T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April, 1940
For the International Sunday School Lessons M anualof V isual T eaching " “One picture is worth 10,000 words."—Chinese Proverb. ? New • Instructive • Fascinating • Clever ^ T HIS Manual has been devised to portray scriptural truth to the younger classes in a way
pagan religions teach' some m o r a l truths.” Let the editor substitute coin for re ligion: “A century ago the attitude to ward outside coins was that they were all false, while the mint coins alone were true. Now this classification of genuine and bogus is being given up by all careful students of numismatics, because all coins contain some true metal.” The bank teller who reasoned that way would soon lose his position! No one says that truths in pagan religions are false, but the Christian says that the religions which contain them are spurious and powerless. —Baptist Missionary Magazine. Because God’s Word Is True J eremiah 23 MEMORY VERSE: ‘‘Thy word is t r u e f r o m t h e beginning” (Psa. 119:160). APPROACH: Perhaps you have been surprised when your mother or father has been able to tell almost exactly did He see in the lives of some of the prophets that Jeremiah tells us about in today’s lesson? LESSON STORY: First of all, He saw that these prophets were acting a lie. They wanted people to think that they were as watchful of the spiritual needs of the Lord’s people as a good shepherd is careful for his sheep and little lambs. But they were really un faithful shepherds; in their hearts, they didn’t care. God saw that. He knew, too, that these prophets actually were telling untruths. He said: “I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name” (Jer. 23:25). That is usually the way a false hood grows; we just “pretend” at first, and then we speak an awful lie with our lips. Whoever tells a lie affects others besides himdelf every time. God said that the unfaithful prophets were causing “my people to err by their lies” (v. 32); that is, they, who should have been -faithful shepherds, were leading the people into sin! We do not wonder that God said, “I am against them that prophesy lying dreams” (v. 32, R. V.). God cannot accept any untruth. He al ways speaks truth, and His Word is always powerful. “Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (V. 29). How careful we should be of lying lips! X w h a t you w e r e thinking, t h o u g h you were not saying a word at the time. Actions often speak as loudly as words. God can read every body’s heart per- fectly; we cannot hide one thing from Him. He sees our actions, too. What
o f art cut-out objects. Thus the Gospel can be presented with word and action—a tremendous asset in holding the interest o f the pupils. All drawings required are :com plete in the Manual, with simple and easily understood instructions. XT sound ' Publish.*quarurty and quarterlies $1.00
they cannot forget. It (1) teaches the International Sunday School lesson, and (2) makes an applica tion o f the lesson—both by means r n C C I Send fo r samples o f oi I l \ L L I Sunday School papers
1562 N. THIRD ST.
Object Lesson H ammer and H earts
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OBJECTS: A hammer, a cross cut from 'veneer or cardboard and colored red, a plaster of paris heart, a white cardboard heart, and two nails. (Mark the hammer “God’s Wo^d.” Put a thin black paper heart over one side of the white cardboard and stick it lightly. Put a sufficient amount of lampblack in the plaster of paris to make the heart black.) LESSON: How many of you like to use a hammer? Did you know that the Word of God is like a hammer? In Jeremiah 23:29, we read, “Is not my word . . . like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” I have two hearts with me this morn ing. They are both black, reminding us that every one has sinned. But God seeks to bring all sinners to the cross of Christ. First of all, the nail of con viction pierces the heart. [Use the card board heart.] When the heart reaches the cross it loses its sin. See how the black drops from this heart. [Drive the nail into the cross and leave the white heart on the cross.] The second heart is no blacker than the first, but it is harder. I try to pierce it with the nail, but the nail won’t go in. Many people are just like that—they do not want to hear anything that will convict them of their sins. They are hardened against God’s Word as this heart is hardened against the nail. Something far worse will happen to those whose hearts are so hard that they resist conviction and refuse to receive Christ. The hammer will have
BE A NURSE MAKE $25-$36 A WEEK Too can learn practical nursing at home in spare time. Course endorsed by physi cians. Thousands of graduates. 41st yr. One gredvate has charge of 10-fced Hos pital. Another saved |460 while learn
ing. Equipment included. Men and women It to 64. High School not required. Easy tuition payments. Write now. OHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 584, 100 Fast Ohio Street, Chicago, I1L Please send free booklet and j . o sample lesson pages. - ------ State ____—Age. , —
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