Bjorem FlippingBook Catalog


Therapy Materials Box of R Clusters - Bundle of S, R, L Clusters 40 cards In the deck Inclusive, Diverse, Functional Illustrations Target word suggestions on the backs of the cards to allow you several ways to use the cards

55030 - Box of S, R, L Clusters......$59.00

Prevocalic and Vocalic / ɹ / This resource contains target words in seven different contexts for/ ɹ /. This deck can be used to extend accurate production to over prevocalic and vocalic / ɹ / sounds.

60076 - Prevocalic and Vocalic R....$50.00

Facilitative Contexts for / ɹ / Therapy Facilitative contexts refer to the structure of a word and how that structure supports the correct production of a particular sound. Using a strategically selected word list can streamline therapy by making each targeted word an opportunity for correct practice. 89 cards with 149 targets and 7 different facilitative contexts

60085 - Facilitative Context for R Therapy....$50.00

R Coarticulation

This deck contains 7 types of cards: Initial R, Final ar, Final ear, Final ire, Final air, Final er, and Final or. By combining Final R cards with Initial R cards you can create new Medial R words to support the use of coarticulation strategies during your speech therapy sessions.

60072 - Bjorem Speech R Coarticulation..$50.00

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