- Intro to Immunology
Cat. #270 Antigen-Antibody Interaction: The Ouchterlony Procedure
For 10 sets of reactions. Introduce your students to the principles of antigen-antibody inter- actions by using the Ouchterlony procedure. Antibodies and antigens form complexes that precipitate, making it possible to assay antibody-antigen systems. The binding interaction results in the formation of distinct white precipitate patterns after diffusion in agarose.
Set up 35 min. Incubation overnight
Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #270 Components and Requirements.
Cat. #272 Immunoelectrophoresis
For 10 separations. Learn how immunoelectrophoresis identifies proteins based on their combined electrophoretic and immunological properties. This method is useful to monitor antigen and antigen-antibody purity and to identify a single antigen in a mixture of antigens. In this experiment, serum proteins are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and the point of equivalence is observed by the antigen-antibody complex formation.
Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #272 Components and Requirements.
Electrophoresis 60 min. Incubation overnight
Cat. #273 Radial Immunodiffusion
For 10 quantifications 6 reactions each. Radial immunodiffusion quantitatively determines the level of an antigen. Antibody is incorporated into liquefied agar and allowed to gel. The antigen is added to small wells and radiates throughout the antibody-containing medium, leaving a precipitate throughout the gel. The amount of diffusion is quantified.
Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #273 Components and Requirements.
Set up 35 min. Incubation overnight
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