Cat. # 956 Bioremediation by Oil Eating Bacteria
After establishment of cultures, lab requires 50 min. (Can be done over several days or weeks.)
For 10 Groups. Oil spills cause devastation to the environment killing sea life, birds, and coastal plants. Spraying areas of contamination with oil-eating microbes accelerates the degradation of the oil. This process is known as bioremediation. In this open-ended experiment, students will grow a mixture of oil-eating bacteria and observe their effectiveness at degrading a variety of oils.
Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage. CLICK HERE For Experiment #956 Components and Requirements.
Cat. #S-30 How Clean Is the Water We Drink and the Air We Breathe?
For 10 Groups. Your class will make the invisible, visible! With this kit, your students will sample water and air and then grow any microbes present overnight. A safe and simple way to teach pollution. NGSS-aligned with MS-LS1 and MS-LS2
Complete in 30 min. and grow overnight
Storage: Room Temperature. CLICK HERE For Experiment #S-30 Components and Requirements.
Cat. # 905 The Dose Makes the Poison: Testing the Environmental Impacts of Pollution
For 10 Lab Groups. Biological assays, or bioassays, are powerful tools that allow scientists to de- termine the effects of a given substance on living organisms. In this inquiry-based lab students plan and perform a plant bioassay to determine the environmental hazard of common point and non-point source pollutants. The results are analyzed using averages, standard deviations, and TC50 calculations, integrating STEM into the lesson.
2 hours, 15 min. (plus 1 week growing).
Storage: Some Components Require Refrigerator and Freezer Storage. CLICK HERE For Experiment #905 Components and Requirements.
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