King's Business - 1940-04

April, 1940

' T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


fulfill before we can claim answers to prayer. We have a right to ask in the name of the Lord Jesus only if we be­ long to His family through the new birth. Furthermore, we learn, “If I re­ gard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me” (Psa. 66:18). "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7). You will find it most helpful to make a study, with use of a concordance, of the condi­ tions of successful prayer. Read such verses as 1 John 3:22; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 29:13, and Mark 11:24. May I ask you quite frankly, though gently, for I do not wish to hurt you, Are you asking selfishly for things to My dear, look up into your Father’s face and tell Him you know that He knows what is best for you! Tell Him that you can trust His love and wisdom to give or to withhold the thing you ask, because you desire His will above your own. Do not be like a spoiled child that pouts when it cannot have its own way! Our L i t e r a t ur e Tab l e satisfy your own vanity or worldly am­ bition and desire? If that is the case, the reason for your failure to get an affirmative answer can be found in James 4:3. Recently I heard some one say, “Many Christians treat God as if He were a servant to run our errands and do our bidding instead of a Lord to direct and control our lives.” We cannot always know the will of God in the thing about which we are praying. In this case, is it not better to ask Him to do His will for us in the matter rather than to try to get things from Him because we desire them ? When our wills are lost in His will, we shall pray according to His will, and the Holy Spirit Will teach us to pray as we ought.

Girls' Query Corner Conducted by M yrtle E. S cott

Questions for answer in this comer should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks St., West Hollywood, Calif., and a stamped envelope should be enclosed for reply. No name will appear with the questions chosen for publication. Dear Miss Scott:

God does not answer my prayers. I ask Him for many things, but I do not get many of them. Something I desired very, very much, I asked Him for again and again in faith believing He would do it, for I claimed His promise, “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it” (John 14:14). If that does not mean what it says, what does it mean ? Does God really hear and answer prayer, or is prayer merely a helpful exercise for Christians to indulge in, as some of my friends suggest? —A Discouraged Christian Girl. My dear “Discouraged Christian Girl” : .God does hear and answer prayer. But because He is all-wise and loving and we are often very foolish in our asking, many times He must answer with a No. Sometimes our faith is tested and we are taught prevailing prayer by a de­ layed answer, but a delayed answer is not a refusal. We must remember that conditions for prayer are given us which we must NEW SIGNÀL FLASHES from REAR WINDOW— DASH Control l A E I I T A A whirlwind seller. Drivers buy on flash A l a N M I m demonstration. Dealers buy 3 to 12. Your U profit mark-up as high as 2649b- Biggest sensation of year. Bush name quick for facts and Demon­ strator sample plan. All Free! Rush. WATCH-MY-TTJRN SIGNAL CQ. Dept. W 584, Walnut Bldg:. Des Moines, Iowa " F O R E C A S T " . . . • a prophetic foreview on the W orld's com ­ in g Super Man, The False Prophet, an Armed Peace. "OLD TIME RELIGION and THE HARVEST," illustrated tracts on Sal­ vation, Scriptural H oliness /(K e sw ick ), H ealing and Power. The three for 10 cents. Kev. Ohas. A. Adee, Clarkfield, Minn. TRIBULATION OR TRANSLATION A new list of Scripture proofs that the Church will not be in any part of the Tribulation period. Booklet, 5c coin. PREMILLENNIAL PUBLICATIONS BOX 188 CAMDEN, N. J. THE SCARLET BEAST The Coming Horsemen. The Great Tribulation. International Suicide. 48 Hours in Hell. Russell- ism. Adventism. Easy Roads to Hell. The Gift Of Tongues. These and . over 150 other titles, in­ cluding comfort series, (many illustrated with striking Cartoons and Illustrations and printed on Rainbow colored paper). Send postage for a lib­ eral sample package. Pilgrim Tract Society, Me., Randieman, N. C.

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