Cat. #962 Identification of Genetically Modified Foods Using PCR
For 10 Groups. Some foods contain raw materials from genetically modified organisms (GMO). Examples include tofu, corn flakes and corn meal. In this experiment, your students will extract DNA from food or plant material
and perform PCR to determine if any GM indicator genes are present. Amplified DNA is separated and sized by agarose gel electrophoresis. Requires 1 to 3 day shipping.
Extraction 45 min. PCR Set Up 10 min. PCR 2 hrs. Electrophoresis 60 min. Staining 5 min.
Cat. #625 PCR EdvoBeads ™ Includes 25 Beads. Room Temperature Stable. Requires no wet ice shipping!
Cat. #PCR EdvoBeads™ PLUS PCR EdvoBeads™ PLUS Includes 25 Beads. Room Temperature Stable. Requires no wet ice shipping!
PCR EdvoBeads™ have been optimized for PCR reactions and contain buffer, nucleotides and Taq DNA Polymerase. The only reagents that must be added to the reaction are template DNA and specific primers.
Each PCR EdvoBead™ PLUS contains: dNTP Mixture, Taq DNA Polymerase, Taq DNA Polymerase Buffer, MgCl 2 , and Reaction Buffer. Used with kits 330, 332, 333, 345, 858, and 962.
1.800.EDVOTEK • www.edvotek.com • info@edvotek.com
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