April 19, 2021- Directors Report

Safety & Security Committee Report

2020-2021 season -Worked to strengthen our relationships with the security chief and his staff. Developed committee goals and objective to work under, as a supplement to our charter: • Life Safety – We will undertake activities that ensure the resort has practices and equipment in place to protect the health and wellbeing of all residents. • Support Security Staff – We will Liaise with ORPS security staff to assist them in the carrying out of their duties to screen resort entrance gates, patrol resort roads and combat suspicious activities and thefts • -Developed an Emergency Response Team Subcommittee (ERT) for those members that want to respond but are not on the formal team. -Met with CCFD multiple times and tuned up their maps of our resort. Map changes were implemented by the fire department. -Regularly inspected and inventoried the first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and Auto defib units. -In place of the annual emergency drill, we held a mini drill consisting of refreshing our knowledge of radios and disaster equipment which was well attended. -Upgraded the speed radar signs in an effort to understand the traffic patterns and problems within the resort. We are conducting ongoing studies which should result in recommendations for the future seasons. -Found problems and inconsistencies with the stop sign placement and pavement markings leading to confusion for drivers. We have developed 6 recommendations for changes to intersections. developed a policy and procedure for use by security in guiding and directing fire responders through the resort. Ongoing training of security staff is in progress. -Wrote monthly stories for inclusion in the Oracle. Developed “Only You Can Prevent Speed Bumps” signage for the resort. • Inducted 4 new members on to our team.

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