- Infectious Diseases
Cat. #S-68 What is an Epidemic and How Does An Infection Spread?
For 10 Groups. Infectious agents such as bacteria & viruses can spread rapidly through a population and cause widespread disease and death. In this experiment, your students will use colored solutions to simulate the spreading of a disease in the classroom. • Explore how bacteria & viruses spread through a population • Use clear solutions and a color-changing indicator to model a classroom infection • Record potential infection events and practice contract tracing • Discuss different types of infections and different detection techniques
Complete in 30 min.
Storage: Room Temperature. CLICK HERE For Experiment #S-68 Components and Requirements.
Cat. #S-70 How Does a Doctor Test for AIDS?
For 10 Groups. Your body defends itself from attack by infectious agents like bacteria & viruses by producing antibodies. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) test for antibodies present in the blood, which indicate infection. In this kit, students perform a simulated ELISA test to identify infected samples & compare them to control samples.
Complete in 45 min.
Storage: Room Temperature. CLICK HERE For Experiment #S-70 Components and Requirements.
Cat. #166 Detection of a Simulated Infectious Agent
For 25 Students. An infectious outbreak requires prompt & accurate identification of the biological agent. Often, early clinical symptoms are first identified in exposed individuals & then infectious agents are determined by lab tests. In this kit, students will transmit a simulated infectious agent (chemical dye) between classmates. The simulated infectious agent is only visible under long-wave UV light. The pattern of transmission and primary source will be documented. NGSS-aligned with MS-LS2.C
Complete in 30-45 min.
Storage: Room Temperature. CLICK HERE For Experiment #166 Components and Requirements.
Requires in 30-45 min.
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