Cat. #330 PCR Amplification of DNA
For 10 Groups. In this easy PCR experiment, students will make billions of copies of a small amount of DNA in just 90 minutes! They will just need to mix template DNA & primers with PCR beads that contain all of the other components required
to carry out a PCR reaction. Students will see the increasing amounts of DNA for themselves, taking samples every few cycles and analyzing them on a DNA gel.
PCR Set Up 10 min. PCR 90 min. Electrophoresis 30 min. Staining 5 min. to overnight
Cat. #371 DNA Fingerprinting Using PCR
For 25 students working in 5 groups. Give your students the opportunity to carry out PCR in the classroom! This kit provides easy to follow instructions for your students to develop various crime scene scenarios independently. Plasmid DNA,
when amplified by PCR, provides products that repre - sent individual DNA profiles. Your students can then solve a crime!
PCR Set Up 10 min. PCR 2 hrs. Electrophoresis 60 min. Staining 5 min. to overnight
Cat. #953 Multiplex PCR Testing of Water Contaminants
For 25 Students. Drinking water is routinely tested for contamination. If a screening tests positive, more so- phisticated tests are required. One such test uses PCR in multiplex format. In this experiment, students will test for the presence of three separate, classroom-safe organisms in a water sample using a single PCR reaction.
Extraction 60 min. PCR Set Up 10 min. PCR 2 hrs. Electrophoresis 60 min. Staining 5 min. to overnight
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