Yeovil College - Estates Operations Manager

Yeovil College Value andVision

MISSION To maximise potential for all.

VALUES The College commits to working in line with the following values: Creating a learner centred environment; Having uncompromising ambition for our learner; Valuing, respecting and providing opportunities for all; Proactively and positively collaborating with our local community and employer; Being flexible, innovative and forward thinking. STRATEGIC AIMS To inspire, be ambitious, respect and support all our learners, through outstanding teaching, learning and assessment to maximise their potential; Provide a high quality, innovative, relevant and responsive curriculum to meet the needs of local, regional and national priorities; Maintain stable long term financial position and manage the college effectively, efficiently and innovatively in order to proactively invest and further improve facilities and learning experience for all; Work effectively and innovatively with our partners to maximise all opportunities in order to provide an outstanding experience for our learners, employers and the local community; Value, develop and recognise staff with highly effective performance management to provide the best quality experience for our learners and employers.


Estates OperationsManager

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