Cat. #337 Drosophila Genotyping Using PCR
Extraction 45 min. PCR Set Up 10 min. PCR 2 hrs. Electrophoresis 60 min. Staining 5 min. to overnight
For 10 Groups. Students will learn about DNA polymorphisms by amplifying DNA regions that vary between wild & mutant Drosophila . Amplified DNA from wild-type and white-eyed flies are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and analyzed. Kit contains LIVE materials which must be requested 3 weeks prior to lab.
Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #337 Components and Requirements.
ALSO Available: Kit Replenisher, excluding Drosophila. Cat. #337-FB
Cat. #1125 Diagnosing Huntington’s Using PCR
For 5 complete sets of reactions. In this experiment, students will conduct a DNA fingerprinting exercise on simulated patient samples
to determine if family members are het- erozygous or homozygous for Huntington’s Disease. Students will then analyze the amplified DNA segments by agarose gel electrophoresis.
Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #1125 Components and Requirements.
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