New Business
A. Rules & Regulations Amendments- 1 st Readings 1. Tennis Secretary McCune reviewed the changes that the Tennis Committee would like to change within the Rules & Regulations. The rules to be changed are: a. To Remove the following statement in the ORPS RULES & REGULATIONS: 6.G. COURT RESERVATIONS 3. Individual Owners/Renters may reserve one court per day for a maximum of two (2) hours for any one group (singles or doubles). b. To Revise the following statement in the ORPS RULES & REGULATIONS: 6.G. COURT RESERVATIONS. Owners/Renters must reserve courts on a first-come basis using the Hold My Court reservation website. Courts may be reserved six (6) seven (7) days in advance. A motion was made to accept the two rule changes proposed by the Tennis Committee to the Rules & Regulations with a 28-day posting. Motion- Secretary McCune Second- Director Farmer Approved- Unanimously 2. A&A Secretary McCune reviewed the modifications and additions that the A&A Committee would like to make within the Rules & Regulations. The proposed modifications and additions are: Modifications : 1. Section 5.B. Stairs and Stairways - 5.B.1 Changes the language regarding colors to require colors complimentary with the surroundings including earth tones and no bright colors and 5.B.2. revises the footprint of the landing to no larger than 30 square feet and deletes the previous maximum of 36 square feet in total for the entire stairs and stairway. 2. Section 5.D. Fencing - Adds language to include that fences should be 3 feet from the front of the access panel on the utility tower and excludes privacy screens, plastic panels, bamboo screens, or similar products from being used as a fence on lot lines or elsewhere on the lot to simulate a fence. Additions : 1. Section 5.C. Walls/Pet Enclosures/Privacy Screens - Deletes Fencing and adds Privacy Screens in the title and adds 5.C.3. Privacy Screens. Privacy Screens are to be commercially made, only installed in the front of the lot, setback a minimum of 15 feet from the road property line, must not exceed 72 inches in height or 8 feet in length. Additional requirements are listed in 5.C.3. (attached)
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