April 19, 2021- Directors Report

Lake Management: Every year as the temperature gets warmer and since we irrigate the landscaping out of the lakes, it is especially a challenge to manage the algae growth in the lake adjacent to lots 1200 ‐ 1206 as when the water is taken out of it to irrigate the chemicals that are used to

control the algae are depleted. To better retain the chemicals during the warmer months I have Vintage disable using any water from this lake thus allowing better algae control and since we have two pumping stations we can just pump out of one and the only consequence is that it takes a bit longer to irrigate.

Lake Chemistry: The following is a breakdown of the chemistry that we implement through a professional company that keep our lakes beautiful naturally and pose no environmental threats.  F ‐ 30 Algae Control: Algicide for broad spectrum control of algae in reservoirs, lakes, ponds, drip irrigation, potable water, and irrigation conveyance systems.  F ‐ 40 Enviro Blue Lake Dye Liquid: Filters sunlight and creates sparkling blue water. Controls submersed weeds and algae by reducing photosynthesis in lakes, ponds, reservoirs, and decorative water features. Filters sunlight inhibiting photosynthesis. Gives water a crisp, clear, ocean ‐ blue color.  F ‐ 50 Bio Pure: A beneficial bacteria used to enhance water quality & clarity while digesting bottom muck.

 Formula F ‐ 55 Bio ‐ Zyme: A super concentrated enzyme developed to work in conjunction with F ‐ 50 bio pure, to break down contaminants & enhance natural bacteria growth.

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