BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES - Pregnancy & Paternity
Cat. #920 Safari Family Reunion
For 8 Gels/8 Lab Groups. In this lab, students will perform electro- phoresis on the DNA samples of two lions in order to return them to wildlife sanctuaries close to their ancestral home. • Learn how DNA is used to discover an individual’s ancestry. • Perform DNA electrophoresis and RFLP analysis. • Analyze phylogenetic tree and haplotype maps. • Explore how conservation biologists use genetic data.
Complete in 45 min.
QuickStrips ™
Storage: Room temperature stable. Storage of Ready-to-Load QuickStrip™ samples in the refrigerator is recommended. CLICK HERE For Experiment #920 Components and Requirements.
Cat. #207 Southern Blot Analysis
For 5 Groups. This experiment introduces your students to Southern blotting as a tool for “DNA Fingerprinting” in a hypothetical paternity determination. DNA fragments are first separated by agarose gel electrophoresis, then transferred to a nylon membrane and finally visualized by staining.
Electrophoresis 45 min. Blotting overnight Staining & destaining 10 min.
Storage: Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #207 Components and Requirements.
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