2025 EDVOTEK® Resource Guide


Cat. #334 VNTR Human DNA Typing Using PCR


For 25 Students. In DNA fingerprinting, variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) are used to identify individuals. In this kit, students will type themselves at the D1S80 locus on chromosome 1. This region contains between 14 and 40 copies of a 16 base pair repeat.

Extraction 30 min. PCR Set Up 10 min. PCR 90 min. Electrophoresis 30 min. Staining 5 min.

Cat. #333 Alu Human DNA Typing Using PCR

For 25 Students. Your students use primers for a 300 base pair Alu insertion in chromosome 16 (PV92) to determine their own genotype! They can then compare their class results with others around the world over the internet.

Extraction 50 min. PCR Set Up 10 min. PCR 90 min. Electrophoresis 60 min. Staining 5 min. to overnight

EDVOTEK ® Instructional Videos The following related videos are recommended for this section: https://www.youtube.com/user/EdvotekInc


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