King's Business - 1940-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April, 1940

in some supposed inherent goodness in human nature, on a so-called “balance of power,” or on faith in God? 2. Give stories of individual cases in which fellowship in Christ has over­ come barriers of race or nationality. 3. How can the Christian avoid be­ ing swayed by war propaganda? MAY 26, 1940 QUIET LEADERSHIP 1 C o r in t h ia n s 12:27-31; 13:1-8 Meditation on the Lesson Almost every one wants to command attention, to leave an impress upon the lives of others. This is not a low mo­ tive, if it is controlled by the Lord Jesu:^Christ. For instance, such promi­ nent leaders as “apostles, . . . prophets, . . . teachers,” persons with “gifts of healings, helps, governments” are' cited in today’s passage (1 Cor. 12:28, 29), and certainly no one should underrate the value of their ministry or leader­ ship. In fact, the Word urges one to desire “earnestly the best gifts.” But as distinct from this more spec­ tacular service, the Holy Spirit points to “a more excellent way”—a more sure and far-reaching manner of in­ fluencing others—which is wrought quietly through many individuals who never will be public leaders. The “more excellent way” is the way of love. (“Charity” is rendered “love” in the Revised Version.) In its blessed results (and there is comfort here for the most despairing disciple), the manifestation of love is superior to the display of the highest: Oratory (v. 1). Intellectual acumen (v. 2). Faith (v. 2). Benevolence (v. 3). Sacrifice (v. 4). In this day when so much is said and so many books are written about the necessity of “projecting one’s person­ ality” and becoming recognized by one’s fellows, it is needful that balance be restored by an emphasis among'Chris­ tians upon the unity in the body of Christ, the oneness in service of the weak and the strong.

though the whole world should crumble. Peace on earth was part of the angels’ message at the birth of Christ (cf. Lik. 2:^4). This promised peace which should extend to the nations will yet be enjoyed, but only when “The Prince of Peace” has taken “the government . . . upon his shoulder.” At that time, “of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end” (cf. Isa. 9:6, 7). Until He comes whose right it is to reign, we may expect “wars and rumors of wars” (cf. Matt. 24:6). This is not to say that strife is to be con­ doned, for the Word plainly teaches that we are actively to. “follow after the things which make for peace” (Rom. 14:19), to “follow peace with all men” (Heb. 12:14; cf. 2 Tim. 2:22). But when we see warfare continuing, and even increasing, we should not be dis­ couraged, but should “look up,” know­ ing that “the coming of the Lord draweth nigh” (Jas. 5:8). Progress toward peace, in any na­ tional or world-wide sense, obviously cannot be achieved through human ef­ fort. But remembering the commands, “Live in peace” (2 Cor. 13:11), “Be at peace among yourselves” (1 Thess. 5:13), is there not need for progress along this line in your home, your church, your Christian Endeavor So- ’clety? Discuss how this progress may be shown. Helps for the leader I. W hen O ur L ord M ade H is W ill D. L. Moody was once speaking on > the familiar passage in John, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you” (14:27). “Do you ever think,” he said, “that when Christ was dying He made a will? Perhaps you have thought that no one ever remembered you in a will, but if you are in the kingdom, Christ remembered you in His. He willed His body to Joseph Of Arimathea, His. mother to John the son of Zebedee, and he willed His spirit back to His Father. But to His disciples He left His peace—not ours, but His—and His joy . . . No judge or jury can set that will aside.—Sunday School Times. n . T houghts on P eace One of the devil’s snares is to occupy us with the past and future, so as to take away our peace for the present. Peace rules the day when Christ rules the mind. Set the Lord Jesus betwixt God and your sins, and the work of His right­ eousness will be your peace. —The Cream Book. Questions for Discussion 1. Analyze various peace plans or agreements of recent years, such as: The Hague Court, the League of Na­ tions, the Kellogg Peace Pact, and the Munich agreement. Where was the em­ phasis of each of these olans—on faith

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