2025 EDVOTEK® Resource Guide


Cat. #228 Agar Art: Creating Masterpieces with Microbes

Requires 60 minutes (plus two incubations)

For 25 Students. At the intersection of art, science, and technology is Bio-Art, the creation of works of art using living matter. One common way to create Bio-Art uses bacteria transformed with DNA codes for brightly-colored proteins. In this experiment, students create “Bio-Paints” using bacterial culture techniques. The color-producing microbes are painted onto an agar plate canvas. After incubation will inspect, admire, and hopefully share your living art. Includes four brightly colored BioPaints and the material needed for 25 agar canvases.

• CREATE works of art using color-producing microbes. • EXPLORE the intersections of science and art and the field of BioArt. • UNDERSTAND the transformation technologies used to create bacterial BioPaints.


Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #228 Components and Requirements.

Cat. #935 Battling Bacteria: Ecosystem Dynamics in a Petri Dish

Complete in 1 week.

For 10 Groups. In this experiment students create their own microbial ecosystems and investigate the dynamics of competition and abiotic/ biotic change on community composition. By using bacteria with short generation times students can observe, test, and collect their own data on key ecological phenomena in a week!

• UNDERSTAND niches, biotic/abiotic factors, and species interactions. • CREATE and MANIPULATE a microbial ecosystem. • INVESTIGATE competition and test Gause’s law. • EXPLORE how different species respond to stress and environmental change.

Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #935 Components and Requirements.


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