Cat. #5066 Personal PCR LabStation ™ Includes: 1 Cat. #540 EdvoCycler™ Jr. (16 x 0.2 mL) 2 Cat. #502-504 M12 Complete™ Package 1 Cat. #5010-Q QuadraSource™ Power Supply 2 Cat. #590 Variable Micropipette (5 - 50 µL) 1 Cat. #557 TruBlu™ 2 Transilluminator 1 Cat. #539 3.0 L Digital Water Bath
Cat. #557 TruBlu ™ 2 Blue/White Transilluminator
The successor to the popular TruBlu™ has been improved with an enlarged viewing surface and high density LED light layout for clear and even visualiza- tion. The blue light mode enables visualization of SYBR® Safe stained DNA gels and white light enhances visualization of blue stained DNA or protein gels. Use the TruBlu™ 2 to excite green fluorescent protein (GFP), producing brilliant green fluorescence. The TruBlu™ 2 has enough surface area to simultaneously view up to eight 7 x 7 cm gels and combines the functions of two units into one!
Cat. #555 TruBlu ™ Jr Blue Light Transilluminator
TruBlu™ Jr Features: • Battery operated for convenient use in the classroom • Designed to work seamlessly with the M12 Electrophoresis System • Includes an orange contrast lid and hood • Safe, non-UV wavelength • Blue Light emission spectrum centered around 470nm is compatible with SYBR® Safe, Gel- Green® & other blue light-reactive dyes. • 10 x 6 cm viewing surface
Love your M12 systems but interested in blue light visualization? The TruBlu™ Jr. is designed to upgrade your existing EDVOTEK® electro- phoresis equipment to allow safe, real-time analysis of DNA fragments as they migrate through the agarose gel. This compact unit utilizes the same blue light technology that is found in the EDGE™ and TruBlu™ 2 transilluminator for visualization of SYBR® Safe or other blue light- reactive dyes. The TruBlu™ Jr. can also be used to examine fluorescence from green fluorescent protein (GFP).
1.800.EDVOTEK • •
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