King's Business - 1940-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April, 1940

Its application to the entire nation is no less certain eventually, according to the Apostle Paul’s great argument in Romans 11, something which is yet to be fulfilled in the last days. That there are certain elements of this great covenant which have become effective in the hearts of all believers in the present age is unquestionably true. But this does not change the argument that the covenant was given first and pri­ marily to Israel. If we, the Gentiles, have received any of its marvelous bene­ fits, it is only because of God’s grace in giving us the right to the crumbs which fall from the table of His love and faithfulness to Israel. 3. “Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers’’ (v. 32). The new covenant with Israel is differ­ ent from the old in at least two impor­ tant respects. First, the new is com­ pletely unconditional. Its fulfillment de­ pends wholly on the fact that God has chosen to establish it in sovereign grace and that He will keep His promises. It does not depends on anything that Israel may do oi fail to do. You may search the entire passage without finding a single requirement which is imposed upon Israel to insure the fulfillment of the covenant. God Himself will bring it to pass. The second difference is found in the establishment of God’s law in the hearts of His people, thus insuring their obedience and holiness. The mere JAMES H. McCONKEY, A MAN OF GOD . . . Louise Harrison McCraw. A w ell- w ritten, interesting biography o f this fam ous Christian . . . “a book which combines these rare qualities:, excel­ lence o f style, richness o f theme, and depth o f spiritual A A discernment.” . ............. ................ ^ \ E iU U THE BULWARKS OF THE CHRIS­ TIAN FAITH . . . John Ritchie. “A" simple straightforw ard exposition o f the great truths which are unfolded in the E pistle to .the Romans.” A group o f addresses given w ith a view to lead in g, questing souls to a ^definite and joyou s understanding o f “ the Gospel o f God” in its A A emancipating pow er...................^ ■ ■ w v • RANDOM REMINISCENCES FROM FIFTY YEARS OF MINISTRY . . . H. A. Ironside. A new book by Dr. Iron- Side that should be a blessing C<| J E and inspiration to a ll............... •

external imposition of the law never succeeded, except to provoke rebellion. Golden Text Illustration J eremiah 31:33 Some time ago the newspapers re­ lated that a herd of cattle was being driven through a long, dark, wooden tubular bridge. Here and there in the planks were knot-holes, which admitted the sun in bars of light. The animals were afraid of these sun bars; they shied at them, were terrified at them, and then, leaping over them, made a painful hurdle race of it, coming out at the other end palpitating and ex­ hausted. We act just as madly. The laws of God are golden rays in a dark path; they axe for our guidance and infinite perfecting and consolation, but they irritate us, they enrage us; we count them despotic barriers to liberty and happiness . . . “So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee.”—W. L. Watkinson. God’s Good Laws J eremiah 31 MEMORY VERSE: “All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient” (Ex. 24:7). APPROACH: All of us make promises from time to time, and we should try hard never to break our word. But there is only one Person whose promises can never fail. That One is our heavenly

Father, and today we are to learn something a b o u t His plan for the people of I s r a e l that will s u r e l y work out just as He said it would. . XiESSON: First, the Lord promised lohg, long ago that

He would bring the people of Israel into their own land, and that He would help them to see how sinful they were and how much they needed a Saviour. Then, when they had turned to Him— and that time is still coming—He would make a new promise to them, or cove­ nant. This time, He would take the “want to” for sin out of their lives; He would impress His own pure laws on their hearts just as truly as if He wrote them there. He would forgive their sins and love them. How are we to know that these things will take place ? God reminds us of this: The sun and moon and stars give light, every day or every evening, don’t they? Well, as long as they continue to do that—and even forever—God will be true to His word. God says some­ thing like this: The heavens cannot be measured, can they? Nor can any one know all that is in the earth. So—until some one can measure these things— and no man ever can—God will go on keeping His promises.


CHRISTIANITY AND ANTI-CHRIS­ TIANITY IN THEIR FINAL CON­ FLICT . . . Samuel J. Andrews. The author has “gathered up* the. lines of the past history o f Christianity and converged them on the future . . . the com ing days are lum inous w ith mean­ ing and serious in their C fl J C significance.” ...................... •••

CALLED UNTO HOLINESS . . . Ruth Paxson. Fcfur great messages which “ emphasize the believer’s great pos­ sessions in the unsearchable riches o f Christ and assure the Christian of unlim ited pow er in Christ...........................................„ W y

WITNESSING W ITH POWER . . . A lbert Hughes. D evotional studies in the B ook o f A cts that give stirring evidence o f %what happens when men really w itness for qt4| A A Christ. ......... ..........................

THE GLORY OF HIS GRACE, NORMS OF BLESSING . . . W illiam H. W right- on. “ Christ expects us to appropriate all that He has prom ised to do fo r us . . . all that Christ has purchased for us . . . all that the H oly Spirit is w aiting to perform Q Q

POWER THROUGH PRAYER . . . E. M. Bounds. Now in the 27th edition, this book is a challenge to all Christians to C f A A “ arise and pray.” .

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