2025 EDVOTEK® Resource Guide


Cat. #929 Aquatic Detectives: Solve the Mystery of the Contaminated Waterway

Cat. #920 Safari Family Reunion

For 8 Gels/8 Lab Groups. In this lab, students will per- form electrophoresis on the DNA samples of two lions in order to return them to wildlife sanctuaries close to their ancestral home. • Learn how DNA is used to discover an individual’s ancestry. • Perform DNA electrophoresis and RFLP analysis. • Analyze phylogenetic tree and haplotype maps. • Explore how conservation biologists use genetic data.

For 10 Groups. Water pollution has wide-reaching impacts on both wildlife and human populations. Contamination can enter the water supply from factories that discharge waste directly into a body of water. In this experiment, students will test simulated water samples to determine what contamination is present, and which factories contribute. • Introduce students to the importance of clean water for aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem diversity. • Perform water quality investigations to determine the site of water pollution. • Discuss real world problems and identify solutions.

QuickStrips ™

Complete in 45 min.

Storage: Room Temperature Stable. Storage of Ready-to-Load™ QuickStrip™ samples in the refrigerator is recommended. CLICK HERE For Experiment #920 Components and Requirements.

Complete in 45 min.

Storage: Room Temperature Stable. CLICK HERE For Experiment #929 Components and Requirements.

ALSO Available for Cat. #920: Full Experiment featuring SYBR® Safe DNA Stain DNA Samples Only in QuickStrips™ for 8 gels

Cat. #920-S Cat. #920-A

Cat. #935 Battling Bacteria: Ecosystem Dynamics in a Petri Dish

For 10 Lab Groups. In this experiment students create their own microbial ecosystems and investigate the dynamics of competition and abiotic/biotic change on community composition. By using bacteria with short generation times students can observe, test, and collect their own data on key ecological phenomena in a week! • Understand niches, biotic/abiotic factors, and species interactions

• Create and manipulate a microbial ecosystem • Investigate competition and test Gause’s law • Explore how different species respond to stress and environmental change.

Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator and Freezer Storage. CLICK HERE For Experiment #935 Components and Requirements. Complete in 1 week.


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