King's Business - 1940-04

April, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


mightier than I.” God calls out from heaven, “Thou art my beloved Son.” The demons acknowledge, “Thou art the Holy One of God.” Dear friend, what do you say?

Bom to set Thy people free: From our sins and fears release uS; Let us find our rest in Thee.” Mark says Jesus is “the Son of God.” John the Baptist speaks of Him as “one

The Declaration of Got! the Father The third witness whose testimony .appears in the narrative is God Him­ self. “Thou art my beloved Son, in -whom I am well pleased” (Mk. 1:11). Hie occasion is the baptism of Jesus. The Spirit descended as a dove upon Him, and John saw this manifestation. Then a voice .thundered from heaven, “Thou art the Son of Me; the Beloved. In Thee I am well pleased.” This was God’s testimony and approval of Jesus. Then the Spirit anointed Him with gen­ tleness and harmlessness so characteris­ tic of His ministry. These traits were symbolized by the dove. Isaiah Wrote, "Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my Spirit upon him” (Isa. 42:1). In Mark we have this Servant setting His face to­ ward His mission and receiving the power that should enable Him to carry it out. He came to identify Himself with sinners and to seek their redemp­ tion. God the Father ratified this pur­ pose with His voice of approval. An Admission from the Demon World The last witness is rather strange. It comes from the demon world. Jesus was teaching in the Capernaum syna­ gogue. A man with an unclean spirit was present and upon seeing Jesus cried out, “What have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth ? . . . I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God” (Mk. 1:24). A demon recognized Him as the Holy One of God. Years before, an angel had come— to the Virgin Mary—and had said, “The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall over­ shadow thee: wherefore also the holy thing which is begotten shall be called the Son of God” (Lk. 1:35, R. V.) And now a demon calls Him that “Holy One.” This incident reveals two things: recognition on the part of the demons, and likewise submission. They know they are in His power. This miracle is really incidental. The Lord Jesus is in the synagogue teaching. He casts out the unclean spirit because there is an immediate need before Him. Having the power to help, He could not with­ hold it. Jesus attacks the demon on two counts: “Hold thy peace.” (Be muzzled like an ox.) Demons have no right to reveal the Lord Jesus. Im­ purity is up against sinlessness. “Come out,” he adds. Immediately the demon came out. This man was unnatural. Jesus Christ simply restored the' nat­ ural order. Sin itself is unnatural. It binds and captivates the human soul. Jesus lib­ erates and releases that which is im­ prisoned. “Hail, Thou long expected Jesus,

"Death Ray" Eye Witness By TOM M. OLSON Upland, California

. “This doctor doesn’t measure closely enough. But I’m used to that, and he has a right to his own convictions.” * Man can and does discover death­ dealing devices, but he cannot design any life-giving contrivance. Our ceme­ teries remain well filled. Man cannot even invent that which will quicken the spiritually dead. But the Lord Jesus Christ who said: “I am the resurrection, and the life” (John 11:25), can quicken those who are “dead in trespasses and sins” and will in due time resurrect the bodies that are in Mother Earth! Just as suddenly, silently, and surely as the Death Ray does its destructive work, the Life Ray, so to speak, will do its constructive work! “The entrance of thy words giveth light,” the Psalmist said. Like a flash, the words of God cart enter the heart and mind, revealing the natural corrup­ tion, darkness, fear, and unbelief therein. And when the words of God are be­ lieved, they just as suddenly impart life, rest, and peace. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come.into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24). “I heard the voice of Jesus say, ‘I am this dark world’s light; Look unto Me, thy' mom shall rise, And all thy day be bright.’ I looked to Jesus and I found In Him my Star, my Sun; And in that light of life I’ll walk, Till traveling days are done.” FIVE FOOLS Psalm 14 I. The Fool Who Denies the Existence of God (Psa. 14:1; 53:1). H. The Fool Who Neglects Salvation (Lk. 12:16-21). IH. The Fool with a False Religion (Lk. 11:39, 40). IV. The Fool, a Christian Who Fails to See Present-Day Events in the Light of Prophecy (Lk. 24:25-27). V. The Fool for Christ’s Sake (1 Cor. 3:18, 4:10-13). —Peter F. Wall.

A STORY of having been an eye-wit- / \ ness at two demonstrations of I V an apparatus so terrifying in its possibilities for destrucion that it has been destroyed by its inventor was left [on October 11, 1939] with Denverites by Alfred G. Bums of Alameda, Cglif., President of the Inventors of America. Burns, himself an inventor of note, said the device, a “death ray” appa­ ratus, had been perfected by Dr. An­ tonio Lohgoria, wealthy Cleveland, O., scientist and inventor, in 1933. The Alameda inventor reported he has been a close friend of Dr. Longoria ten years, and said he had been invited to two of the “death ray” demonstrations. Instant Deaths “I saw the apparatus destroy mice and rats, and once saw a full-grown dog die instantly by the invisible ray,” said Bums. “Dr. Longoria said that the ray turned every red corpuscle in the body at which it was directed to a white cor­ puscle, which, of course, meant instant death. It was painless.” “Doctor Longoria expressed the opin­ ion,” Bums related, “tha-t the ray would be effective up to ten miles. “It had a demagnetizing effect on electrical devices or anything that car­ ried a coil. It could have stalled an air­ plane motor in midair.” Dr. Longoria said his controversial “ death ray” apparatus could be set up “ in four or five hours through the use of any high grade X-ray machine.” But the scientist-inventor added this never would be done “unless the United States were invaded without cause.” “Under any other circumstances I would say ‘no’ before five rifles. This is my adopted country,” said the Spanish- born physicist, “and, like my family, I would help to protect it if an enemy made an unwarranted attack. The ‘death ray* then would be made avail­ able to the Government without charge —I never would profit from death.” Doctor Longoria has asserted that he perfected in 1923—and destroyed—a de­ vice whose death ray lies in one of the unexplored frequency bands in the vi­ cinity of the X-ray. To a statement by Dr. Thomas Lauritzen, of California Institute of Technology, that “there are no unex­ plored bands in the vicinity of the X-ray,” Doctor Longoria responded:

*The foregoing comments are taken from the San Francisco Examiner.

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