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easy grow guide Tomato Summerlast (Solanum lycopersicum)

Plug Production: 288 plugs or larger

Use a well-drained, disease-free, peat based plug medium with pH 5.5-6.0, EC <0.75 mmhos. Media should be saturated and humidity needs to be high until radicle emergence. Temperature should be 65-72°F (18-22°C). Cover lightly with vermiculite. Light is not necessary for germination but can be beneficial for height control. Maintain media temperature at 65-72°F (18-22°C). Keep media evenly moist at all times, but not wet. Humidity can now be reduced by 50%. Keep light levels between 1000-2000 f.c. Use supplementary lighting to boost light levels during periods of low light. Temperature can be lowered to 65-68°F (18-20°C), even as low as 59°F (15°C), but this will slow growth slightly. The surface of the media can be dried down before irrigating again but always avoid wilting. Increase light levels to 2500-5000 f.c, to help prevent stretching. Fertilize as required using balanced fertiliser at 100ppm N. Keep media pH at 5.5-6.0 and EC <0.75mmhos.


Germination Stage 1: (2-4 days)

Germination Stage 2: (5-12 days)

Germination Stages 3&4: (13-28 days)

Growing On to Finish: 4.5 ” (11cm), 6 ” (15cm) or 12”(30 cm) pot (with support)

Use a well-drained, disease free, peat-based growing mix with pH 5.5-6.2 and EC <1 mmhos. Day temperatures should be 65-70°F (18-21°C), night temperatures should be 59-65°F (15- 18°C).




Keep light levels as high as possible to prevent stretch and encourage fruiting.

Once plants have established in the pot, practice a good wet/dry cycle to aid root development and control plant height. Avoid wilting. Feed as required using a balanced fertiliser at 100-150ppm. Maintain EC levels <1.0. A light fertilisation regime will help prevent stretch and keep plants compact. If finishing in a larger container with fruit set, fertilisation should be increased once fruit begin to form. At this stage fertilise constantly at 150-200ppm N using a higher K formulation, leaching occasionally. Ensure adequate calcium is available at all times from fruit formation to harvest. Good moisture and fertiliser management combined with the high light levels and temperatures should limit the need for PGRs. Summerlast is naturally compact and strong stemmed.



Growth Regulators:


Whitefly, Aphids, Thrips

Resistant to TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus), Late blight (Phytophthora infestans) strains 2, 3.


Plug Times:

288 plug:

3-4 weeks

Transplant to Finish: Container

Plants/Container Transplant to finish

Total Crop Time

4.5” (11cm)

1 x plug

2-4 weeks

5-8 weeks


1 x plug

4-6 weeks

7-10 weeks

11-13 weeks (1 st ripe fruit)

12 ” (30cm)

1 x plug

15-17 weeks

Crop times are based on UK trials under optimum conditions. Alternative environmental conditions and cultural regimes can alter the crop times stated above.

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