King's Business - 1940-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1940

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE

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Denver, Colo. He speaks of the bless­ ing of the(Lord in the many conversions in his church. Rose (’30) and Emily Martinez (’29) are both teaching in Nicaragua. Their address is El Calle- jon Sureste No. I ll, Managua, Nicara­ gua, Central America. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Griffiths (Ma- belle Elwood) have spent several months of their furlough in California. They expected to sail from San Fran­ cisco on January 12, for Calcutta, where they are to succeed Mrs. Ada Lee in the work of, the Lee Memorial Mission, Mrs. Ruth Evans, ’33, who served for a time in the offices of the Superin­ tendent of Women at Biola, was a recent caller at the Institute. The home-going of her father-in-law; Hugh B. Evans, was the occasion of her presence in Los Angeles. Her present address is 2216 E. 3rd St., Tucson, Ariz. Missionary Notes Paul Kuhlmann, ’35, of Tangsha, Ku., China (via Lunghai Railway), reports much blessing in both Bible school and evangelistic work. Ferd (’35) and Mrs. Johansen, with their two-year-old son, David Lyman, recently arrived on his station as coworkers. The following is taken from a letter that describes the Johansens’ first view of China: “Among other things that impressed us . . . were the mounds of earth scattered all over the fields. These are Chinese graves. The custom is to bury every one on his own land. These mounds remind us of the constant stream of humanity that passes into a Christless eternity. Will you pray that many may be reached before it is too late? We are now spending several hours a day in language study.” Mary R. Best, '35, who, with her sister, Laura K. Best, ’35, is serving under the Sudan Interior Mission, Jos, Nigeria, British West Africa, writes of her school work there. She was greatly encouraged by the attention of her classes one afternoon in spite of the fact that a tantalizing heathen dance was being carried on almost beside the school building. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Slocum (Adda Payne), Bakouma, par Bangassou, Oubangui-Chari, F r e n c h Equatorial Africa, within the last year have been sent to open a new station among the Nzakara people, who show a great hun­ ger for the gospel message, and who are clamoring to buy Sango New Testa­ ments—their requests coming faster than the supply can reach them. Mr. and Mrs. Slocum occasionally are able [ Continued on Page 157]

Dr. Hubbard to Visit Former Biolans Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hubbard are planning, the Lord willing, to spend a number of weeks on the Pacific Coast this summer, in northern California, Oregon, and Washington. For many years, Dr. Hubbard has been loved by his students at the Bible Institute as one whom the Lord has used to draw them to a closer walk with Him. The object of the trip north is that Dr. Hubbard may contact former Biola students, both personally and in groups, and also take part in any service that may be opened in Bible conference work. Any who are interested in meet­ ing him or in engaging him for meet­ ings may address him at 558 So. Hope St;j Los Angeles, Calif. Serving In the Homeland Elmer Gandy, '22, 691 No. Gale Hill, Lindsay, Calif., wrote from Lyons, Colo., where he was doing evangelistic work in January, that the Lord was blessing in the salvation of souls. Albert (’37) and Mrs. Wall have been working with one of the American Sunday-School Union missionaries at Kennett, Calif., since August, 1939. They have charge of two Sunday- schools with a total enrollment of about one hundred and seventy-five children. A group of Washington Biolans who met last August for a reunion are plan­ ning a much more extensive gathering for August, 1940. This time the invita­ tion is extended state-wide and to those near by in other states, who are alumni, former students, prospective students, or friends of Biola. The group looks forward to having John A. Hubbard, of the Bible Institute faculty, as guest speaker. The gathering probably will be held at Sunrise Park, on the east side of Mt. Rainier. Those interested in attending, if they have not received further information by the end of April, are asked to write to Jean Durham, 2220 Harrison St., Tacoma, Wash. Leslie (’29) and Mrs. McCue (Ber­ nice E. Berger, ’28) are at present in Chicago, 111., where Mr. McCue is at­ tending the seminary at North Park College. He expects to be graduated in June, after which he and his.wife are looking forward to visiting the West Coast again. Mrs. R. L. Pearce (Ella May Saylor, ’25), with her husband and three chil­ dren, is living on a farm near Downs, Kans. They are members of the Brethren Church in Downs. Frank Martinez, ’25, E. S., is pastor of the El Salvador Baptist Church,

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Tell Your Friends • about the unique, series of articles starting in this issue of TH E K I N G ’ S BUSINESS and continuing for the next several months — “The Art and Craft of Preaching,” from the pen of the internationally known preacher and writer, HERBERT LOCKYER These articles are highly educa­ tional and intensely interesting, and are applicable to all Christian workers who would improve their ability to speak in public. We are sure that after reading the first installment appearing on page 128 of this issue, you won’t want to miss a single article. For this reason we would suggest that you check the expiration date on the wrapper of your magazine— and whUe this low price of 50 cents a year is still available, you would be wise to extend your subscription NOW. Don’t forget to recommend this valuable maga­ zine to a friend. Just fill in your name and address and enclose 50 cents for one year, or a dollar for two years. □ Renewal □ New Subscription Name ........................................... Address ............;.................... .... City ................ ......... ................... THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 8. Hope St. § Los Angeles, Cal.

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