2025 EDVOTEK® Resource Guide


- Immunobiotechnology


Cat. #317 Western Blot Analysis (Polyacrylamide-based)

For 6 Blots. In Western blot analysis, protein identification is based on antibody and antigen reactions. Proteins are separated on polyacrylamide gels and are transferred (blotted) to a nylon membrane. The membrane is exposed to solutions containing primary antibody, followed by a secondary antibody coupled to an enzyme. The membrane is then soaked in a substrate solution to develop the color reaction, which results in identifica - tion on the antigen protein band. The molecular weights of the visible bands are measured using prestained protein markers of known molecular weight. This kit does not require an electrotransfer apparatus.

Electrophoresis 60 min. Blot overnight Detection 2.5 hours

Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #317 Components and Requirements.

Cat. #276 Clinical Diagnostic Immunoblot

For 10 Groups. The immunoblot technique is used to determine the presence of an antigen. Clinical diagnostic kits employ the principles of the dot blot. In this experiment, antigens are absorbed to a membrane that is then treated with an antigen-specific antibody solution and then a secondary antibody conjugated to an enzyme. The enzyme-substrate reaction generates a color product that precipitates onto the membrane, indicating a positive reaction. No human serum is used in this experiment.

Set up 45 min. Experiment 1.5 - 2 hrs.

Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #276 Components and Requirements.

EDVOTEK ® At Home FREE Online Resources Edvotek® at Home is a set of resources to teach the basics of Edvotek’s labs through work- sheets and presentations. While we believe in the importance of hands-on learning, these free online learning tools are ideal if you can not perform the hands-on experiments in class. Topics Include: Cancer Gene Detection, The ELISA Assay, and Much More!



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