Chus Aesthetic Gauges The Start to a Perfect Finish
Instrumentation and Procedural Products
The Proportion Gauge PROGS Precise Color-Coded Measurements • Provides quick, accurate diagnosis of tooth proportion • Provides accurate results and reduces chairside adjustment time • Easy to read—reduces visual fatigue Common reference guide between clinicians and labs • Results in effective communication to reduce the incidence of errors, and repeated adjustments
Compatible with IMS™ Cassettes and can be easily sterilized along with other instruments 2 • Reduces incidence of cross-infection
INLINE TIP The Inline tip has a short and long vertical arm. This helps to measure the length and width, independently, in cases of crowding where the use of the T-bar tip may be difficult.
11 mm
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8.5 mm
T-BAR TIP The T-bar tip has a vertical and horizontal arm. This measures length and width at the same time.
11 mm
2) Color bands will wear with normal use; simply dispose of the tip. Tips last for approximately 5-10 sterilization cycles. Replacement tips are available in packs of three.
The Crown Lengthening Gauge CLGS Precise Color-Coded Measurements • Provides quick, accurate measurements and better results • Easy to read—reduces visual fatigue
Compatible with IMS™ Cassettes and can be easily sterilized along with other instruments • Reduces incidence of cross infection
BLPG TIP The BLPG tip has predefined measurements to help achieve the proper mid-facial clinical crown and biologic crown length during a crown lengthening procedure.
11 mm 14 mm
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PAPILLA TIP The Papilla tip has predefined measurements to help establish the correct aesthetic position of the interdental papilla from the incisal edge before the flap is closed and sutured.
6.5 mm
10.5 mm
The Sounding Gauge SOUNDG • Bone sounding made simple and quick • Sounding tip curvature and sharpness allows easy manipulation and access into deeper areas to analyze the level of the bone crest
3 mm
1 mm
SOUNDING TIP The Sounding tip helps determine the sulcus depth, mid-facial osseous crest location and inter-proximal osseous crest location.
5 mm
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Case Synopsis A 29-year-old Caucasian female presented with congenitally missing teeth #6 and 10 with horizontal impaction of tooth #11. Consequently, her upper arch width was constricted and deficient due to the lack of the development and eruption of the permanent teeth. The patient had ‘cosmetic’ bonding in an effort to create a pleasing outcome, but failed due to the lack of objective instrumentation to help guide the dentist in treatment. Chu’s Aesthetic Gauges, which define ranges of individual tooth size, was used to create the proper individual tooth proportion based upon width once the
incisal edge position was established. The maxillary central incisors for this patient were found to be slightly deficient in length. The aesthetic restorative therapy entailed correction of tooth dimensions of all the maxillary anterior teeth through crown lengthening using the gauges as a guide for reconstruction of size and shape with ceramic laminate veneers as well as full crowns on teeth and implants. The centrals were corrected first, then the canines for occlusion, and then the lateral incisors. With Chu’s Aesthetic Gauges, predictable and swift diagnosis and correction can be accomplished with a minimum amount of stress and a maximum amount of patient gratification. 1
1)The techniques described herein are for illustrative purposes only. The technique(s) actually employed in each case must always depend upon the independent medical judgment of the doctor as to the best mode of treatment for each patient.
Dr. Stephen Chu received his undergraduate degree from Brown University and his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He obtained his Master’s of Science degree in Restorative Dentistry and completed the Certificate Program in Fixed Prosthodontics at the University of Washington, in Seattle. Dr. Chu subsequently became a board-certified dental technician in ceramics and obtained a Master’s degree in Dental Technology from the New York University College of Dentistry (NYUCD). He is the former Director of the Continuing Education Program in Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry at NYUCD. He is also presently an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry. Dr. Chu has authored two textbooks on color and recently on aesthetic restorative dentistry and has contributed chapters to several others. He has published numerous articles in the dental literature and is on the editorial board of several peer-reviewed journals. He is a worldwide lecturer in aesthetic/cosmetic restorative dentistry and implant dentistry.
Satin Steel Handle SKU Resin Handle SKU Description PROGS PROG
Proportion Gauge (1 Handle, 2 T-Bar Tips, 2 Inline Tips)
Crown Lengthening Gauge (1 Handle, 2 BLPG Tips, 2 Papilla Tips)
Sounding Gauge
1 Proportion Gauge, 1 Crown Lengthening Gauge, 1 Sounding Gauge, 1 Five-Instrument IMS™ Cassette 1 Proportion Gauge, 1 Crown Lengthening Gauge, 1 Sounding Gauge, 1 Five-Instrument IMS™ Infinity SeriesTM 1/4 DIN Cassette
Proportion and Crown Lengthening Gauge Handle
Refill SKU
T-Bar Tip Refill (3 tips)
In-Line Refill (3 tips)
Biological Periogauge (BLPG) Refill (3 tips)
Papilla Refill (3 tips)
For more information about Chu’s Aesthetic Gauges visit
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Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. • European Headquarters • Lyoner Str. 9 • 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany • All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co. LLC., its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. ©2023 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. HF-5627GB/1223
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