King's Business - 1940-04

April, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Out of Its depths—magnificent—shall grow These that shall flourish in Thy courts above. Daily I’ll water them with Thy good Word, And from their hearts I’ll pull the weeds of sin. This is the best that I can do, O Lord: But Thou wilt finish what Thou didst begin, And I can leave them with a quiet peace: Man sows the seed—God giveth the increase. —Helen Frazee-Bower. n. ^W hen L ove I s N eeded Suddenly bereft of his wife, a busi­ nessman was left with the care of two small children. The night of the moth­ er’s death, he could not quiet the little ones. Finally, he lay down beside them and held them close in his arms. His own heart was nearly breaking. For some time he thought surely the chil­ dren were both asleep. He was surprised to hear a little voice say, “Daddy.” / “Yes, dear.” “Daddy, I’m so sorry for you. You mustn’t cry. It’s awfully dark here, isn’t it? But—we can—love each other in the dark, can’t we, Daddy?” Every dark hour is a call to “love one another.”—Selected. MAY 19, 1940 PEACE ON THE MARCH P s a l m 120; 1 C h r o n ic l e s 22:7, 8 Meditation on the Lesson With virtually the whole world in­ volved today in some phase of war, the topic, “Peace on the March,” may seem incongruous. But in the face of the necessity for peace, no better time could be found for the discussion of the sub­ ject, especially in these' three aspects: 1. Peace in the Heart. II. Peace on Earth. III. Progress toward Peace. In the meditation on the subject, Scriptures other than those chosen by the Lesson Committee are cited below. Peace in the heart is possible for every individual. When pardon for sin is accepted, peace fills thS life. Do you know the Sin-Bearer as your personal Saviour? Then you know the Peace- Giver as your constant Friend. Peace is a gift (cf. John 14:27), Like the gift of salvation which no amount of meri­ torious service can earn, peace is re­ ceived from1the hand of the resurrected Lord (cf. Lk. 24: 36-43). Christ is the Source of peace (cf. 2 Thess. 3:16; Eph. 2:14); He is “the Lord of peace” (2 Thess. 3:16). For every one who lives in fellowship with Christ, there is an inner calmness—-“the peace of God, which passeth all understanding” (Phil. 4 :7 )—which r e m a i n « undiminished,

behavior provides. For instance, there might be introduced: Mother Eunice and Son Timothy (2 Tim. 1:5; 3:15). They actually loved the Word of God. By what means do you think this reverence was created and maintained? What part did Grand­ mother Lois probably have? Father Abraham and Son Isaac (Gen. 22:1-14). The ‘‘man of faith” had a faithful son; why ? Show from Hebrews li:17-19 that Abraham was not mani­ festing indifference to Isaac’s fate but faith in the God of the resurrection, the One who had promised that “in Isaac shall thy seed be called.” If Abraham were your father, what would be your estimate of him? Father EU and Sons Hophni and Phineas (1 Sam. 2:12). Though the sons, “priests of the Lord,” were guilty of terrible greed : (2:12-17) and immoral practices, it is not recorded that their father reproved them until “Eli was very old’! (2:22), How did the absence of discipline affect the individuals and the nation? Mother Zebedee and Sons James and John (Matt. 20:20-28). Why did the mother, instead of the sons, express the desire uppermost in mind ? What did they all learn from the Lord Jesus about the question of ambition ? What are some commendable ambitions (cf. 2 Tim. 2:15; 1 Thess. 4:11; Psa. 27:4; Matt. 6:19, 20). How did these characters, and others that may be named, relate themselves to the command in Exodus 20:12? As a conclusion for the meeting, read with all the meaning possible the pas­ sage in 1 John 2:12-14. Make clear that the “little children” and “fathers” shown here in beautiful fellowship are members of the family of born-again ones, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and that their understanding of one another as individuals is dependent upon their relation, personally, to the One who is Sin-Bearer (1 John 1:5-10) and Advocate (2:1, 2)> Family relations approach the Bible ideal only when Christ is honored. Helps for the Leader I. A M other D edicates H er C hildren “Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God” (Psa. 92:13). This is the promise that I claim for these Whom Thou hast given me, O Lord, to guide. Strong, straight, and beautiful as living trees, Here in Thy house I’ll set them side by side: Down to the solid rock of Truth I’ll go, Press close the soil of Faith with hands of Love,

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