King's Business - 1940-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April, 1940

book: And if any man shall take away from toe words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of toe holy city, and from the things which are written in this book” (Rev. 22:18, 19).—Kenneth M; Monroe. An Alaska Vacation Glaciers, icebergs, cascading water­ falls, mountains, forests that grow right down to the water’s edge—all are yours from the decks or toe glass-enclosed observation room of an ocean liner en route to Alaska. The shining maze of Alaska’s blue and silver water-ways will offer all toe thrills of fresh dis­ covery. For many travelers, there is special advantage in seeing these scenes with a group directed by a competent Christian leader. Howard L. Brown, whose tours are advertised on page 155 of this issue, served for twelve years as General Secretary of the California Christian Endeavor Union. In toe past eight years he has conducted over eight hun­ dred passengers on the popular C. E. Tours to Alaska. He is not only equip­ ped to meet all transportation problems, but also knows intimately toe coastal communities of Alaska and has kept in close contact with church and mission work in this region. Mr. Brown announces two Alaskan tours for the 1940 summer season. The first is the Alaska Fjords Tour, July 6-22, a vagabond voyage of Alaska’s intriguing water-ways. The second tour, August 10-24, will visit particularly toe ports of British Columbia and South­ east Alaska. For literature on either of these tours, address Howard L. Brown, 502 Paramount Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. “ The Willard” In our modern day, the traveler in search of a hotel usually desires, above all things, peace and quiet. The hostelry whose reputation is well established in this respect is toe one that receives an ever-increasing patronage. . The Willard Hotel in Los Angeles (named in honor of Frances E. Willard) enjoys this kind of reputation. Occupy­ ing the entire north wing of the Bible Institute block, the hotel adjoins toe Church of toe Open Door and is next to the beautiful Los Angeles Library park. Being a strictly temperance hotel, and catering to the needs of Christian, people, the Willard Hotel is regarded by many persons as an ideal stopping place. For instance, va retired clergy­ man recently remarked: “No other place would be like home to me in Los Angeles. There is an atmosphere of true Christian living here in toe Bible Institute block.” The address is 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

Attention, Sunday-school Workers! For years, THE KING’S BUSINESS has published its Sunday-school Lesson Commentary and Christian Endeavor Notes ONE MONTH IN AD­ VANCE—that is, the lessons for May are contained in the April issue, which is placed in the mail at Los Angeles about March 25. Many readers living at a distance from California have said that THE KING’S BUSINESS is the only magazine that reaches them in time for these dated departments to be useful to them. We are now desirous of learning whether these grateful friends represent the majority of readers. * * * In other words, may we ask you: WOULD YOU PREFER TO HAVE THE MAY SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON NOTES IN THE MAY ISSUE OF THE MAGAZINE ? Or Would you choose to have the present method continued ? # * * * Your answer, jotted on a postal card and sent to THE KING’S BUSINESS, Editorial Department, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif., will be of great help in formulating future policies.

cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). To show you how His blood can make this sinful heart pure, I will roll the bottle up in a red cloth. [Roll it scroll fashion, the bottle filled with oil haying previously been concealed in the cloth. When the first b o t t l e has been rolled part way, the positions of the bottles can be reversed and the second bottle unrolled as toe original would have been.] When we allow the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse our hearts from sin, our lives are filled with.toe Spirit of God, just as this bottle is filled witlj pure oil! This is what God meant when He said, “I will put my law in ,t£eir inward parts, and in their heart will 1 write it” (Jer. 31:33, R.V.). AROUND THE KING’ S TABLE [ Continued from Page 122] by the ravens by the brook Cherith (1 Ki. 17:2-6), Dr. Lamsa substitutes Arabs which, in his judgment, makes the story “an entirely sensible and logi­ cal one.” This is by no means a new principle of interpretation. Since the days of J. S. Semler, 1725-1791, the father of Ger­ man rationalism, there have been those in high seats of learning who system­ atically and consistently have recon­ structed Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Their fundamental assump­ tion is that every shred of toe super­ natural must be removed. The Bible is to contain only those things within the realm of their own reason; all Impossi­ bilities are taboo. God as a vital power in human events is ostracized. All miracles and all prophecies are rele­ gated. to toe limbo. Dr. Lamsa’s work is a fair example of the reconstruction principles in oper­ ation. The greatest liberty is taken with the sacred text. In the name of scholar­ ship, such writers mutilate ad libitum, ad nauseam. In toe light of our discussion, the final word is, “If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this

Object Lesson H ealing the H eart

OBJECTS: Two small vials about four inches long, one filled with clear oil and the other empty, a small amount of quicksilver, clear gasoline, gasoline discolored with lampblack ground in oil, blue ink, and a red cloth a little wider than the vials are long. LESSON: This bottle represents a boy or girl. It is now empty, but it will not stay that way very long. Our hearts are just the same. Sin soon gets into them, just as this fluid [clear gasoline] is poured into the bottle; Tt looks per­ fectly clear at first, but we shall see whether the color will change. Remem­ ber, the devil always makes sin look as harmless as he can. But now look! [Add a few drops of the discolored gasoline.] The color is changing. Every one does not sin in the same way. Here is another fluid [quicksilver] of an entirely different kind. It does not mix with the first; it sinks to the bot­ tom. Some people think that they are much better than others, because their sins are different from those of other people. The next fluid [water] is different from all the others. It looks absolutely harmless. I will drop some of this blue fluid [ink] into the bottle. It has no effect at all on either the bottom or the top fluids. But it does go imme­ diately to the clear fluid and makes it blue.. The heart which is represented by this bottle is now all dark with sin, and there is only one way to get rid of the darkness. That way is by believing in the cleansing blood of Christ. For “the blood of Jesus Christ his [God’s] Son K.P M

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