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AD: It helps tremendously! Not everyone can leverage five decades of experience and apply lessons learned to testing and launching new marketing strategies. This milestone al- lows us to offer immediate legitimacy to potential clients. Our clients today are very sophisticated and they recognize that long-term success doesn’t just happen. They also un- derstand what it takes to be successful and remain success- ful! That knowledge pays dividends to those of us who have endured the ups and downs of the last 50 years of our econ- omy. Because of our longevity, we can analyze what marketing techniques have worked in the past, and then apply new creative strategies for today’s tech-savvy culture. Here’s the deal: We know who we are and our purpose. We are design consultants who strive to provide the very best multi-disci- pline services to our clients. During our journey, EAPC has seen tremendous growth with the expansion of office loca- tions, adding new services, and simply hiring good people. The path may have narrowed at times or taken some sharp turns as it does for any business, but our philosophy along the way has been to invest in strong marketing efforts to preserve and continuously daylight our EAPC brand identi- ty. Time and technology does shape how we think and how we approach marketing, but the core values throughout our journey remain the same, and that is our best guide to effec- tive marketing. TZL: How does 50 years in business help in terms of re- cruiting/retaining talent? AD: Again, that legitimacy of 50 years implies tested and true systems and a solid business platform, creating em- ployment stability. However, we must remain relevant and stay on the cutting edge of technology if we want those young, aggressive professionals to knock on the door. “Because of our longevity, we can analyze what marketing techniques have worked in the past, and then apply new creative strategies for today’s tech-savvy culture.” TZL: Is there a secret to effective ownership transition? AD: We are currently looking at this next step. Most of the current ownership was recruited to replace a particular skill set and to fill a place at the table. Our next generation of ownership will be a combination of an empowering middle management (to attract and retain top-notch professional talent), and adding additional diversity to the existing own- ership pool to encourage growth outside of our current of- ferings of professional services. TZL: How do you go about winning work? See CONFERENCE CALL, page 8

accident reconstruction. Diversity in our offerings and for- ward thinking continues to be as important today as it was in the early days. Lastly, no business can succeed without dedication from passionate and talented employees. Tenure among EAPC employees ranges from one year or less to 45 years. We have been extremely fortunate to have this type of loyalty, en- thusiasm, and talent that results in a service that our clients desire and, quite frankly, expect. It’s the special sauce that has been getting it done since 1967. “Not everyone can leverage five decades of experience and apply lessons learned to testing and launching new marketing strategies. This milestone allows us to offer immediate legitimacy to potential clients.” TZL: What is the biggest challenge faced by a firm with such history and expectations? AD: Reinventing ourselves without losing the original at- tributes that made the firm successful is tough. For any de- sign firm that wants to enjoy a long, prosperous history, they must remain relevant in services offered, design phi- losophy, application of technology, and creative marketing. There are a lot of distractions that can cause a loss of focus – especially today! TZL: What are the next professional services the firm plans on offering? AD: As we recruit and provide the necessary training to cur- rent talent, the time ahead for offerings is exciting! We are currently positioning the firm to offer more standalone en- gineering and commissioning services. We will likely morph our wind energy sector into a more diverse offering includ- ing solar and other alternative energy applications for our building sector. We currently are expanding our industrial services into more process-driven opportunities, and we are also developing our business excellence and LEAN services to a more meaningful market share. Other options EAPC will look at very closely are expanded interior architecture, marketing, and human resources services. We have solid skill sets and leadership in these areas and it only makes sense to see where these might lead when offered to out- side markets. The EAPC Idea Vault contains these ideas and more to en- hance our overall client offerings, strengthen EAPC’s pres- ence in the A/E industry, and allow for continued organ- ic growth as well as the acquisition of new services. Stay tuned! TZL: How does 50 years in business help in terms of mar- keting?

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gust 14, 2017, ISSUE 1212

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