Healthy Home News Zerorez September 2017

Are You Ready to Live Pest-Free?

A Couple of Tips Before Your Moxie Technician Arrives

As the summer heat dies down, every type of creepy-crawly is vying to make your house their own. If you’ve noticed some unwanted freeloaders skittering around, it’s probably time to give Moxie Pest Control a call. Before you do, though, there are a few things you should try to get together for your Moxie Pest Control technician. Though we’re equipped to identify and eliminate all types of pests, it can speed up the process if you have some information ready before we do our inspection. The first thing you should do, if possible, is to identify the threat you’re dealing with. Write down as much as possible about the damage your particular pest has been causing. If you can, use a flyswatter and “gather” a sample of the insect (the less flattened, the better). Take pictures of the affected area(s) and of the pests themselves. Also, make sure to take note of how long it’s been an issue as well as any steps you’ve already taken. If your home has a history of pest infestation — even if it was a totally different critter than before — compile as much

information as you can about previous issues. Find information about any treatments you or an exterminator used. If you’re having chronic pest problems, we’ll help you get to the root of the issue and eliminate it from the source. Regardless of which bug is terrorizing your home or how serious the infestation, you can bet our team at Moxie Pest Control is up to the challenge. We’ll come into your home with our years of experience, eradicate the little buggers completely, and get out — leaving you with a healthy, bug-free home, and peace of mind.

What’s That Smell?

into your home over the years. Even with regular vacuuming and quick cleaning of spills, your carpet serves as your home’s historical record. If your carpet smells, you don’t need to replace it — unless it’s been about 20 years. All you need is baking soda. Scatter baking soda over the affected area and wait a few hours. The longer

key to getting rid of mold and eliminating the odor is to ensure the space can adequately dry. Odors can also come from your dishwasher. It often gets skipped over during regular kitchen cleaning because we assume it cleans itself as it cleans our dishes. While that’s partly true, food particles and moisture can come together and stick around for some pesky odors. The easiest way to get rid of dishwasher odor is to use vinegar. Instead of detergent, add a cup of vinegar to your empty dishwasher and cycle it. When you clean your dishwasher, don’t forget to clean the filter. It’s generally found under the sprayer, and it’s a great place for food particles to accumulate. Carpets represent another source of unpleasant and hard-to-find odors. Carpet odors can be more subtle and can spread over a larger area. Think about everything that has been tracked

Homes are filled with sources of unpleasant smells. That odor might come from the garbage disposal, the garbage bin, the litter box, or the spoiled pasta you forgot about weeks ago. For the most part, these smells are simple to get rid of, but what about the smells that are harder to find? One of the most common sources of odd odors is mold. It’s not food gone bad, but mold in the bathroom and around your home’s windows and doors. It can hide virtually anywhere with a hint of moisture, including leaky pipes and roofs, bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms with inadequate ventilation. COMMON HIDDEN SOURCES You can identify the smell of common nontoxic mold by its musty or wet cardboard scent. When you find it, you can easily clean it with a mixture of soap and water, or a mixture of vinegar and water. Aside from a good scrub, the real

you wait, the better. Then, vacuum. If the odor lingers,

reapply the baking soda and try again; otherwise your carpet may need a deep steam clean.


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