King's Business - 1940-04

April, 1940


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S '

K in g ; Dympna K uni; C lifford Landaker; D elton M ansfield; W illiard Marlette; Marilyn M iller; R oger N orris; Phyllis Saunders; L loyd Smylie; Opal Stager; G eorgia Strohmaier; A r t h u r T ribble; H enry W alker; Shirley W alters;' and H erbert W ebster (Ann and B eatrice H ol­ lenbeck and E lizabeth McCall, teachers). BEE ROCK, K Y .: Dorothy, E lsie and Marie Neal. HARTFORD , WASH .: C lifford and B obby Byers (Mrs. Peter J. Brashler, teacher). HASTINGS, MINN.: Laura B orden; Dale Johnson; A rlene and K athryn R ekstad (Charlotte K eene ¿nd Margaret Smith, leaders). LOS ANGELES, CALIF.: Martina L ar­ sen; Naola A verill; Joe and Paul Occhi- pinti (V erla A akjer, leader). MASON, W IS.: A lfred Goldberg. M IDWEST, WYO.: Nelda Joe B arber; E dgar Duncan; Tomm y Hall, and Patsy Setterberg (Mrs. R. L. Stevens, leader). MYRA, K Y : Vernon F lanery; Marvin Jones; Elsie and V irgie May R ay (Ruth E rickson, leader). OAKLAND, CALIF.: P eggy B row n; M arjorie and Pasty W are, and F ay Sad- lar (Mrs. H. A. Nelson, teacher). PH ILADELPH IA, PA.: James H all; Davis N orthnegal, and M inerva Price (K atherine W oodley and Mrs. Kuehner, leaders). SALT POINT, N. Y.: M arjorie Buck. SANTA RO SA ,'C A L IF .: Y vonne M ickey (Mrs. Esther V. Meeker, leader). SHELBY, O.: Clayton, Ivan and Wayne B aldridge; Donna Mae and Glen B riggs; Mabel and Oren Fred B oyse; Pauline H all; A ngela and Melvin Lake, and Joy Ann Stickney. TACOMA, WASH .: Phyllis H ope; Jean M arshall; Amy Marvik, an d‘ M yrtle M cA ll­ ister (Mrs. A. G. Schafer, teacher). W ARF IELD , K Y .: Cleatice B row n; Pauline Bolish; Gladys D eals; Irene John­ son; Easter and D orothy M cCoy; Eula Dean Murrey; Christine and H olling Porter, and Marie T riplett (R ose Lee Barr, leader). WILLIAMSBURG, K Y .: Loraine Chat- field ; Darlene and Im ogene Goins; M ovou- reene Green; Paul and W ilm a Hughes; Alma, Christine, Geraldine and Thelma L oy; V ivian Hope Mack; Marie Raines, and Bonnie Jean V each (Selma Dahlberg and Zelpha Chadderdon, teachers).

FAMILY CIRCLE [ Continued from Page 137]

TH E V O IC E O F M E LO D Y New Songs and Choruses Solos 8 Scripture choruses 5 Missionary songs and choruses Various titles including "Sale Am I" 19 Order now ....... ............... 25c for 43 WM. DILLON 3M9kTcagT,t ni.A™'

to have fellowship with Chauncey B. (’21) and Mrs. Sheldon (Hattie L. Cope, ’22) and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hathaway, of Biola, who are working In adjoining territory with the Brethren. Bom To Cyrus and Mrs. Binford (Gene­ vieve Hunter, ’36), a daughter, Julienne Carol, Jan. 26, Yakima, Wash. To N. B. and Mrs. Penner (Emma Berg), a daughter, Laura Mae, Oct. 28, 1939, Bakersfield, Calif. To I. R. (’21) and Mrs. Wall (Bertha Wall, ’25), a son, Gerald Dewey, Feb. 2, Long Beach, Calif. Married Henry Leonard Culpepper and Vivien I. Ridley, ’29, Nov. 5, 1939, Pasadena, Calif. Eldo Epp (’35) and Verna Paulson, Aug. 1, 1939, Arua, Uganda, British East Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Epp are mis­ sionaries of the Africa Inland Mission With the Lord Timothy Keith, who came to gladden th*e home of J. Keith (’32) and Mrs. Altig (’33), on October 1, 1939, was taken into the heavenly Home on March 7, from Los Angeles, Calif.—there - to await the coming of those who loved him dearly. David, eleven-year-old son of Clar­ ence H. (’17) and Mrs. Charlton, was taken to be with the 'Lord on February 13, at Los Angeles, Calif. Brian, the little son who was 'wel­ comed into the home of Arthur and Mrs. Fritsen (Geraldine G. Buy, ’28) on Feb. 18 stayed just one day and then, on Feb. 19, was taken back to be with the Lord who gave him. John A. Gustavson, ’14, passed away on December 24, 1939, at Berkeley, Calif. Mrs. Elden C. (Evelyn) Whipple, ’29, after a long and painful illness, passed into the presence of her Saviour on February 13, at Bellingham, Wash., while at home on furlough from mis­ sionary service under the China Inland Mission. Mr. Whipple, ’24, was left with four children. He is staying at the home of his father, 139 Cable St., Bellingham, Wash. JUNIOR KING’ S BUSINESS The follow in g have read through the Gospel accord in g to John and are now members o f the K n ow Y our Bible Club. ABERDEEN , S. DAK .: Hannah and H ow ard Abraham son; Charles A ggen ; E u­ gene A isenbray; D onald A istrup; Frank A rm antrout; Clyde B arber; Darlys B ou- lais; Dale B row n; B etty Jean B ucks; Gor­ don B usw ell; John C acavas; E leanor C lark; Sylvia Culp; V irgil D ufloth; B ar­ bara E rickson ; R obert G oodspeed; Judith H aley; M argaret H eier; Linton H inds; Darrell, Donald and L oretta H orm ann; Douglas Hopper; Robert Jones; Doris Keller; Earl and William Kent; •Carol [ Continued from Page 136] New K. Y. B. C. Members

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