
Zumba Mega-Party Raises Over $13,000 for Sacha’s Park $0..6/"65 r  $0..6/ * 5:

A Zumbamega-party, hosted last Saturday by VankleekHill resident Louise Stephen- son, sawnearly 100 participants dancing in the rain to raise over $13,000 to help build Sacha’s Park. !e participants, who wore the capes and costumes of their favourite super heroes, weren’t deterred by the light rain that came down throughout the event, which was held on the outdoor rink at the Vankleek Hill arena. Many commented that the opportu- nity to dance in the rain added to the overall fun and ambiance of the evening. !e event, dubbed the We Got!e Power - Zumba Fundraiser for Sacha’s Park , fea- tured Zumba instructors from as far away as Ottawa andMontreal, who were on hand to assist Louise Stephenson in leading the community support since it was announced this past March. !e park, once built, will be one of the most inclusive playgrounds in Canada and feature items that will allow children of all abilities to play together. ! !e Chénier family were on hand for the event and were overjoyed by the continued community support. Jason Chenier, Sacha’s father, expressed the family’s gratitude. “We are so touched by this wonderful event that Lou put together. It’s amazing to see somany people come out in support of what we are trying to do. !e community as a whole is really getting behind this project, and it is heartwarming to see.” !e evening’s event concluded with an emotional "nal dance number to Sacha’s favourite song, Over!e Rainbow , by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. Before leaving, the parti- cipants came together for a big group hug, as a balloon, released in memory of Sacha, gently #oated into the night sky.

crowd through two hours of Latin- and inter- national-rhythm inspired dance numbers. !e instructors were joined at various points throughout the event by sponsored dancers, includingmembers of the Hawkesbury OPP detachment. In addition to the dancing, acti- vities included face painting, photo booth, door prizes and a silent auction. !e funds raised will go towards the purchase of equipment for Sacha’s Park, a universally accessible playground project to be built in L’Orignal in memory of Sacha Chénier.!e project, being spearheaded by Sacha’s family who have donated land for the project, has received enthusiastic support frommembers of the Champlain Township council. !e proposal has also seen broad

!e Chenier family accepting a cheque fromLouise Stephenson (photo credit: Bruce Toombs).

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Les récipiendaires de Reconnaissance Hawkesbury dévoilés

Les récipiendaires des prix du Gala Recon- naissance Hawkesbury ont été dévoilés en août dernier. Cette année, c’est cinq per- sonnes qui seront honorées lors de la troi- sième édition de l’événement qui se tiendra le 26 septembre prochain, au Club de golf La Cité. Dans la catégorie Affaires , le lauréat est Daniel Brunet de la Banque Scotia. Pour la catégorie Commerce , c’est Donna Hoffman, du Tigre Géant, qui est la récipiendaire de 2015. Bruno Lecot remporte dans la caté- gorie Implication communautaire , tandis que Paula Assaly est la lauréate dans la catégorie Art et culture . C’est André Pilon qui a été sélectionné comme lauréat dans la catégorie Sports et loisirs . Le Gala Reconnaissance Hawkesbury vise à honorer publiquement des personnes ou des organismes de la commu- nauté hawkesbourgeoise, dont les activités et l’engagement communautaire contribuent à améliorer la qualité de vie des résidents d’Hawkesbury. – Alexandra Montminy

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Présentations suggérées. *Taxes en sus. L’offre des Côtes levées (un repas côtes levées 11 oz ou 22 oz pour 7 $ de plus) est disponible du 31 août au 27 septembre dans les rôtisseries St-Hubert et St-Hubert Express participantes. **Un produit Coca-Cola 500 mL inclus à l’achat du repas Côtes levées pour les repas à emporter et à la livraison. “Coca-Cola” MD Coca-Cola Ltée, utilisée sous licence. MD Marque déposée de St-Hubert S.E.C., employée sous licence. © Tous droits réservés. Suggested servings. *Taxes extra. The ribs’ offer (one 11 oz. rib meal or add $7 for 22 oz. meal) is available from August 31 st to September 27 th in participating St-Hubert and St-Hubert Express. **One 500 mL Coca-Cola product included with the ribs’ offer at take-out and delivery. “Coca-Cola” ® Coca-Cola Ltd., used under license. ® Registered trademark of St-Hubert L.P., used under license. © All rights reserved.

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