Coronary heart disease and stroke are major causes of death in the Western world. Elevated blood cholesterol levels are a serious risk factor for both conditions. The genetic disease familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) causes an increase in blood levels of the “bad” form of cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL). This experiment includes reagents for the colorimetric enzymatic reaction which is the basis of the clinical cholesterol test. In addition, students will analyze a simulated genetic screening for a disease using agarose gel electrophoresis.

Complete in 2 hours and 15 min.

Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator & Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #316 Components and Requirements.


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