2025 EDVOTEK® Resource Guide


- Blood Typing & Allergies


Cat. #140 Blood Typing

For 10 Groups. In human blood, there are two major antigens and antibodies designated as A or B and anti-A or anti-B. Blood type (A, B, AB, or O) can be determined using an agglutination assay where roughly equal concentrations of sample antigen and previously iso- lated antibodies are mixed and then monitored for precipitation. This test is often used to ensure safe blood transfusions. However, it can also be used in the field of forensics. Agglutination assays can confirm that collected evidence is human blood before more time intensive tests are performed. In addition, blood typing can screen potential suspects by blood group.

Complete in 2 hours

Complete in 45 min.

Storage: Room Temperature. CLICK HERE For Experiment #140 Components and Requirements.

Replenisher Available: Cat. #140-B Simulated Blood Samples and Serum ONLY. For 10 Lab Groups.

Cat. #266 What’s In My Lunch? Quantitative Food Allergy ELISA

For 10 Groups. Milk proteins are the most common food allergens in children. Accurate detection and labeling is vital to inform consumers about potentially dangerous foods. In this inquiry-based experiment, students will master the concepts behind the enzyme-linked immu- nosorbent assay (ELISA). Students will perform an ELISA to detect the presence and measure the concentration of whey protein in various food products.

Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage Upon Receipt. CLICK HERE For Experiment #266 Components and Requirements.


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