King's Business - 1940-04

April, 1940


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

who profited m ost by his spiritual gifts w ere unaware of his physical handicaps. The present volum e w as w ritten : by one who was associated closely w ith Mr. Mc- Cdnkey in the m inistry o f the printed page; the introduction is by his Princeton classmate, H enry W . Frost, D irector Em ­ eritus o f the China Inland Mission. Bear­ ing as an appropriate subtitle the simple w ords, “ A Man o f God,” this book w ill stimulate the prayerful reader to greater and more intimate love o f the L ord Jesus Christ, greater kindness am ong believers, more complete yieldedness to the L ord’s perfect plan fo r the individual. 211 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. Bible Lessons With Posters Vol. 1 By MRS. L. W . KRA TAV IL Children's w orkers w ill w elcom e this com pilation o f tw elve exceptionally fine -Bible lesson s-th a t present the heart o f the gospel in a superior wayT A ccom pany­ ing posters finished in color by a screen process make it possible to illustrate the deep fundamentals of the Christian faith w ith sim plicity and clarity that w ill de­ light the children as w ell as adults. 78 pages. M imeographed. Paper bound. Price 50 cents; posters $1.00 each. Order from Mrs. L. W . K ratavil, 437 N. 16th St., Corvallis, Ore., or the Biola B ook Room. That Men May Live By W ALTER D. KALLENBACH I “ Jesus Christ and Him crucified” is the theme and heart' of this book. W ith alm ost unrivalled clarity and depth of spiritual understanding, the author p or­ trays the significance of the death of Christ. The seven chapters w ith their al­ literative titles, “The Subm ission: One Great A ct;” “ The Scroll on the Cross,” “ The S coffin g at the Cross,” “The Sacri­ fice on the Cross,” “ The Surety o f the Cross,” “The Sufficiency o f the Cross,” “ The Spectators around the Cross,” pre­ sent seven phases o f a comprehensive study o f God’s redemptive w ork w rought at Calvary. Unbelievers w ill be stirred by the compassionate appeal to them. B elievers w ill be strengthened by the convincing, sincere, and scholarly reason­ ing. E very reader w ill rejoice in the f i ­ nesse w ith w hich the author handles the subject. The .author, who is physically blinds is one whose m inistry as a scholar, musician, evangelist, and orator God has singularly blessed, 173 pages. Northland Pub, House. Cloth. P rice $1.00. The Menace of Anti-Semitism in America Today B y FRED ER ICK ALFRED ASTON Readers w ill find this subject, which is absorbing international interest, to b e# inform atively treated in this booklet. The historical background o f Anti-Sem itism , its causes, and the modern m anifestations are analyzed and discussed. Mr. Aston points out that the only possible solution to this acute problem , which concerns so many thousands o f people throughout the entire w orld, is Christ. Because o f the rising tide of Jewish hatred which threatens America, the Christian church is challenged to comprehend the situa­ tion, and then to act. 12 pages. New Y ork Jewish E vangelization Society, Paper. Price 10 cents. 100 fo r $5.00. Among the Shadows By SARAH ELIZABETH BLACKLOCK Through the darkness and the shad­ ow s caused by sin and poverty, the life o f little blind and lame Janet Leary shone w ith undimmed radiance as she sought to live fo r Christ in the squalor of the slums. Embittered, disillusioned, and broken in health, young Johrt Cham­ bers realized anew the m eaning of life after the child passed his threshold. The absorbing story o f his stru ggle to regain his ideals and the position that he had form erly held as a surgeon before his five black years is m ore than a recital of events. W ith rare insight into human nature the author reveals .the strength of character in Janet whose soul has eyes even If her physical sight Is impaired, It

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Dr. Herbert Lockyer

Other books by Dr. Lockyer

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forth anew many indisputable facts re­ vealed in both the W ord o f God and in Palestine which corroborate the claims made by Christianity throughout the years. Because “ the best comm entary on the B ook is the land o f the B ook,” the author has chosen to use the setting of our L ord’s earthly sojourn as a basis for his scholarly and stim ulating message concerning the resurrection— “ God’s Amen to Calvary,” as he has termed it. The book is characterized by beauty o f lan­ guage and depth o f thought. 40 pages. B iola B ook R oom . Paper. P rice 25 cents. Heralds of Salvation B y FRANK GRENVILLE BEARDSLEY B iographical pictures - o f the lives of fifteen outstanding soul-w inners are here sketched w ith such stron g lines o f gen ­ uineness, that the reader finds him self desiring to yield to God anew fo r H is use as a w inner o f souls. Am ong the char­ acters depicted are Jonathan Edwards, George W hitefield, John W esley, Peter Cartw fightj Charles G. Finney, J. W ilbur Chapman, R. A. Torrey, and others. 218 pages. American T ract Society. Cloth. Price $1.25. With Him ' By ANNA J. LINDGREN Popular demand necessitated a reprint Df this extraordinarily fine compilation of m editations and stories o f the author’s own experience, and the book now ap­ pears in a revised and enlarged edition. Many Christian leaders have expressed cheir appreciation o f the deeply spiritual tone o f the volume. For every one who reads “W ith H im ,” there is a. rich bless­ ing in the consciousness of the reality o f the presence o f Christ. 135 pages. Zonder­ van Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. Dragons in the Wind B y ETHEL HUBLER The bdoklet is a tim ely appeal to the Am erican public to take action against the ever-increasing liquor traffic. Statistics and facts concerning this dead­ ly social evil are presented i.i a way that should stimulate Christians to action. Miss Hubler is taking a courageous stand, and she challenges others to awake from their lethargic* indifference and join the fig h t against liquor. 48 pages. Published by the author, 126 W est Third at,, L os Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 50 cents.

is a story that leaves a convincing im - pressiom o f reality— both o f life on the earth and o f eternal life w ith God. 251 pages, ReveU ’ Co. Cloth. P rice $2.00. So Great Salvation For Week Day and Sunday Bible Classes B y ALICE M. COMSTOCK Eighteen practical, usable lessons for children on such subjects as “ Forgiveness o f Sin,” “W hat It Means to Be Justified,” “Eternal L ife,” “Imputed Righteousness,” “The New B irth,” “The Trinity,” “ The W ork o f the H oly Spirit,” “ Sanctifica­ tion,” an4 many others are. contained in this book. Deep doctrinal truths are pre­ sented in such a w ay as to make them easily understood by children. Each les­ son is so prepared as to lead to definite decisions fo r Christ, In addition there are three stories fo r special occasions and a set o f cu t-ou t illustrations. Paper. 28 pages (8 % x ll inches). Price $1.00. A lice M. Com stock, 2224 Coloma St., Oakland, California. Himnos De La Vida Cristiana A hymnal in the Spanish .language has been prepared fo r general church use and fo r evangelical purposes. Some of the finest old hymns o f the church have been translated and many new ones added. T hroughout the book is a dom inant air of worship, all hymns being sound in the faith and inspirational in character. This com pilation includes t h r e e hundred hymns, sixteen choruses, eighteen respon­ sive readings, an order o f service, alpha­ betical index and topical index. 320 pages. Christian and M issionary Alliance. Cloth. Price 65 cents. Just as the Christmas celebrations were being .planned in a fam ily o f five devoted children, new s came to their widow ed mother of the sudden m arriage o f eigh- teen-vear-old Rex. H ow the fam ily re­ acted’ to this new relationship, and the effect that it had upon the members in­ dividually, is a story of more than usual interest. 828 pages. J.-B . L ippincott Co. Cloth. P rice $2.00. Calvary’s Afterglow B y KENNETH M. MONROE pulsatin g w ith joyou s triumph, the lit­ tle booklet, “Calvary’s A fterglow ” sets Stranger Within the Gates B y GRACE LIVINGSTON HILL

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