2025 EDVOTEK® Resource Guide


- Cancer


Cat. #957 Blinded by the Light: UV Rays and DNA Damage

For 10 Groups. In this experiment, students directly observe the effects of UV light on DNA. Students will run a time series test comparing UV exposed plasmid samples and examine their results using electrophoresis. Students may also test the ability of different sunscreens to prevent DNA damage.




1000-700 nm

700-400 nm

400-200 nm

UVA 400-320 nm

UVB 320-280 nm

UVC 280-200 nm

Complete in 2 hours.

Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #957 Components and Requirements.

Cat. #314 In Search of the Cancer Gene

For 6 Groups. Suppressor genes such as p53 are essential for cell func- tions. Mutations in the p53 gene can be correlated to predisposition for certain cancers. Mutations in genes can either be inherited or ac- cumulated due to environmental insults. This experiment deals with a family pedigree determination of several generations relating to cancer formation due to p53 gene mutation. This experiment does not contain human DNA.

Complete in 1 hour.

Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #314 Components and Requirements.

Cat. #381 Break Through! Testing DNA Damage Using Quantitative PCR

For 4 Groups. The integrity and stability of DNA is essential to life. However, everyday this molecule is under assault from environmental stressors like UV radiation, mutagenic chemicals, and even normal metabolic processes. In this guided inquiry lab students will use the cutting edge technology of QPCR to investigate and quantify DNA damage due to physical (UV radiation) or chemical (DNAseI) disruptions. By designing and performing the experiments students will master advanced analytical and technical skills as well as deepen their understanding of key molecular biology and medical concepts. This kit must be used with a RT (qPCR) Thermal Cycler.

DNA Damage - 45 min. qPCR Setup 45 min. qPCR - 90 min. Electrophoresis - 60 min. Staining - 5 min. to overnight Analysis - 45 min.

Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #381 Components and Requirements.


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