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easy grow guide geranium quantum (Pelargonium xhortorum)
Plug Production: 288 plugs or larger
Use a well-drained, disease-free, peat-based plug medium with pH 6.0-6.2, EC <0.75mmhos. Media should be saturated prior to sowing for optimum germination. Cover seed with vermiculite, or a vermiculite/media mix and irrigate again to ensure the vermiculite is wet. High moisture levels are critical for success. Media temperature should be 70-73°F (21-23°C) but avoid temperatures of 25°C (77°F) and above as thermodormancy will occur. Keep light levels <1500 f.c. Light is not essential for germination but can be beneficial. Maintain high humidity until days 3-5. Media temperature can be dropped to 65-68°F (18-20°C), light levels should be <3000 f.c. HID lights can promote growth and faster flowering in periods of low light. Fertilize with 100-150ppm N from 15-5-15, 17-5-17 or 13-2-13, keep media pH at 6.0-6.5 no lower and EC <1.5mmhos. Media temperatures can be lowered to 62-65°F (16-18°C), light levels should be maintained around 3000 f.c. Dry down between irrigations but avoid wilt. Fertilize with 100-150ppm N from 13-2-13 to tone seedlings. When 3 true leaves are present, you can begin to spray with Cycocel (250-750 ppm) or B-Nine (800-1500) + Cycocel (250 – 500 ppm) to control growth if required. It is best to run your own trials to avoid overdosing, as weather and cultural regimes can affect the requirements.
Germination Stage 1 & 2: (7-10 days)
Germination Stage 3:
Germination Stage 4:
Growing On to Finish: Packs, 4” (10cm) pots
Use a well-drained, disease free, peat-based growing mix with pH 6.0-6.2 (no lower) and EC <1.5mmhos. Temperatures for rooting out after transplant should be 65-68°F (18-20°C) Temperatures for growing on can be lowered to 62-65°F (16-18°C) Light levels should be 3000-5000 f.c. as a guide. HID lights can be used in low light periods to give more total light and encourage flowering. Practice a good wet/dry moisture cycle but avoid wilting. Geraniums do not like to be too wet but can’t tol erate wilt either. Feed 1 – 2 times per week with 150 – 200 ppm N from 15-5-15, 17-5-17, or 13-2-13, it is best to use calcium based fertilizers, extra iron can be added if needed. Keep media pH 6.0 – 6.8, and media EC 1.25 – 1.75 mmhos, any higher can cause root damage. Quantum is a slower growing, more compact variety than Horizon so less PGR is required. For toning, use sprays of Cycocel (350-1500 ppm) or B-Nine (800-1500) + Cycocel (350 – 1000 ppm) to control growth. Bonzi sprays (2 – 5 ppm) can also be used once the foliage covers the media but avoid drenching. It is best to run your own trials to avoid overdosing, as weather and cultural regimes can affect the requirements
Growth Regulators:
Aphids, Thrips
Pythium, Botrytis, Alternaria Leafspot, Rust. Necrosis on lower leaves is likely to be caused by media pH <6.0, upper yellow leaves – high media pH >6.8 or low iron.
Plug Times:
288 plug:
4-6 weeks from sowing to transplant
Transplant to Finish: Container
Plants per Container Transplant to Finish
Total Crop Time
1 x plug per cell
9-11 weeks
13-15 weeks
4” (10cm):
1 x plug
11-12 weeks
15-16 weeks
6” (15cm):
1 x plug
13-15 weeks
17-19 weeks
Crop times are based on optimum conditions. Alternative environmental conditions and cultural regimes can lengthen the crop times stated above.
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