BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES - Inherited Diseases
Cat. #116 Sickle Cell Gene Detection (DNA-based)
QuickStrips ™
For 8 Gels. Sickle Cell Anemia is a common genetic disease that causes misshapen red blood cells, giving them a “sickled“ appearance. These cells get stuck in small capillaries of the blood stream leading to oxygen deprivation which causes pain and organ damage. Sickle Cell Anemia is caused by a single point mutation in the hemoglobin gene that results in a faulty protein. In this experiment, your students will investigate the restriction enzyme that discriminates between HbA (normal) and HbS (disease) genes and perform a simulated test on patients or a “family.”
Complete in 45 min.
Storage: Room temperature stable. Storage of Ready-to-Load QuickStrip™ samples in the refrigerator is recommended. CLICK HERE For Experiment #116 Components and Requirements.
Cat. #315 In Search of the Sickle Cell Gene by Southern Blot
For 5 Groups. Southern blotting is an important technique widely used in clinical genetics and research. By transferring DNA from an agarose gel onto a membrane, the method allows you to analyze and identify the DNA bands on a gel precisely. Students will use Southern blotting to find a point mutation in the hemo - globin gene indicating Sickle Cell Anemia.
Electrophoresis 45 min. Blotting overnight Staining & destaining 10 min.
Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #315 Components and Requirements.
Cat. #118 Cholesterol Diagnostics
QuickStrips ™
For 8 Gels. Elevated blood cholesterol has been established as a serious risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke which are leading causes of death in the United States. An inherited disorder, known as “familial hypercholesterolemia” (FH), causes an increase in blood levels of the “bad” form of choles- terol, known as low density lipoprotein (LDL). In this experiment, students will carry out a simulated genetics test for FH by analyzing patients’ DNA polymorphisms.
Complete in 45 min.
Storage: Room temperature stable. Storage of Ready-to-Load QuickStrip™ samples in the refrigerator is recommended. CLICK HERE For Experiment #118 Components and Requirements.
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