Paris shmaris Good old American ingenuity is what we need to save the planet, not a cumbersome set of rules and regulations.
A great deal has been written, and there has been significant handwringing, about America backing out of the Paris Climate Agreement. But, more than any other country, America – thanks to forward-thinking companies, professionals in our industries, and consumers – has made enormous progress in reducing our environmental footprint. And the Paris accord has had nothing to do with it.
Ed Friedrichs
Why has this happened? Certainly, the drumbeat of global warming (which, in my opinion is still not settled science), has made the public aware of potentially disastrous changes to our planet. But “There’s been peer pressure among and between corporate CEOs to consider energy and material conservation, along with recycling and waste reduction.”
There’s more to this progress than a blind championing and adherence to a worldwide climate accord. It’s called leadership. And America has done a very good job through several noticeable constituencies to reduce our environmental impact. There’s been peer pressure among and between corporate CEOs to consider energy and material conservation, along with recycling and waste reduction. There’s been pressure from prospective employees, relentlessly quizzing companies about their environmental programs, as well as customer/client pressures about an enterprise’s environmental approach to the manufacture of their products.
See ED FRIEDRICHS, page 12
THE ZWEIG LETTER September 11, 2017, ISSUE 1215
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