BlueRidgePTInc_The Ideal Treatment for Low Back Pain

Low back pain is by far one of the most common ailments ever experienced. Just about everyone deals with low back pain at one point in their life. For some, the lucky ones, perhaps, the pain is just for a day or two as a result of a particularly grueling day of yard work or a slip-and-fall accident that landed you flat on your bum with a bruise to prove it. For others, the low back pain is something that lingers for years and years, getting worse as a result of improper footwear or particularly unsupportive furniture, and never really healing or going away.

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

START 2020 PAIN-FREE The Ideal Treatment for Low Back Pain

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

INSIDE: Start 2020 Pain-Free Lower Back Pain & Physical Therapy Relieve Pain In Minutes Seasonal Recipe: Orange Cranberry Bread Grocery Shopping For Healthy Options

Start 2020 Pain-Free The Ideal Treatment for Low Back Pain

Patient of the Month! Anne Whittemore

Low back pain is by far one of the most common ailments ever experienced. Just about everyone deals with low back pain at one point in their life. For some, the lucky ones, perhaps, the pain is just for a day or two as a result of a particularly grueling day of yard work or a slip-and-fall accident that landed you flat on your bum with a bruise to prove it. For others, the low back pain is something that lingers for years and years, getting worse as a result of improper footwear or particularly unsupportive furniture, and never really healing or going away. It is estimated that one-half of all Americans experience lower back pain annually, and it is considered to be the leading cause of workplace disability worldwide—not just in the United States. It is also one of the most common reasons that people miss work, and is the second most common reason that people visit the doctor’s office. When you put those two facts together, the cost of dealing with lower back pain really starts to add up. The average annual cost of dealing with back pain in the United States is $50 billion dollars. Unfortunately, a lot of those financial resources go into dealing with back pain through pain management and medication, but that is not an effective long-term solution for dealing with back pain. A far healthier and cost-effective solution is through physical therapy.

Low Back Pain in the United States According to the National Institute for Health, the rates of low back pain have been steadily rising over the past 20 years. The study was conducted by medical researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Researchers consulted with members of the North Carolina community who experienced back pain to understand what caused their pain, how frequently they experience pain, and the severity of their pain. They found that the incidence of lower back pain has increased significantly since the last time this survey was conducted in 1992. The percentage of people coping with lower back pain increased from just over 3 percent to well over 10 percent. This is a significant finding, especially when it was found that the increase in lower back pain remained constant across demographics. A further interesting finding is that of those who experience lower back pain, 84 percent opted to seek medical treatment to address the pain, which was an increase of more than 10 percent. This means that while more people are experiencing back pain, more people are also seeking treatment for that pain, though there is still an approximate 15 percent of the population who are coping with severe lower back pain without treatment. For those, seeking support from a physical therapist could significantly improve quality of life.

Toqualify towin,patientsmustbeconsistent with theirappointmentsandparticipate ineither ourcontestorcharityevent.

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Contest for past and present patients only. Please allow 60 days if you have won a prize for the Misspelled Mania.Thank you!

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Sometimes,usingspecialensolescan significantly improve your back pain. • Adjusting your sleeping habits, or perhaps investing in a new mattress so that your back has more support at night. • Using more lumbar support at work oronyourcommutebyusingaspecial chair or chair cover. Lowerbackpain isapain inthebutt,but youdon’tneedtodealwith itany longer. Reachouttoyourphysicaltherapistfor information and support overcoming lower back pain, and finally find long- term relief. Workingwithaphysicaltherapistcan help you identify the best treatment methodsfor lowerbackpain.Contact us today at (423) 262-0020.

Physicaltherapy isagreatresourcefor lower back pain because it addresses thecauseofthepain,ratherthansimply attempting to hide the symptoms. Working with a physical therapist can help you to experience improved range of motion, to restore strength to muscles in your lower back that may haveexperiencedatrophythrough lack ofuse,andalsoreduce tension inyour lower back muscles through targeted massage. Whenworkingwithaphysicaltherapist, you may also be guided through different lifestyle changes that you can make that can help you begin to overcomeyourbackpainwitheveryday activities.This can include: • Making changes to the type of shoes that you wear so that your back is getting more support with every step.

Want a FREE Blue Ridge PT T-Shirt?

Each patient that meets all of their physical therapy visits in a month will receive a FREE Blue Ridge PTT-Shirt! Have an ache or a pain but haven’t made an appointment? Call us at (423) 262-0020 today!

Clinic Contest Corner

Throughout the month of January, bring in your gently used or new hats and gloves to share with those in need, and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a Blue Ridge PTT-Shirt! Next Contest HATS & GLOVES DRIVE

Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this movement to relieve back pain.


SIDELYING TRUNK ROTATION While lying on your side with your arms out-stretched in front of your body, slowly twist your upper body to the side and rotate your spine. Your arms and head should also be rotating along with the spine as shown. Follow your hand with your eyes. Hold for 20 seconds repeat 3 times on each side.

Previous Contest WHO DID WHAT DOOR Tuscany: Kris Travel: Stan Wildlife: Daylyn Bathroom: Sharon Beach: Lisa Lake: Spencer Mountains: Kim

Most Festive: Daylyn ( WildlifeChristmasTree) Best Decorated: Sharon ( BathroomSanta’sList) Most Correct: Mary Mancuso

Grocery Shopping For Healthy Options

Become supermarket savvy by creating checklists for making healthier food choices in every department of your supermarket: Produce. Spendthemosttime inthe produce section, the first area you encounter in most grocery stores. Choose a rainbow of colorful fruits and vegetables. The colors reflect the different vitamin, mineral, and phytonutrient content of each fruit or vegetable. Meat, Fish, and Poultry. The American Heart Association recommends two servings of fish aweek.Besuretochoose leancuts of meat (like round, top sirloin, and tenderloin), opt for skinless poultry, and watch your portion sizes. Dairy. Dairy foods are an excellent sourceofbone-buildingcalciumand vitamin D. There are plenty of low- fat and nonfat options to help you get three servings a day, including drinkable and single-serve tube

yogurts,andpre-portionedcheeses. If you enjoy higher-fat cheeses, no problem -- just keep your portions small. 3 Simple Shopping Rules. Spend less hours in the grocery store by following these rules: 1. Shop the perimeter of the grocerystore ,wherefreshfoods like fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, and fish are usually located. Avoid the centeraisleswhere junkfoods lurk. 2. Choose “real” foods , such as 100%fruit juiceor100%whole-grain items with as little processing and as few additives as possible. If you want more salt or sugar, add it yourself. 3. Plan ahead for success. Before yousetoutforthemarket,planyour mealsfortheweek,andcreatea list toshopfrom. Ittakesafewminutes, butsavestime inrunningbacktothe store for missing ingredients.

ORANGE CRANBERRY BREAD INGREDIENTS • 2 cups white whole wheat flour • 1/2 cup sugar • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 cup fresh cranberries • 1 teaspoon orange zest

• 1/3 cup coconut oil, melted • 3/4 cup fresh orange juice • 1 egg

• 1 teaspoon baking powder • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

DIRECTIONS Grease an 8×4 inch loaf pan. Set aside. Preheat oven to 350° F. In a large bowl, add white whole wheat flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cranberries, and orange zest. Gently stir. In a separate medium- sized bowl, add coconut oil, fresh orange juice, and an egg. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients. Stir to combine everything together. Scrape the batter into the prepared loaf pan. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Remove and let cool for 5 minutes. Serve and enjoy!

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Patient Success Spotlight


• Decrease pain • Increase strength • Increase activity level • Increase flexibility • Improve health • Get back to living We can help:


“My experience at Blue Ridge has been wonderful. The staff is very knowledgeable and friendly. Before my time here, I was suffering from a lot of pain in my heel. I could feel it all day long and at night. I had a really hard time walking. Now, I’m feeling better than I have in months! I am able to run and have very little pain anymore. I’m grateful for the care I received here.” - H. E.

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YoucanwinaSubwayGiftCard.Refera friendor familymember to BlueRidgePhysicalTherapyand theyscheduleandattendanappointment.

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