2017 Q2


If there was a competition for best host and hostess, Steve and Susan Smith would get our votes!

A big THANK YOU goes out to Steve and Susan Smith for hosting an amazing weekend and the second ever Pasture Party on April 1st. Trust us, there were no April Fools jokes played this weekend. We were joined by a bunch of friends, family and NADOA fools (we heard over 200 people attended). It couldn’t have been a more picture perfect weather weekend to visit with long-time friends and meet new ones.

biscuits & sausage gravy. Afterwards, it was time to play or sit on the porch and watch all the activities. You had your choice of skeet shoot, milking the cows, playing with the baby goats or

On Friday, a small gathering enjoyed the beautiful

swinging high on the playground (per Steve, “the best playground in East Texas”), while some enjoyed a ride down to the

setting of the Smith Farm and the company of wonderful friends. We sat around the campfire, roasting hotdogs and topping them with Susan’s homemade chili and of course it wouldn’t be a campout without toasting

some marshmallows for s’mores. The rest of the night was spent enjoying the stars, laughing and

talking around the campfire.

Saturday morning, for the early birds Susan (hostess with the mostest) whipped up a fabulous breakfast that included migas made with farm fresh eggs, bacon and

river on the ‘Gator’ and exploring the beautiful property to search for the Tree House. The cute baby goats were a big attraction for the city folk; Nancy Cemino even got to


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