2025 Catalog “Hey, that looks like me” Diverse, Inclusive, Functional & Research-Based
Speech, Language & Literacy Materials
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Bjorem Speech Publications is committed to creating the most inclusive speech therapy products on the market. We understand that representation matters, and that’s why we’ve composed an all-star, collaborative and diverse team to create top-of-the-line products for speech therapy and beyond. Through an intersectional lens, our mission is to bring to life FUNctional materials that have children and adults alike saying, “Hey, that looks like me!” By making Bjorem Speech your go-to for speech therapy products, you’re increasing access to diverse, inclusive, evidence-based, therapy materials and we’re sure your clients will be better for it.
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Bjorem Bags
University Clinic Collaboration 6-7 Bjorem Speech Sound Cues Speech Sound Cue Materials Minimal Pairs
8-9 10 11 12 14
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Be Sure to Grab These... Cycles Approach Box of Sounds Complexity Approach / ɹ / Assessment & Therapy Language & Literacy NEW Materials Assessments Bjorem Better Letters™
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ONLY $14.99
2101 - Bjorem Fish Bag....$14.99
2102 - Bjorem Better Letters Bag....$14.99
2100 - Bjorem MONSTER...$14.99
Keep all your speech therapy tools organized and on hand with our durable Bjorem Bag. Designed with a strong zipper closure, this bag ensures your items stay secure and easily accessible. Perfect for speech therapists on the go, educators, and parents. Get yours today and carry all the speechie things you need in style!
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UNIVERSITY CLINIC COL Bjorem Speech's University initiative designed to suppor professionals and university inclusive, and effective thera program is to provide up-to populations SLPs treat. Here
Research-Driven Approach: The UCC Program is committed to utilizing the latest research in the field of speech-language pathology to create therapy materials. This ensures that the materials are not only evidence-based but also aligned with the most current and effective practices in the profession. Inclusivity and Diversity: The program places a strong emphasis on inclusivity and diversity. The therapy materials are carefully crafted to be relevant and sensitive to the needs of a wide range of populations. This commitment ensures that speech therapy material are representative and beneficial to all individuals. Versatile Application: The UCC Program recognizes that therapy materials should be adaptable and versatile. These materials are created to be used in multiple ways to address various therapy goals. This flexibility empowers SLPs to tailor their interventions to the unique needs of each client.
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Clinic Collaboration (UCC) Program is a unique rt speech-language pathology (SLP) y clinics in their pursuit of delivering diverse, apy materials. The primary goal of this o-date materials that accurately reflect the e's an overview of the program's key features:
FILL OUT OUR VENDOR REQUEST FORM HERE To learn more about how the University Clinic Collaboration (UCC) Program can benefit your university clinic and support your SLP education initiatives, you can contact Bjorem Speech by sending an email to support@bjoremspeech.com or sign up for the program HERE. This program aims to foster collaboration between the academic community and the practical application of speech-language pathology, ultimately improving the quality of care and education in the field. Special Offer for University Faculty and Staff: As part of the UCC Program, university faculty and staff receive a complimentary product annually. This enables educators and clinical supervisors to evaluate and integrate the materials into their curriculum and clinic settings. We also offer all pre- recorded courses FREE to faculty to use within the classroom setting. Additionally, faculty and staff are eligible for a 25% discount on all their purchases, making these valuable resources more accessible to students.
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8 2nd Edition Bjorem Speech Sound Cues
The 2nd Edition Bjorem Speech Sound Cues are a MUST HAVE picture cueing set designed by a certified speech pathologist, easily incorporated into reading programs, classroom settings, play-based therapy or drill work and compliments any program when working with children on:
-Childhood Apraxia of Speech -Early Acquisition of Speech
-Speech Sound Disorders -Phonological Awareness -Early Literacy & Emerging Readers -Vowel Differences -Dyslexia
When teaching young children to talk and say new words we, as speech therapists talk about teaching “sounds” and not “letters”. The purpose of the sound cues is to teach children SOUNDS by giving them a visual cue to anchor the sound. Many times when children are learning new sounds they come in the form of an environmental sound for example “hhhh” for a dog or “oooo ahah” for a monkey. The cards were built around this premise.
28 consonant cues & 17 vowel cue cards Australian Schwa Cue Included Dividers for Easy Organization
56000 - 2nd Edition Bjorem Speech Sound Cues....$60.00
Instruction & Idea Booklet Color Illustrations Kids Love Descriptions & Cue-Tip® QR code on the backs of cards Developmentally appropriate cueing approach Suitable for 18 months & up
Fun, Intuitive & Relatable Evidence-Based Approach Parent-friendly
Product Details: 45 Cards Box: 2.95" x 2.95" x 1.69". Card: 2.56" x 2.56"
Cues are a thick soft matte texture, they are not shiny or laminated so children with vision impairments do not get the glare.
2nd EditionBjorem Speech Sound Cue Minis 43 miniatures Come in canvas bag Reference guide
BSSC-MINI - Bjorem Speech Sound Minis....$39.99
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Bjorem Speech Sound Cues 2ND EDITION BIG BOX
57500 - 2nd Edition BIG Bjorem Speech Sound Cues....$75.00
Bigger size cues are great for groups, gross motor movement activities, teletherapy.
Product Details: Same as original Bjorem Speech Sound Cues but BIGGER
45 Cards: 27 Consonants, 17 Vowels, Dividers Cue-Tip® with QR Code on Backs of Cards
Card: 5.12" x 5.12" Box: 5.12"x5.12"x2"
Cues are a thick soft matte texture, they are not shiny or laminated so children with vision impairments do not get the glare.
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Speech Sound Cue Materials
2nd Edition Bjorem Speech R Sound Cues 30 Speech Sound R Cue Cards
* Bjorem Speech Sound Cues - R is easily incorporated into / ɹ / therapy to provide auditory cueing or associations for:
Speech Sound disorders R work for kids of all ages Differentiating vowel variations
55003 - Bjorem Speech R Sound Cues....$50.00
Lateralization Deck - Cues & Targets Bjorem Speech Sound Cues Lateralization incorporates “new sounds” vs. old sounds to help children eliminate the old sound and old speech pattern through the use of cognitive reframing for /s/, /z/, / ʃ /, / t ʃ /, and /d ʒ / *Sound cues and carefully selected targets are included
55002 - Bjorem Speech Lateralization....$50.00
Bjorem Speech Cluster Cues Bjorem Speech Cluster Cues use the original Bjorem Speech Cues with a train analogy for teaching sound clusters to children. In this deck, you'll find 47 train cards featuring engines, cars, and cabooses, serving as visual aids to illustrate how sounds combine and interact.
55100 - Bjorem Speech Cluster Cues....$50.00
Bjorem Speech Pistas Del Sonido Del Habla HOLA! El conjunto de pistas del sonido del habla Bjorem se puede utilizar fácilmente con programas para la adquisición de la lectura, actividades con el alumnado en clase, sesiones con juegos o terapia basada en la repetición, y complementa cualquier otro programa para trabajar: apraxia del habla infantil, adquisición temprana del habla, trastornos de los sonidos del habla, discriminacion auditiva, adquisición temprana de la lectura, dislexia
56004 - Bjorem Speech Pistas Del Sonido Del Habla..$60.00
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Rebecca Reinking’s Minimal Pairs
Minimal Pairs Fronting & Backing * Targets velar and palatal fronting and backing * Total of 60 cards (52 minimal pair cards) * 4 different types of cue cards * Includes words in initial and final position, plus clusters * Target sounds include 'k' vs. 't', 'g', vs. 'd', and 'sh' vs. 's'. Minimal Pairs Gliding * Targets gliding of liquids * Total of 58 cards (52 minimal pair cards) * 3 different types of cue cards * Includes words in initial position & clusters * Target sounds include 'r' vs. 'w', 'l', vs. 'w', and 'l' vs. 'y'
55034 - Minimal Pairs Bundle....$228.00
55016 - Minimal Pairs Fronting & Backing...$40.00
55015 - Minimal Pairs Gliding..$40.00
55013 - Minimal Pairs Voicing...$40.00
Minimal Pair Voicing * Targets voicing of plosives & fricatives * Total of 56 cards (50 minimal pair cards) * 3 different types of cue cards * Includes words in initial and final position * Target sounds include: 'p' vs. 'b', 't' vs. 'd', 'k' vs. 'g', 's' vs. 'z', and 'f' vs. 'v'
55017 - Minimal Pairs ICD & FCD ....$40.00
55018 - Minimal Pairs S Cluster Reduction....$40.00
55014 - Minimal Pairs Stopping...$40.00
Minimal Pairs Final Consonant Deletion * Targets final consonant deletion * Total of 46 cards (40 minimal pair cards) * 3 different types of cue cards * Includes multiple words on each card * Includes a range of different final consonant sounds
Minimal Pairs S Cluster Reduction * Targets 's' cluster reduction * Total of 72 cards (66 minimal pair cards) * 3 different types of cue cards * Includes words in initial position only * Target sounds include 'sk' vs. 'k', 'sl' vs. 'l', 'sm' vs. 'm', 'sn' vs. 'n', 'sp' vs. 'p', 'st' vs. 't', and 'sw' vs. 'w' Minimal Pairs Stopping * Targets stopping of fricatives & affricates * Total of 58 cards (52 minimal pair cards) * 3 different types of cue cards * Includes words in initial position for voiced & voiceless pairs * Target sounds include 'f' vs. 'p/b', 's' vs. 't/d', 'sh' vs. 't/d', 'v' vs. 'b', 'ch' vs. 't', 'j' vs. 'd'
Card: 2.56" x 2.56"
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The S Cluster Elicitation Deck supports children who struggle to say ‘s’ clusters.
Saying clusters can be challenging for many students! Sometimes children delete the rest or second sound within the consonant cluster, and no amount of repetition or modeling the word helps. Our solution is to give you options for teaching ‘s’ clusters! By introducing the snake visual cue card to ‘remind’ children to start with their /s/, the SLP can utilize forward and/or backward chaining to break the hard-to-say cluster into easier- to-say chunks. Using imagery of a snake, children learn to say the /s/ when they see the snake cue card. Children can then ‘trick’ their mouth or their brain into saying their ‘s’ cluster word without forgetting or deleting any sounds. Once they can use this trick smoothly, they can then move on to saying their ‘s’ cluster words independently.
sl sm sn sw
sk sp st
5010 - S Cluster Elicitation Bundle...$74.99
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Coming in Spring 2025
The DIR®-SM Program is designed to support individuals with Selective Mutism (SM) by helping to identify their position in the Functional Emotional Developmental Capacities (FEDCs) speaking hierarchy and guiding them through various activities to verbal communication. Selective Mutism is an anxiety-based disorder, often accompanied by other challenges. Due to its complexity, a comprehensive treatment approach like DIRFloortime® is essential. DIR®-SM - Selective Mutism Intervention Program
2007 - DIR-SM Selective Mutism Intervention Program....$89.99
Self-Rating Deck for Building Self-Awareness & Growth Mindset The Bjorem Speech® Self-Rating Deck is an empowering tool designed to help children develop self-awareness and build a positive growth mindset. This versatile deck includes 10 rectangular scale support cards that provide visual guides for self-rating, making it easy for kids to reflect on their efforts, progress, and emotions. Additionally, 26 small general feedback cards offer supportive phrases and prompts, encouraging children to think constructively about their experiences. My Routines - Activity of Daily Living Sequencing Cues The My Routines Sequencing Deck is a hands-on learning tool designed to guide children through familiar daily routines while boosting cognitive development. Featuring 5-step sequences for common activities—like getting a haircut (boy and girl options), hand washing, getting dressed, and brushing teeth—this deck helps children learn essential life skills in a fun, structured way.
2010 - Self Rating....$22.99
2006 - My Routines - ADL Sequencing Cues....$19.99
FLOSS RULE Targets for Spelling Practice Master the intricacies of the FLOSS spelling rule with Bjorem Literacy®'s meticulously crafted FLOSS Rule Spelling Deck. Designed with 48 carefully selected words, this deck offers a comprehensive approach to teaching and reinforcing the one-syllable FLOSS generalization.
1065 - FLOSS Rule for Spelling Practice..$19.99
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Be sure to grab these...
Bjorem Speech Prosody Cues Bjorem Speech Prosody Cues can be used for speech, language, and reading prosody goals. Use in play or structured tasks when working on the following: motor planning/childhood apraxia, pragmatics/social language, reading fluency/expression. Appropriate for elementary- hight school. Includes cards for pitch, volume, rate, stress, and movement/rhythm.
55001 - Bjorem Speech Prosody....$19.99
Prepositional Concpets Bjorem Speech Prepositional Concepts deck helps with understanding a noun's location by describing using a preposition. fun animal/outdoor theme 26 preposition cards 6 preposition scene cards on through
53500 - Prepositional Concepts....$19.99
Final Consonant Deletion Bjorem Speech Final Consonant Deletion deck gives a visual representation to help discriminate meaning when children leave off the final sounds in words. Visuals to help discriminate meaning when children delete final consonants 25 minimal pair sets, 36 cards Fun Illustrations
55019 - Final Consonant Deletion..$19.99
Bjorem Speech Contras Cues for Speech & Literacy The Contrast Cues support the multiple oppositions, and maximal oppositions approaches as well as early literacy highlighting the contrast between two words that are minimal pairs. easy tool to work on onset and rhyme for early literacy fun sounds and engaging photos children LOVE!
Print up to 18x24
56100 - Bjorem Speech Contrast Cues..$60.00
20000 - Constant Cues Poster Download..$12.00
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Amy Graham’s Cycles Approach The cycles approach (Hodson & Paden, 1991) is a well established evidence-based phonological intervention for highly unintelligible children with moderate to severe phonological deficits.
55006 - Cycles Intervention Bundle #1....$128.25
55010 - Cycles Intervention Bundle #2....$128.25
Cycles S Cluster Includes 60 targets
54501 - Cycles S-Clusters....$45.00
final /ts/, /ps/, /ks/ initial /st/, /sp/, /sn/, /sm/, /sk/, /sw/, /sl/ /str/, /spr/, /skr/, /spl/
55007 - Cycles Liquids & Glides....$45.00
54500 - Cycles Initial & Final Consonant Deletion...$45.00
Cycles Liquids & Glides includes 60 targets
55009 - Cycles Syllableness....$45.00
Carefully selected target words CV and CVC syllable shapes categorized by neighboring vowels
55008 - Cycles Singleton Stridents....$45.00
54502 - Cycles Fronting & Backing....$45.00
Cycles Initial & Final Consonant Deletion Includes 60 targets
/m/, /n/ /b/, /p/ /t/, /d/ /s/, /f/
Cycles Syllableness Includes 56 targets
Compound 2- and 3- syllable targets Compound words include additional picture cards for each syllable Dots on each card representing number of syllables
Nine 2-syllable compound words Three 2-3 syllable compound words
Nine 2-syllable words Nine 3-syllable words
Cycles Singleton Stridents Includes 55 targets
Carefully selected targets Monosyllabic syllable shape
Cycles Fronting & Backing Includes 56 targets /k/, /g/, /t/, /d/, /t ʃ /
Card: 2.56" x 2.56"
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Box of Sounds * 40 cards In each deck - with over 40 targets In all positions of words *Inclusive, Diverse, Functional Illustrations *Target word suggestions on the backs of the cards
target specific sounds and positions in speech therapy childhood apraxia of speech targets category sorting action + ing words literacy - sorting for initial and final sounds vowel sorting childhood apraxia of speech targets
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55032 - Box of S & Z ....$39.00
60000 - Box of W/H & L ....$39.00
55030 - Box of S, R, L Clusters....$59.00
55031 - Box of SH, CH, J....$59.00
55039 - Box of Bundle....$189.90
/p/, /b/, /m/, /t/, /d/, /n/, /k/, /g/, /f/, /v/
51998 - Box of P....$19.99
51995 - Box of B....$19.99
51997 - Box of M....$19.99
51999 - Box of T....$19.99
52101 - Box of D....$19.99
52103 - Box of N....$19.99
51996 - Box of K....$19.99
52100 - Box of G....$19.99
52102 - Box of F....$19.99
52104 - Box of V....$19.99
60074 - Box of TH....$19.99
55028 - Box of W/H....$19.99
55022 - Box of L....$19.99
BOX of SOUNDS in a BOOK Download Over 135 pages of black & white reproducible beautiful, functional, relevant, diverse target word pages. Each sound page includes 9 targets with 5 practice bubbles. This book is perfect for group practice, homework, getting multiple repetitions. You may take this file and print in book form for your personal use. ***This is single use only, please purchase as many copies needed for users of this product. Discounts applied for multiple licenses.***
20007 - Box of Sounds In a Book DOWNLOAD....$65.00
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Complexity Approach
The complexity approach (Gierut, 2001) is a much-researched evidence-based intervention that focuses on prioritizing the treatment of later developing complex sounds and clusters for remediation among children with phonological disorders. This target selection principle has been shown to have a broad and more efficient impact on children's speech systems than by targeting each sound in error one at a time in a developmental sequence. This approach relies on several underlying principles: MARKEDNESS and SONORITY difference. .
Complexity Approach 2-Element Clusters - Deck 1
Elevate your speech therapy sessions with our innovative 2-Element Clusters Deck. Specifically crafted for speech therapists, educators, and parents, 50 cards - 2-element clusters with a sonority difference of 3.
Complexity Approach 2-Element Clusters - Deck 2
Elevate your speech therapy sessions with our innovative 2-Element Clusters Deck. Specifically crafted for speech therapists, educators, and parents, 54 cards - 2-element clusters with a sonority difference of 4.
Complexity Approach 3-Element Clusters
Complex targets in initial word position 11 target words per cluster With over 50 cards in the deck, the deck provides many targets to successfully scaffold 3-element clusters.
60104 - 2-3 Element Clusters Complexity Approach Bundle....$114.00
60102 - 2-Element Clusters Deck 1...$40.00
60103 - 2-Element Clusters Deck 2....$40.00
60101 - 3-Element Clusters....$40.00
Complexity Approach for Regular Past Tense Targets Regular Past Tense using Complexity Theory Based on research - Van Horne et al., 2017 Includes 60 cards Supports spelling of past tense verbs Teaches kids to use past tense verb marker (-ed) Interactive picture frames to help with understanding of past tense
55033- Complexity Approach for Regular Past Tense..$24.99
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Research the market, does your product fill a need or solve a problem? What research can you provide to support your product idea?
When you are ready to submit your idea with Bjorem Speech, please complete this form and submit.
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Know of an Incredible Illustrator that would fit our brand? Email us at create@bjoremspeech.com
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Assessment & Therapy Materials
Bjorem Speech / ɹ / Inventory & Facilitative Context Bundle This comprehensive assessment and therapy tool bundle is everything you need to assess, treat, and progress monitor / ɹ /. This bundle contains TWO different physical products, including 1) / ɹ / Inventory 2) Facilitative Contexts for / ɹ / Therapy
60083 - Facilitative Contexts / ɹ / Inventory & Therapy Bundle ....$199.00
2nd Edition Bjorem Speech R Sound Cues 20 Speech Sound R Cue Cards
* Bjorem Speech Sound Cues - R is easily incorporated into / ɹ / therapy to provide auditory cueing or associations for:
Speech Sound disorders R work for kids of all ages Differentiating vowel variations
55003 - Bjorem Speech Sound Cues R..$50.00
Bjorem Speech Cluster Cues Bjorem Speech Cluster Cues use the original Bjorem Speech Cues with a train analogy for teaching sound clusters to children. In this deck, you'll find 47 train cards featuring engines, cars, and cabooses, serving as visual aids to illustrate how sounds combine and interact.
56100 - Bjorem Speech Cluster Cues..$50.00
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Therapy Materials Box of R Clusters - Bundle of S, R, L Clusters 40 cards In the deck Inclusive, Diverse, Functional Illustrations Target word suggestions on the backs of the cards to allow you several ways to use the cards
55030 - Box of S, R, L Clusters......$59.00
Prevocalic and Vocalic / ɹ / This resource contains target words in seven different contexts for/ ɹ /. This deck can be used to extend accurate production to over prevocalic and vocalic / ɹ / sounds.
60076 - Prevocalic and Vocalic R....$50.00
Facilitative Contexts for / ɹ / Therapy Facilitative contexts refer to the structure of a word and how that structure supports the correct production of a particular sound. Using a strategically selected word list can streamline therapy by making each targeted word an opportunity for correct practice. 89 cards with 149 targets and 7 different facilitative contexts
60085 - Facilitative Context for R Therapy....$50.00
R Coarticulation
This deck contains 7 types of cards: Initial R, Final ar, Final ear, Final ire, Final air, Final er, and Final or. By combining Final R cards with Initial R cards you can create new Medial R words to support the use of coarticulation strategies during your speech therapy sessions.
60072 - Bjorem Speech R Coarticulation..$50.00
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Language & L
Story Cue Card Deck Targets language and literacy within story elements Total of 59 cards to allow flexibility in what YOU choose to target and how Supports Story Grammar comprehension and expression Enhance Sequencing and Describing abilities using visual cues Model Text Structure and Sentence Formulation Facilitate knowledge of Vocabulary, Parts of Speech and Word Study
55011 - Bjorem Speech Story Cue Deck....$24.99
Spelling with Homophones In written language, we depend on the way a word is spelled AND context in order to gain the meaning. The Spelling with Homophones deck is designed to: Introduce homophones Extend vocabulary Differentiate confusable words 55012 - Spelling with Homophones....$19.99 55033 - Complexity Approach Regular Past Tense Verbs ...$24.99 Complexity Approach for Regular Past Tense Includes 60 cards Targets regular past tense using the Complexity Theory (Van Horne et al., 2017) Supports use and spelling of past tense verbs (-ed) Interactive picture frames to help with understanding of past tense
Multisyllabic Words Targets relevant, meaningful multisyllabic words from 2-6 syllables Total of 281 targets within 78 cards Target marking of syllables Practice breaking words into their syllables Effectively target multisyllabic words using relevant, engaging and diverse targets and illustrations
60075 - Multisyllabic Words............$45.00
Teaching Idioms in Context Featuring 24 idiomatic expressions with engaging pictures Figurative vs. Literal Sorts Effectively assess idiom comprehension using various knowledge checks and apply idioms to children’s individualized experiences. Perfect for individual or group sessions and speech- language pathologists, teachers, and parents alike
60073 - Teaching Idioms in Context..$29.99
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fax 833-693-0299 www.bjoremspeech.com
iteracy Materials
Following Directions
Ordinal number cues 1-4 26 basic direction visual cues 20 silly direction visual cues 20 functional school related directions 17 add-on visual cues (13 condition cues + before, after, and, or) Great for individual, group, or classroom work!
60082 - Following Directions....$29.99
Prefixes, Suffixes and Bases
The Bjorem Speech Prefixes, Suffixes and Bases cards are for use with children who are developing their morphological use and awareness abilities. Use these cards to teach your children how morphemes operate in a language by sorting, combining and switching them. 32 Suffixes & 32 Prefixes 4 Connectives 34 Base Words Rules, word origin, student-friendly definitions, black and white images
60093 - Prefixes, Suffixes and Bases....$34.99
Bjorem Better Letters™ with The Laurie Berkner Band
Multi-Deck Design: Features six decks in one, each one corresponding to a different song and video by Laurie Berkner, color-coded for easy association and engagement. Interactive Learning: Includes interactive Bjorem Better Letter™ Cards and Example Word Cards that children can match to Laurie Berkner’s music videos, enhancing auditory and visual learning. Focus on Lowercase Letters: Specifically designed to teach children lowercase letters, facilitating an essential aspect of early literacy.
60086 - Bjorem Better Letters™ with The Laurie Berkner Band...$39.99
Bjorem Better Letters ™- Educator Edition Original Bjorem Speech Sound Cues paired with letter(s) Complete cue and spelling rule quick reference on the backs of each card Comes with a grapheme only deck Over 130 phoneme-grapheme cards included Great for SLPs, literacy specialists, and teachers
60089 - Bjorem Better Letters - Educator Edition....$TBD
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Exclamatory Words: Building Speech & Language A Playful Approach Exclamatory Words are little bursts of emotion and expression, play a
significant role in early language development Fun and interactive with the QR scan option Functional expressions to carryover into daily routines 40 different Exclamatory Word Cards
60185 - Exclamatory Words....$22.99
What Sound? - A Delightful Journey into the World of Sounds and Categories for Young Children
84 Cards with QR scan option for hearing the sound 10 Categories - color coded for easy sorting
Functional environmental sounds for kids to practicea and imitate Toddlers and preschoolers will be thrilled to learn, listen, and imitate sounds like "moo! beep beep! woof! vroom!"
60184 -What Sound?....$29.99
Bjorem Better Letters ™ with The Laurie Berkner Band
60086 - Bjorem Better Letters™ with The Laurie Berkner Band...$39.99 Interactive Learning: Includes interactive Bjorem Better Letter™ Cards and Example Word Cards that children can match to Laurie Berkner’s music videos, enhancing auditory and visual learning. Focus on Lowercase Letters: Specifically designed to teach children lowercase letters, facilitating an essential aspect of early literacy. 9 Multi-Deck Design: Features six decks in one, each one corresponding to a different song and video by Laurie Berkner, color-coded for easy association and engagement.
Action Photo Cards This deck contains 67 photo cards which includes over 100 actions! Modern, diverse, and inclusive action cardsEffectively assess idiom comprehension using various knowledge checks and apply idioms to children’s individualized experiences. Perfect for individual or group sessions and speech-language pathologists, teachers, and parents alike. How, Where, Why, When, What, & Who Cue Cards
60099- Action Photo Cards ..$39.99
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R Coarticulation
This deck contains 7 types of cards: Initial R, Final ar, Final ear, Final ire, Final air, Final er, and Final or. By combining Final R cards with Initial R cards you can create new Medial R words to support the use of coarticulation strategies during your speech therapy sessions.
60072 - R Coarticulation....$50.00
Monster Mix-Up Card Game 4 Games in 1 Rodeo Ghost (Old Maid) Monster Mix-Up (War)
Monster Matching Game (Go Fish) Zombie Zap (Slap Jack)
Unleash a world of monster mayhem and endless fun with our Monster Mix-Up card game! Designed with kids in mind, this captivating game combines four traditional card games into one thrilling package, all adorned with whimsical and silly monster illustrations that are sure to delight players of all ages.
60090 - Monster Mix-Up Game....$12.99
Following Directions
Ordinal number cues 1-4 26 basic direction visual cues 20 silly direction visual cues 20 functional school related directions 17 add-on visual cues (13 condition cues + before, after, and, or) Great for individual, group, or classroom work!
60082 - Following Directions....$29.99
call 719-396-2819
fax 833-693-0299 www.bjoremspeech.com
Bjorem Speech / ɹ / Inventory & Facilitative Context Bundle This comprehensive assessment and therapy tool bundle is everything you need to assess, treat, and progress monitor / ɹ /. This bundle contains TWO different physical products, including 1) / ɹ / Inventory 2) Facilitative Contexts for / ɹ / Therapy
60083 - Facilitative Contexts / ɹ / Inventory & Therapy Bundle ....$199.00
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SMENTS Bjorem Oral Motor Assessment Cards A set of engaging visuals containing child-friendly instructions, designed to aid speech pathologists in conducting a thorough oral motor examination for children. Completing a comprehensive oral structure and function assessment can help you to accurately dierentially diagnose specic speech sound disorders in children.… but what happens if your child is reluctant to participate, won’t open their mouth, or is confused by your instructions? Our solution is to make the
assessment process interactive, informative, and fun! By having your child complete various animal expressions using clear, easy-to-understand directions, we aim for you and your child to thoroughly enjoy the process of completing the oral motor assessment !
60092 - Oral Motor Assessment..$79.99
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Dynamic Childhood Apraxia of Speech Assessment
These forms are downloads and are to be used by the SLP that purchased them. The terms of use are single use. Assessing childhood apraxia of speech can be intimidating and confusing. With these forms and informal assessment, you will have the tools you need to feel more confident in your professional judgment when assessing for CAS dynamically.
20010 - CAS Dynamic Assessment...$45.00
This is a must have for every SLP in their toolbox. I am starting to build my private practice caseload and I cannot purchase every test out there. This informal assessment was exactly what I missing in my assessment
materials! -A. A, SLP
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SMENTS CAS Assessment Stimulus Picture Book A set of engaging visuals containing child- friendly instructions, designed to aid speech pathologists in conducting a thorough oral motor examination for children. Completing a comprehensive oral structure and function assessment can help you to accurately
dierentially diagnose specic speech sound disorders in children.… but what happens if your child is reluctant to participate, won’t open their mouth, or is confused by
20012 - CAS Assessment Stimulus Book..$22.00
call 719-396-2891
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Bjorem Better Letters™ - Educator Edition Sound Cues & Letters to Bridge the Phoneme-Grapheme Gap
Original Bjorem Speech Sound Cues paired with letter(s) Complete cue and spelling rule quick reference on the backs of each card Comes with a grapheme only deck Over 130 phoneme-grapheme cards included Great for SLPs, literacy specialists, and teachers English is complex, with Better Letters, the visual cues help children understand reading and spelling rules. This deck Is also geared to help educators by providing a quick reference of rules and exceptions on the back of each card.
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different spelling
same sound
different sound
same spelling
56100 - Bjorem Better Letters..$TBT
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Bjorem Better Letters™ with The Laurie Berkner Band Multi-Deck Design: Features six decks in one, each one corresponding to a different song and video by Laurie Berkner, color-coded for easy association and engagement. Interactive Learning: Includes interactive Bjorem Better Letter™ Cards and Example Word Cards that children can match to Laurie Berkner’s music videos, enhancing auditory and visual learning.
Focus on Lowercase Letters: Specifically designed to teach children lowercase letters, facilitating an essential aspect of early literacy.
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Sound and Letter Association: Uses the original Bjorem Speech® Sound Cues to help children make connections between different sounds and their corresponding letters, including same letter different sounds and same sound different letters examples.
Comprehensive Learning Tool: Comes with an information booklet that serves as a valuable resource for parents and teachers, explaining key concepts like voiced and voiceless sounds, and providing a glossary of terms used in the deck.
Product Availability: Pre-orders begin on May 3rd, with the release of the songs and availability of the videos on YouTube, marking an exciting rollout for educational and home settings.
60086 - Bjorem Better Letters with The Laurie Berkner Band...$39.99
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F Sound | Sonido F-Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy 45 target words in initial, medial and final positions. These fun, vibrant & diverse bilingual cards include functional f targets in both English & Spanish T Sound | Sonido T-Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy 45 target words in initial, medial and final positions.. These fun, vibrant & diverse bilingual cards include functional t targets in both English & Spanish BS-BAF-T-005 - T Sound | Sonido T-Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy....$39.99 BS-BAF-F-002 - F Sound | Sonido F-Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy....$39.99 BS-BAF-K-001 - K Sound | Sonido K-Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy.....$39.99 BS-BAF-G-003 - G Sound | Sonido G-Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy....$39.99 K Sound | Sonido K-Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy 45 target words in initial, medial and final positions.. These fun, vibrant & diverse bilingual cards include functional k targets in both English & Spanish G Sound | Sonido G-Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy 45 target words in initial, medial and final positions.. These fun, vibrant & diverse bilingual cards include functional g targets in both English & Spanish
Bjorem Speech Pistas Del Sonido Del Habla HOLA! El conjunto de pistas del sonido del habla Bjorem se puede utilizar fácilmente con programas para la adquisición de la lectura, actividades con el alumnado en clase, sesiones con juegos o terapia basada en la repetición, y complementa cualquier otro programa para trabajar: apraxia del habla infantil, adquisición temprana del habla, trastornos de los sonidos del habla, discriminacion auditiva, adquisición temprana de la lectura, dislexia
56004 - Bjorem Speech Pistas Del Sonido Del Habla..$60.00
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CH Sound | Sonido CH Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy 45 target words in initial, medial and final positions.. These fun, vibrant & diverse bilingual cards include functional ch targets in both English & Spanish The S Sound | Sonido S Articulation Flashcards 45 target words in initial, medial and final positions.. These fun, vibrant & diverse bilingual cards include functional s targets in both English & Spanish & Spanish
BS-BAF-S-004 - S Sound | Sonido S Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy....$39.99 BS-BAF-CH-006 - CH Sound | Sonido CH Bilingual Flashcards for Speech Therapy....$39.99
Trilled R | R Fuerte- Spanish Flashcards for Speech Therapy
45 total flashcards in the deck. These fun, vibrant & diverse flashcards include functional target words in Spanish on each card. The entire deck includes the La R Fuerte / Trilled R sound in the initial & medial (40 target words) & includes 5 cue cards to help elicit the sound and will help the client understand and produce the sound. A truly one of kind resource!
BS-BAF-TR-007 - Trilled R | R Fuerte- Spanish Flashcards for Speech Therapy....$39.99
call 719-396-2891
fax 833-693-0299 www.bjoremspeech.com
Your one-stop-shop for s
The Digital Downloads Library is my one stop shop for print and go resources, home programming, progress monitoring & assessment, and parent/caregiver & teacher education. There are so many great activities and tools within the library with new resources being added regularly. One of my favorite programming, progress monitoring & assessment, and parent/caregiver & teacher education. There are so many great activities and tools within the library with new resources being added regularly. One of my favorite resources is the articulation practice sheets by sound ( a resource like this alone would cost $$$ ) and it's included in the The Digital Downloads Library is my one stop shop for print and go resources, home library!! I also love the description guessing games, coloring pages, and craft sheets. I can plan my sessions quickly for individual and group sessions . No more scouring the internet looking for resources! The digital library is my new favorite go to planning tool! resources is the articulation practice sheets by sound ( a resource like this alone would cost $$$ ) and it's included in the library!! I also love the description guessing games, coloring pages, and craft sheets. I can plan my sessions quickly for individual and group sessions . No more scouring the internet looking for resources! The digital library is my new favorite go to planning tool! - Kristine T. - Kristine T.
Buying for multiple people? Contact supp New downloads ad
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$75 per year valued at over $400
Click here to check out our catalog and see what is currently in the Bjorem Speech® Digital Downloads Library!
dded each month!
*365 day access from the date of purchase
ort@bjoremspeech.com for group pricing.
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BEST Selling
BOX of SOUNDS in a BOOK Download Over 135 pages of black & white reproducible beautiful, functional, relevant, diverse target word pages. Each sound page includes 9 targets with 5 practice bubbles. This book is perfect for group practice, homework, getting multiple repetitions. You may take this file and print in book form for your personal use. ***This is single use only, please purchase as many copies needed for users of this product. Discounts applied for multiple licenses.***
20007 - Box of Sounds Book....$65.00
Dynamic Child Apraxia of Speech Assessment Assessing childhood apraxia of speech can be intimidating and confusing. With these forms and informal assessment, you will have the tools you need to feel more confident in your professional judgment when assessing for CAS dynamically.
20010 -CAS Dynamic Assessment....$45.00
Bjorem CAS Assessment - Stimulus Picture Book This picture stimulus book is an optional resource to pair with the Bjorem Speech® Informal Motor Speech Assessment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech. The images represent a target within each 11 probes on the assessment in a syllable complexity hierarchy.
This assessment works well when printed and laminated or for use on an iPad and iPencil in Goodnotes App.
20012 - CAS Assessment Stimulus Book....$22.00
20011 Assessment Bundle (Dynamic Assessment 20010, Stimulus Picture Book 20012 & Evaluation Template 20006....$73.60
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Growth Mindset Poster Download Visual reminder of things to say instead of “GOOD JOB.
Great for at home or the classroom Everyone join In on the GROWTH MINDSET bandwagon!
20009 - Growth Mindset Poster - Download....$4.50
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Target Selection Data Guide
Now that we have completed the assessment, we need to write goals and choose targets for the child. Our goals are based on movement, planning and programming. Our targets are based on the information we collected during the assessment.
Contents Target Selection Tips
Sample Goals Scoring Rubric Data Sheet DTTC Hierarchy Flow Chart
20008- CAS Target Selection Guide....$5.00
Download at www.bjoremspeech.com
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Fun Functional Funny
OH NO Books Beautifully illustrated repetitive board book on a topic universally loved by children: Bathroom Fun! Brimming with easy-to-grasp consonant- vowel-consonant-vowel words, you'll be amazed by the surprising places Colby's dinosaur and Livi’s puppy choose for their bathroom breaks. Crafted with meticulous care, this book was penned by a speech-language pathologist with a focus on nurturing speech and language development through making potty talk functional and fun.
50899 - OH NO Pee Pee Board Book....$8.99
55004 - OH NO Poo Poo Board Book...$8.99
55005 - OH NO Board Book Bundle....$17.50
Make & Take OH NO Poo-Poo and Pee-PeeDownload OH-NO! Poo-Poo Alert! Create & Craft this easily accessible companion to our "Oh-No Poo-Poo" board book. Children will delight in designing their personalized book after exploring our original board book. You can utilize our provided images or incorporate your own.
55003 - Make & Take OH NO Poo Poo Download....$5.50
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42 Dr. Louis Rossetti’s Book
Is it possible that we, as providers of therapeutic services, become too busy to listen? The answer is a resounding yes. Born of a genuine desire to provide effective services for the children and families we serve, true listening becomes imperative. The inforation and experiences described in this maerial is intended to encourage professionals to embrace the simple truth that learning to listen results in listening to learn. You will never regret the effort you put forth in listening to learn. Start NOW!
52399 - Learning to Listen Listening to Learn....$14.99
Add Learning to Listen to your university book list or start a Readers’ Forum for learning and sharing valuable insights, fostering better communication, and ultimately enhancing the services you provide to families.
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5101 - My Speech Counter Set of 4....$8.99
My Speech Counter Enhance your therapy sessions with the My Speech Clicker Handheld Counter. This set of 4 vibrant mechanical tally counters in white, green, pink, and yellow is designed to bring efficiency and fun to your practice.
20050 - Bjorem Big Roller 20-Sided Gigantic Die....$14.99
Bjorem Big Roller - 20 Sided Gigantic Die Introducing the Gigantic Bjorem BIGRoller 20-Sided Die! IT IS HUGE! – the ultimate game-changer in engaging and dynamic therapy sessions! This oversized die isn't just big in size; it's big on fun and effectiveness, quickly becoming a favorite tool for therapists and families alike. With the Innovator Set, the possibilities are as boundless as your creativity, making it an ideal companion for speech and language therapy.
5101 - Vowel Quadrilateral Sticker...$4.99
Vowel Quadrilateral Sticker Enhance your speech therapy sessions with the Bjorem Speech® Vowel Quadrilateral Sticker! This high-quality vinyl sticker, measuring 5.1" x 3.8", is designed to provide a quick and easy reference for vowel sounds, transcription, and the distinction between rounded and unrounded vowels.
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To help make therapy successful
Bjorem Better Letters™ & Bjorem Speech Sound Cues Mini Vinyl Sticker Pack...$12.99 USD
EZPZ Baby-Led™ Sensory Tongue Depressors - 2 Pack. Sage & Pewter..$9.99 USD
Bjorem Better Letters™ & Bjorem Speech Sound Cues Mini Vinyl Sticker Pack $12.99 USD The Bjorem Speech® Sound Cues and Bjorem Better Letters™ have united to introduce an innovative tool for speech and language therapy: Mini Vinyl Sticker Packs. This creative fusion offers 86 individual stickers, two of each sound cue, each approximately 1'x1", designed to engage and assist in learning sounds for children. These stickers are perfect for therapists, educators, and parents looking for a versatile, fun, and effective way to support speech and language development.
EZPZ Baby-Led™ Sensory Tongue Depressors - 2 Pack. Blush & Pewter..$9.99 USD
EZPZ Baby-Led™ Sensory Tongue Depressors - 2 Pack
The Sensory Tongue Depressor helps parents (and medical professionals) to examine children's mouths. This tongue depressor is a great addition to any Oral Motor Assessment for Speech Pathologists. With the tongue depressor parents can check for emerging teeth, leftover food in the mouth or sore throat. Benefits: Supports feeding and speech assessments and therapy Helps detect pocketing (food left in the mouth), illness, loose teeth, canker sores Prepares children for dental visits and oral assessments Weighted strip and tactile bumps provide sensory awareness Maintains cold / warm temperature when submerged in water to help with oral sensory issues
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