The UWI Mona Campus_Graduation Ceremonies 2022

Oriens Ex Occidente Lux “A Light Rising from the West”

The listing of Names, Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates to be conferred, appearing herein, is subject to such changes as may be necessary to conform to the Final and Official Records of The University of the West Indies.

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Presenting The University of the West Indies The University of the West Indies (The UWI) is an internationally recognised university, rooted in the Caribbean. Since 1948, this university has provided service and leadership in its mission to advance sustainable development for the survival of the Caribbean economy and society. The UWI has been consistently ranked among the top universities globally by the most reputable ranking agency, Times Higher Education (THE). It is the only Caribbean-based university to make the prestigious rankings since its debut in 2018. In addition to its leading position in the Caribbean, The UWI is also ranked in the top 25 in Latin America and the Caribbean, and is also featured among the leading universities on THE’s Impact Rankings for its response to the world’s biggest concerns, outlined in the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Good Health and Well-being; Gender Equality and Climate Action. From a university college of London in Jamaica with 33 medical students in 1948, The UWI is today, an internationally respected, global university with near 50,000 students and five campuses: Mona in Jamaica, St. Augustine in Trinidad and Tobago, Cave Hill in Barbados, Five Islands in Antigua and Barbuda and Open Campus , in addition to 10 global centres in partnership with universities in North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe. One of only two regional universities in the world, The UWI covers some 2.8 million square kilometres of sea, from Belize in Central America to Trinidad and Tobago in the southern Caribbean. Its programmes, international in scope with a unique Caribbean focus, make The UWI the ideal educational institution for local, regional, and international students. The UWI offers over 800 certificate, diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate degree options in Culture, Creative and Performing Arts, Food and Agriculture, Engineering, Humanities and Education, Law, Medical Sciences, Science and Technology, Social Sciences , and Sport . Programmes are delivered face-to-face and online, as well as through franchise arrangements with community colleges and other tertiary institutions. As the Caribbean’s premier university, it possesses the largest pool of Caribbean intellect and expertise committed to confronting the critical issues of our region and wider world. The UWI is an activist university, and a pivotal force in every aspect of Caribbean development; residing at the centre of all efforts to improve the well-being of its people.

Through its annual output of graduates, Caribbean-focused

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research and policy advice to governments and the private sector, The UWI continues its contribution to the region’s stability and development. The University’s commitment to creating knowledge, applying and translating that knowledge into solutions, and improving lives in our region and the wider world, is unparalleled. With a network of more than 237,000 alumni, there is no sector of Caribbean society, including the highest levels of government and business, in which our graduates are not found . Over 25 have risen to become Heads of Government or Heads of State, and countless are leaders of all the professions – locally, regionally and internationally. Two of the three Nobel Laureates of Caribbean descent also have direct ties to the University: Mona alumnus Sir Derek A. Walcott (Nobel Prize for Literature, 1992) and former Vice-Chancellor, Sir Arthur Lewis (Nobel Prize for Economics, 1979). Phase II of The UWI’s current Triple A Strategy (strategic plan), themed The Revenue Revolution is grounded in the vision that the University needs to facilitate an Access revolution in higher education in the Caribbean region given the low level of enrolment at the tertiary level, regionally and also among members of the Caribbean diaspora, deepen the Alignment of its resources and capabilities with industry to provide path-breaking solutions to challenges which hinder firm and industry competitiveness, become more Agile to take advantage of opportunities in the local, regional and global marketplace. These three strategic goals drive the Revenue Revolution strategy.


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Chancellor’s Message to the Graduates of 2022 My heartiest congratulations to you on successfully completing your programme of study! These past few years have been challenging for all of us and I am absolutely pleased that you have reached this point. Your achievement demonstrates your determination and resilience and I believe this augurs well for our collective future.

Our lives have been irreparably impacted by a virus that has demonstrated its resilience and ability to adapt and made us change the way we engage with each other. The resurgence of infectious diseases that we

thought we had conquered and eradicated has also reminded us that we must continue to be ever vigilant. In addition to viruses new and old, the war being waged by Russia on Ukraine has disrupted global supply chains, threatened food security and negatively impacted production in many industries. Developing countries such as ours in the Caribbean have to be mindful of shifts in the geopolitical landscape as our world is so globalised that events taking place in seemingly distant places impact us in ways that we do not expect. How well we adapt to these constantly changing circumstances around us will determine how well we thrive in the future. You are the shapers and custodians of that future. I am deeply aware of the dire need to protect our environment and reverse the negative impact of what industrialisation and the intense use of fossil fuels has done to our planet. Political, economic and social decisions made in the future by all of us, individually and collectively, will have an impact and I urge you to make those decisions thoughtfully and with a view to caring for and preserving your - our - future.

My heartiest congratulations! Robert Bermudez, Chancellor

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Vice-Chancellor’s Message to the Graduates of 2022 My heartiest congratulations to each member of the graduating class of 2022! You have toiled assiduously at your academic studies and today, together with your families and loved ones, we celebrate your achievement. Some of you are also second-time graduates of this institution and I commend you for your commitment to pursuing a regional education. Your journey to this day has been an interesting one. Some of you may have had only one and a half semesters of face-to-face classes before we pivoted to remote teaching in March 2020. It is possible that some of you may have never been on one of the campuses! Whatever your experience has been, this graduating class, like those of 2020 and 2021, has a special place in the unfolding history of this institution. Your success is our success and your University is grateful to you for staying the course and demonstrating that in the face of significant challenges, by working together, we can achieve our goals. Your world has been transformed by technology. The fourth industrial revolution which was already upon us was given impetus by the COVID-19 pandemic and we all got a taste of what the world of the future will look like. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, cloud technology, and the internet of things have become infused in our lives and have changed our perspective about how we interact with each other. Traditional university life usually affords students opportunities to engage with counterparts others from other countries and cultures. It is my fervent hope that even with online studies, you were still able to form friendships that withstood the test of group work and assignments. That networking and some of those friendships may last beyond your academic careers and into your professional lives. Continue to nurture those relationships. As you reflect on the journey you have completed and on what lies ahead, I ask that you consider how you can have a positive influence in all that you do in the future. In addition to your professional lives, mentor a student, contribute towards scholarships for bright but financially challenged students, advocate for your university in various fora, and stay in touch with us through the various social networking facilities that have been set up for this purpose.

We wish you the very best as you continue on your chosen paths.


Hilary Beckles, Vice-Chancellor

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Principal’s Farewell Message to the Graduating Class of 2022

On behalf of The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, I extend heartiest congratulations to you, the graduating class of 2022. This signifies the end of one part of your life’s journey and the beginning of another. We reflect with pride on all that you have accomplished, together and individually, and are delighted to celebrate this milestone with you.

You are the group of graduates who had persevered under the exceptional circumstances of virtual learning. Most of you had only one semester of in-person classes and interactions. Notwithstanding, you learned quickly how to manipulate and change your reception of information from the traditional teaching modality. You have done things in different ways and we salute you for your patience and resilience. You are no less capable nor less trained than the prior cohorts who were taught by in-person instructions. Indeed, you possess additional skills that we have never had in our repertoire and have influenced how the UWI will move forward as a global university. The UWI will continue to offer hybrid, blended and alternative teaching/evaluation systems because your successes have shown us that these systems can succeed and the efficacy of an on-line education in a new context. We welcome you into the group of eminent scholars who are alumni of this distinguished and historical regional institution. I implore you to take advantage of the methods of connection you used throughout your years as a UWI student. Stay connected with each other, connect with your Alma Mater (through the varying networks, halls, faculties, clubs and sporting activities), be ambassadors of the UWI brand. We are happy to have been able to guide and support you along this journey and recognize that in your creativity and innovative spirit you have shared as much with us as we have shared with you. Always remember the UWI in your near future, give back to this institution, not only financially but in time, opportunities, ideas and communication. Graduation is a momentous occasion because of all that it signifies. It is an indication that you have overcome many challenges and have made many sacrifices to achieve this accomplishment. There were the challenges of adjusting or re-adjusting to a tertiary education setting, balancing the demands of your various responsibilities, and planning for your life beyond this point in a world climate, marked by natural and anthropogenic challenges. You are here because you had resolved to see this tertiary education journey through to its end. It also means that you have achieved this great

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success because you made use of the opportunities that could be found in the midst of difficulties. Truly, you have much to be proud of. The world that awaits you is one that will challenge you even more than you were challenged here. The feeling of this era is almost cataclysmic as we are faced with decisions of all kinds. Step out boldly in your next engagements knowing that you have been prepared for all situations, especially, unexpected ones. Remember also, that you never have to do it alone. You are here today because you had help along the way and your tomorrows will only be truly successful if you collaborate with others. I would like to thank the families of the graduates for believing, supporting and encouraging these students throughout their academic endeavours. Graduation is the time to bask in this glory, savour the moments and enjoy the recognition.

Graduates continue being the bright lights rising from the West.

Best wishes for the next stage of your journey class of 2022.

Dale Webber, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Principal Mona Campus

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Visitor The Hon. Justice Fitzherbert Rolston Nelson retired JCCJ, MA Oxon ; LLM Lond

Principal Officers of The University

Chancellor Robert Bermudez

Vice-Chancellor Sir Hilary Beckles, KA, BA, PhD Hull , Hon DLitt Brock , Hon DLitt Hull , Hon DLitt Glasgow , Hon DLitt KNUST , Hon DHL University of the Virgin Islands Chairpersons, Campus Councils Cave Hill Sir Paul Bernard Altman, KA, GCM, BCH, JP, BBA Mia , Hon LLD UWI

Five Islands Aziz Fares Hadeed, CBE

Mona Earl Jarrett, OJ, CD, JP, Hon LLD UWI , FCA, MSc UWI

Open Campus Her Excellency June Soomer, BA, PhD UWI

St. Augustine Sharon Christopher, LLB UWI , LLM London , LEC, Acc. Dir

Pro Vice-Chancellors, Campus Principals and Interim Campus Principal Cave Hill R. Clive Landis, BSc Birmingham , MSc, PhD Loyola

Five Islands Densil Williams, BSc, MSc UWI , PhD Manc Mona Dale Webber , CD, BSc, PhD UWI Open Campus Francis Severin, BA, MSc, PhD UWI

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St. Augustine Rose-Marie Belle Antoine, LLB UWI , LLM Cambridge , DPhil Oxon , Attorney-at-Law Pro Vice-Chancellors C. Justin Robinson, BSc UWI , MSc FIU , PhD Manc Aldrie Henry-Lee, BA, MSc, PhD UWI D eputy Campus Principals Cave Hill Winston Moore, BSc UWI , MSc Warwick , PhD Surrey Mona Ian Boxill, BSc, MPhil UWI , PhD Colorado State Open Campus Emily Dick-Forde, BSc UWI , MPhil Cambridge , FCPA FCMA, PhD Dundee St. Augustine Indar Ramnarine, BSc UWI , MSc U of Wales , PhD UWI , MBA Heriot-Watt

University Registrar Maurice D. Smith, JP, CPFEd, Teach Dip Mico, BSc NCU , MSc NSU , EdD Howard

University Bursar Andrea McNish, BSc, MSc UWI , FCCA, CA

Public Orators Cave Hill Kenneth Connell, MBBS, DM UWI , PhD KCL Five Islands Andrea Veira, BS, Dip. Ed UWI , MA Derby Mona Livingston White, BA UWI , MSc, PhD FSU Open Campus Veronica Simon, BA, DipEd, MPhil UWI , PhD Sheffield St. Augustine Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw, BA, MA, PhD Boston

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Programme Thursday, November 3, 2022 4:00 p.m.

PRELUDE The UWI Panoridim Steel Orchestra

The Procession of Graduates will commence at 3:15 p.m. The Academic Procession will commence at 3:45 p.m. The Company is asked to be seated until the playing of the National Anthem. THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION The Marshals Members of the Executive of the Students’ Society Members of the Executive of the UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter) Members of the Academic and Senior Administrative Staff Members of the University Council and Campus Council Members of Senate THE NATIONAL ANTHEM The Company is requested to stand for the playing of the National Anthem. THE CHANCELLOR’S PROCESSION The Company is asked to stand. The Chancellor’s Procession will enter in the following order: The Chief Marshal The Campus Registrar The Deans of the Faculties The President, UWI Alumni Association ( Jamaica Chapter) The University Bursar The Public Orator and The University Registrar The Deputy Principal and The Pro Vice-Chancellors The Campus Principal The Honorary Graduand, Sen. The Hon. Dr. Rosemary Moodie The Vice-Chancellor The Chairman, Mona Campus Council The Mace Bearer The Chancellor When the Chancellor has taken his seat, the Company is asked to sit.

THE CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS The Chancellor will address the Company.

CONFERMENT OF HONORARY DEGREES The University Registrar will call on the Public Orator to read the citation for The Honorary Graduand, Sen. The Hon. Dr. Rosemary Moodie for the conferring on her of the HONORARY DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE of The University of the West Indies.

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GRADUATION ADDRESS The Chancellor will call on the Honorary Graduand, Sen. The Hon. Dr. Rosemary Moodie to address the Company.


AWARD OF FIRST DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor, and call on the Deans of the appropriate Faculties to present those persons in their Faculties who have been awarded First Degrees and Diplomas. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS The Chancellor will invite the Class Valedictorian, Dr. Dayna Palmer, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Honours, to address the Company. AWARD OF HIGHER DEGREES AND POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor and call on the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Studies and Research to present those persons who have been awarded Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas. ALUMNI PLEDGE The Chancellor will invite the President UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter), Mr. Dwayne Haynes to lead the graduates in reciting the Alumni Pledge. SINGING OF THE UNIVERSITY SONG The Chancellor will invite the University Singers to lead the Company in the singing of the University Song. CLOSURE OF CEREMONY The Chancellor will declare the Ceremony at an end. The Processions will retire in the following order: The Chancellor’s Procession The Academic Procession The Company is asked to stand and to remain in place until the Processions have retired.

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Programme Friday, November 4, 2022 10:00 a.m.

PRELUDE The UWI Panoridim Steel Orchestra

The Procession of Graduates will commence at 9:15 a.m. The Academic Procession will commence at 9:45 a.m. The Company is asked to be seated until the playing of the National Anthem. THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION The Marshals Members of the Executive of the Students’ Society Members of the Executive of the UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter) Members of the Academic and Senior Administrative Staff Members of the University Council and Campus Council Members of Senate THE NATIONAL ANTHEM The Company is requested to stand for the playing of the National Anthem. THE CHANCELLOR’S PROCESSION The Company is asked to stand. The Chancellor’s Procession will enter in the following order: The Chief Marshal The Campus Registrar The Deans of the Faculties The President, UWI Alumni Association ( Jamaica Chapter) The University Bursar The Public Orator and The University Registrar The Deputy Principal and The Pro Vice-Chancellors

The Campus Principal The Vice-Chancellor The Chairman, Mona Campus Council The Mace Bearer The Chancellor

When the Chancellor has taken his seat, the Company is asked to sit.

THE CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS The Chancellor will address the Company.


AWARD OF FIRST DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor, and call on the Deans of the appropriate Faculties to present those persons in their Faculties who have been awarded First Degrees and Diplomas.

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VALEDICTORY ADDRESS The Chancellor will invite the Class Valedictorian, Danielle Mullings, Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (Major) and Film Studies (Minor) with First Class Honours, to address the Company. AWARD OF HIGHER DEGREES AND POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor and call on the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Studies and Research to present those persons who have been awarded Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas. ALUMNI PLEDGE The Chancellor will invite the President UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter), Mr. Dwayne Haynes to lead the graduates in reciting the Alumni Pledge. SINGING OF THE UNIVERSITY SONG The Chancellor will invite the University Singers to lead the Company in the singing of the University Song. CLOSURE OF CEREMONY The Chancellor will declare the Ceremony at an end. The Processions will retire in the following order: The Chancellor’s Procession The Academic Procession The Company is asked to stand and to remain in place until the Processions have retired.

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Programme Friday, November 4, 2022 4:00 p.m.

PRELUDE The UWI Panoridim Steel Orchestra

The Procession of Graduates will commence at 3:15 p.m. The Academic Procession will commence at 3:45 p.m. The Company is asked to be seated until the playing of the National Anthem. THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION The Marshals Members of the Executive of the Students’ Society Members of the Executive of the UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter) Members of the Academic and Senior Administrative Staff Members of the University Council and Campus Council Members of Senate THE NATIONAL ANTHEM The Company is requested to stand for the playing of the National Anthem. THE CHANCELLOR’S PROCESSION The Company is asked to stand. The Chancellor’s Procession will enter in the following order: The Chief Marshal The Campus Registrar The Deans of the Faculties The President, UWI Alumni Association ( Jamaica Chapter) The University Bursar The Public Orator and The University Registrar The Deputy Principal and The Pro Vice-Chancellors The Campus Principal The Honorary Graduand, Ms. Diane Jaffee The Vice-Chancellor The Chairman, Mona Campus Council The Mace Bearer The Chancellor When the Chancellor has taken his seat, the Company is asked to sit.

THE CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS The Chancellor will address the Company.

CONFERMENT OF HONORARY DEGREES The University Registrar will call on the Public Orator to read the citation for The Honorary Graduand, Ms. Diane Jaffee for the conferring on her of the HONORARY DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS of The University of the West Indies.

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GRADUATION ADDRESS The Chancellor will call on the Honorary Graduand, Dr. Diane Jaffee to address the Company.


AWARD OF FIRST DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor, and call on the Deans of the appropriate Faculties to present those persons in their Faculties who have been awarded First Degrees and Diplomas. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS The Chancellor will invite the Class Valedictorian, David Salmon, Bachelor of Science in Public Policy and Management (Major) and International Relations (Minor) with First Class Honours, to address the Company. AWARD OF HIGHER DEGREES AND POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor and call on the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Studies and Research to present those persons who have been awarded Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas. ALUMNI PLEDGE The Chancellor will invite the President UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter), Mr. Dwayne Haynes to lead the graduates in reciting the Alumni Pledge. SINGING OF THE UNIVERSITY SONG The Chancellor will invite the University Singers to lead the Company in the singing of the University Song. CLOSURE OF CEREMONY The Chancellor will declare the Ceremony at an end. The Processions will retire in the following order: The Chancellor’s Procession The Academic Procession The Company is asked to stand and to remain in place until the Processions have retired.

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Programme Saturday, November 5, 2022 10:00 a.m.

PRELUDE The UWI Panoridim Steel Orchestra

The Procession of Graduates will commence at 9:15 a.m. The Academic Procession will commence at 9:45 a.m. The Company is asked to be seated until the playing of the National Anthem. THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION The Marshals Members of the Executive of the Students’ Society Members of the Executive of the UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter) Members of the Academic and Senior Administrative Staff Members of the University Council and Campus Council Members of Senate THE NATIONAL ANTHEM The Company is requested to stand for the playing of the National Anthem. THE CHANCELLOR’S PROCESSION The Company is asked to stand. The Chancellor’s Procession will enter in the following order: The Chief Marshal The Campus Registrar The Deans of the Faculties The President, UWI Alumni Association ( Jamaica Chapter) The University Bursar The Public Orator and The University Registrar The Deputy Principal and The Pro Vice-Chancellors The Campus Principal The Honorary Graduand, Professor Orlando Patterson The Vice-Chancellor The Chairman, Mona Campus Council The Mace Bearer The Chancellor When the Chancellor has taken his seat, the Company is asked to sit.

THE CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS The Chancellor will address the Company.

CONFERMENT OF HONORARY DEGREES The University Registrar will call on the Public Orator to read the citation for The Honorary Graduand, Professor Orlando Patterson for the conferring on him of the HONORARY DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LETTERS of The University of the West Indies.

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GRADUATION ADDRESS The Chancellor will call on the Honorary Graduand, Professor Orlando Patterson to address the Company.


AWARD OF FIRST DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor, and call on the Deans of the appropriate Faculties to present those persons in their Faculties who have been awarded First Degrees and Diplomas. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS The Chancellor will invite the Class Valedictorian, Akeelia Richards, Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours, to address the Company. AWARD OF HIGHER DEGREES AND POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor and call on the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Studies and Research to present those persons who have been awarded Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas. ALUMNI PLEDGE The Chancellor will invite the President UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter), Mr. Dwayne Haynes to lead the graduates in reciting the Alumni Pledge. SINGING OF THE UNIVERSITY SONG The Chancellor will invite the University Singers to lead the Company in the singing of the University Song. CLOSURE OF CEREMONY The Chancellor will declare the Ceremony at an end. The Processions will retire in the following order: The Chancellor’s Procession The Academic Procession The Company is asked to stand and to remain in place until the Processions have retired.

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Programme Saturday, November 5, 2022 4:00 p.m.

PRELUDE The UWI Panoridim Steel Orchestra

The Procession of Graduates will commence at 3:15 p.m. The Academic Procession will commence at 3:45 p.m. The Company is asked to be seated until the playing of the National Anthem. THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION The Marshals Members of the Executive of the Students’ Society Members of the Executive of the UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter) Members of the Academic and Senior Administrative Staff Members of the University Council and Campus Council Members of Senate THE NATIONAL ANTHEM The Company is requested to stand for the playing of the National Anthem. THE CHANCELLOR’S PROCESSION The Company is asked to stand. The Chancellor’s Procession will enter in the following order: The Chief Marshal The Campus Registrar The Deans of the Faculties The President, UWI Alumni Association ( Jamaica Chapter) The University Bursar The Public Orator and The University Registrar The Deputy Principal and The Pro Vice-Chancellors The Campus Principal The Honorary Graduand, Mr. Adam Stewart The Vice-Chancellor The Chairman, Mona Campus Council The Mace Bearer The Chancellor When the Chancellor has taken his seat, the Company is asked to sit.

THE CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS The Chancellor will address the Company.

CONFERMENT OF HONORARY DEGREES The University Registrar will call on the Public Orator to read the citation for The Honorary Graduand, Mr. Adam Stewart for the conferring on him of the HONORARY DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS of The University of the West Indies.

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GRADUATION ADDRESS The Chancellor will call on the Honorary Graduand, Dr. Adam Stewart to address the Company.


AWARD OF FIRST DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor, and call on the Deans of the appropriate Faculties to present those persons in their Faculties who have been awarded First Degrees and Diplomas. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS The Chancellor will invite the Class Valedictorian, Tamarnie Tavares, Bachelor of Science in Operations Management (Major) and Management Studies (Major) with Second Class Honours (Upper Division), to address the Company. AWARD OF HIGHER DEGREES AND POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor and call on the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Studies and Research to present those persons who have been awarded Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas. ALUMNI PLEDGE The Chancellor will invite the President UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter), Mr. Dwayne Haynes to lead the graduates in reciting the Alumni Pledge. SINGING OF THE UNIVERSITY SONG The Chancellor will invite the University Singers to lead the Company in the singing of the University Song. CLOSURE OF CEREMONY The Chancellor will declare the Ceremony at an end. The Processions will retire in the following order: The Chancellor’s Procession The Academic Procession The Company is asked to stand and to remain in place until the Processions have retired.

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Faculty of Engineering Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Dr. Adrian Lawrence BSc. Howard, MSc. UMiami, Ph.D. UF Bachelor of Science

First Class Honours

BARTLEY, Brenton Sylvester BLOOMFIELD, Matthew CASTANHEIRO, Ronaldo Simoes DONALDSON, Okeno Obrian EDWARDS, Janelle Joy Carole GRAY, Nicolene Anne-Marie

MCKENZIE, Makaila Colleen MEGGO, Daniel Stephen MILLER, Dervan Johnathan MILLER, Sophia Kimberlee MINOTT, Adam Justin Ross MORGAN, Jaleel Onawe MYRIE, Alexandra Lauren PARCHMENT, Valencia Marian POTTINGER, Kyle Anthony

HALL, Shantae Rori-Ann

HANSON, Courtney-Ann Candese HOLNESS, D'Andra Renae HURDE, Jhanille Odeene LAHEJA, Ganga Naresh MARTIN, Lowarn Actaveous AFFLICK, Kadar Kamil Haman ALLEN, Akeenu Aaron Najah ANDERSON, Joshua Patrick ANDERSON, Maraye Eliane ANDERSON, Uzziel Eli-Akim ASPHALL, Dorelle Dae-shannel

SMITH, Nicholas Bryan

THAMES, Jhanelle Toni-Marie WILLIAMS, Danielle Brooke

HUGHES, Justine Brianna

IVEY, Chase Nicholas

JACKSON, Akil John-Alex JOLLY, Alyssa Peta-Gaye

JONES, Mitzi Arnelle

JOSEPHS, Jolly Fitz-Morris LESLIE, Javar Anthony MCFARLANE, Ashley Shinelle

BAILEY, Travis Naseem

BARCLAY, Daniella Angelique BARTLEY, Martineil Teshmar BILLINGS, Kyle Brandon BINNS, Ajene Cuthbert BROWN, Devauny Ackeeno BURRELL, Janneil Latanya

MILLER, Akira Kristina

MURRAY, Austin Bradley Dominik

NATION, Dishawn Akil PALMER, Lori-Ann Danielle ROYE, Kimberly Annmarie SMITH, Ebboni Khailann

CHOLMONDELEY, Joshua William Stanley

CLARKE, Kai Mycah

SOARES, Shemar Tevon

DACOSTA, Nathan Marc-Anthony

STEPHENSON, William St. Jose

DACRES, Joshua Daniel

STEWART, Adrian Omar TEAPE, Miguel Antonio

DALEY, John-Mark Garfield

DAWKINS, Jordan-Alexander Stephen DEANE, Nicholas Andrew Neville

WALLACE, Najaye Tristacia WILLIAMS, Jon-Kristof Jeremy WILLIAMS, Onandi Christopher

DIXON, Romaine Carlton DIXON, Torne Crevorne HOWARD, Stefan Malik

YOUNG, Shana-Gail Paula



Institute for Gender and Development Studies University Director Professor Paula Morgan BA, MPhil, PhD UWI Bachelor of Science

First Class Honours WILLIAMS, Titanya Tianna

BRUCE, Devonne Daneisha CAMPBELL, Garcia Fredrica

MARTIN, Angeneil Angelene MARTIN, Sherifa Shanice

COX, Sherie Kay

MCKENZIE, Malaika Mikhaila Milantha

EDWARDS, Deborah Elaine INNERARITY, Jodyann Dennika JOHNSON, Kendra Kendre LAWSON, Easton Alphanso

PORTER, Gabrielle Elizabeth REYNOLDS, Thalia Ruthanna

SHAW, Randia Zaidita

WRIGHT, Nicollet Christena



Faculty of Humanities and Education Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Professor Silvia Kouwenberg BSc, MSc, PhD Univ. of Amsterdam Bachelor of Arts

First Class Honours

ALLEN, Candice Natoya ANDERSON, Antonette Lisa ATKINS, Kashauna Shantel

GIBBS, Ashley Dawnette Myrna GORDON, Jevaughn Akeem Scott

GREY, Toni-Shea Amoy

BELL, Nikema

GUMBS, Shajunee Junisha Shakira HARRISON, Danielle Samantha

BENNETT, Kerry-Kay Alexandra BROWN, Natalia Talice Zamora

HENRY, Zoya Abigail

BRYAN, Javid Markland COKE, Nicaro Chad COMRIE, Celeste Dion

HINDS, Britnai Alexandria JAMES, Jevaughn Donovan LATTERY, Jadia Danielle

COOKE, Amani Etana McLean

MAITLAND, Jody-Ann Kimique MCDONALD, Savannah Britney-Jean MYLES, Jody-Kay Sashana ONFROY, Ashleigh Christana REID, Amanda Angelica SAMUELS, Tianna Chante SMALL, Jodi-Ann Camille SMITH, Daveen Altevisa SPENCE, Nahdira Elizabeth Mark

DAVIS, Reana

DOOKIE, Keryce Natasia ELLIS, Jodi-Ann Tanishka

ELLIS, Tanisha Kay

ELLIS, Toriann Tameika

EWERS, Glenesha Alexandra Roberta

FLEMMINGS, Travis Leon

FOX, Noelle

FRANCIS, Kristen Danielle FRANCIS, Serginia Christina GAYLE, Brianne Yvonne Batson

THOMAS, Krisean Olivia

WHITTINGHAM, Abigail Faith

ADAMS, Brittany Danielle ALLEN, Anna Kay Kadian ALLEN, Michelle Eunice ANDERSON, Janell Rosalie

CAWLEY, Timothy Lloyd

CHAMBERLAIN, Shemonie Nichoya CLIFFORD, Shanoy Melonie COLEMAN, Zari-Jane Elizabeth

ANGUS, Imani Kalifa

COOMBS, Ashley Tiana COORE, Jamila Akilah

ANTHONY, Edward Felix ASHLEY, Monifa Abby-Gayle

CUFF, Tania Marie

ASHMAN, Tamoy Elvy

CURTIS, Shanique Petrona Antoinette

ATKINSON, Kemoy Hakeem BAILEY, Misheca Jameala

DARIEN, Gavin Frankcisco

DAVY, Daina Caprice

BAILEY, Pavel Eric

DAWKINS, Marvalyn Millicent

BANTON, Andre Demarley BARRETT, Abigail Samantha BELL, Christal Everesha BELL, Marcene Hannah

DEMERCADO, Shaneli Shayona Diandra

DIXON, Leasa

DOCTOR, Rasheid Anthony DOUGLAS, Aisha Sakile Halina DOUGLAS, Sanaa Serena EAST, Shantay Alyssa EDWARDS, Nicole Adassa EDWARDS, Nneka Toni-Ann ELLIS, Kayla Alexandria ESSON, Rashaed Sherlock EVANS, Maud Kaloggs EVERING, Julie Annmarie FACEY, Kevaughan Akeem FERGUSON, Kimone Ariel FOSTER, Chante Donique FRANCIS, Diamonique Nixan FRANCIS, Jhenelle Monet FRANCIS, Rachel Kara-Beth FRANCIS, Shockera Tamara FRAZER, Tamara Staciann GEDDES, Tahjhana Kwesi-Lee GILZENE, Paul Akeem O'Neil

BELL, Noel Linton

BELNAVIS, Latavia Simms BENTI, Shaqueal Oneal

BISSESSAR, Chelsea Kimberly Egypt

BLACK, Keisha Rosemarie BRADY, Ashley Andrea

BROWN, Jerrano Daishanelle BROWN, Nicolette Ashley-Gaye

BRYAN, Shikera Denae BRYCE, Brianna Brittania BURKE, Adrian Antonio

BURROWES, Yannick Frederick BURTON, Jodeen Monique Renee CAMPBELL, Ashley Iesha CAMPBELL, Avery McKela CAMPBELL, Daneal Natasha CAMPBELL, Nikhail Bryan

CAMPBELL, Pete Rickardo

CAMPBELL, Regina Anyasantana CAMPBELL, Shanquallay Christina CARPENTER, Jo-Dean Roshanna

GIVANS, Jodia Stephanie GORDON, Renna Celine

GORDON, Shamone



GORDON, Shantae Deidra GRAHAM, Alliyah Shantae

NEIL, Tashna Damalee NEITA, Shanice Nicole

GREEN, Shane Javell

NEVINS, Princina Natalia O'GILVIE, Taphari Alexander

GRENADE, Adrianna Daniella

HALL, Dyeima Callil

PALMER, Britny Shadeki

HAMILTON, Khayla Ashley

PALMER, Titsan

HAMILTON-JOHNSON, Althia Knottesha

PHILLIPS, Danielle Kenya PHILP, Ashlee Tiamar PORTER, Shari Kedeesia

HAYE, Sashalyn Delisa HAYNES, Ashley Marie

HEADLEY, Sheneil Khamarra

PRINCE, Jhon-Marc Charles Andrew

HENNEY, Kiara Kristena HENRY, Shanoi Brittley

PURRIER, Sophia Doreen

QUAMINA-BOYCE, Yohance Jabari

HINES, Akeem

REED, Dario Adimir REID, Lucianne Marie REID, Shanelle Venessa

HINES, Antonette Corlena HOLNESS, Shyon Annia HURD, Shamar Ashley HUTCHINSON, Tiffany Shenae

RISDEN, Victoria

ROBINSON, Cory Kevaun ROBINSON, Rhea Kimone ROSE, Nerrick Romain ROSE, Teja-Jae Kameita

HYATT, Danae Tishana IRONS, Danneak Avonia ISRAEL, Elise Kathryn

JACKSON, Kodian Shavodean JACKSON, Loiann Petanea JOHNSON, Denuon Ashan JOHNSON, Lacy Lillymae KEMBLE, Sasha-Kaye Moya

SAMUELS, Jodie-Ann Danielle Samantha

SAUNDERS, Georgette Angelita SAVIZON, Sasha-Lyn Shakira SHAND, Shannel Shanice SHANNON, Annetta Loraine SHAW, Rickeyann Andrea SHIRLEY, Amanda Christal SINGH, Melissa Shereca SMITH, Jason Christopher

KIM, Je-Yeon

LACROIX, DeShawn Dexter LANGLEY, Deborah Deloris

LAWRENCE, Ashley- Nicole Akaliah

LAYNE, Michael Anthony LEWIS, Shadae Beneka

SMITH, Leroy Romaine SPENCE, Antonio Mark

LITTLE-JOHN, Taneicha Simone LLEWELLYN, Shanay Krystal

SWABY, Shaniel Sasha-Gaye TENNANT, Abigail Olivia TERRELONGE, Kallejhay Nyasha

LLOYD, Kareen Nashalee

LONGMAN, Julie-Ann Janeka LORD-SMITH, Danielle Ayisha LUDFORD, Rohanna Loriann LYLE, Duwie Decordova MANNING, Denieve Patrenio MANNING, Nyoka Phalisia MARAGH, Marion Sadora

THOMAS, Anastasia Elizabeth Kathleen

THOMPSON, Crystal Elizabeth THOMPSON, Danielle Amaya

TOLAN, Sunil Anthony

VALENTINE, Michaelique Georgia

WEBSTER, Le-Anna Joy WHITE, Ackime Anthony WHITE, Anthony Leroy WHITE, Javaunne Renaldo WILLIAMS, Alexis Kedesha WILLIAMS, Kayla Shannoya

MARS, Jaykel

MATTIS, Ronn-Michal Antonio MCCOOK, Kevin Alexander

MCFARLANE, Janiel Lori

MCLAUGHLIN, Kyle Bradley Stephen MCLEAN, Delisa Nathania MESSAM, Juliene Davina MILLWOOD, Nicola Kisha MOORE, Christopher Lauriston MORGAN, Adria Tonia MORGAN, Amauny Jameke

WILLIAMS, Leshay Khristina Ashley WILLIAMS, Phaedra Jho'Ellan WILLIAMS, Sharla Charolee WILLIAMS, Tashon Asheka WILLIAMSON, Kyle Dean WITTER, Rickie-Ann Abbygale WRIGHT, Anna-Kaye April

MORGAN, Andrew Alexander

WRIGHT, Chantelle

MORRIS, Zacia Naomi

WRIGHT, Kellie-Ann Sharefa

MORRIS-SEALY, Jherard Dalwen Cornelius

WRIGHT, Seana'kaye Aisha Rosanna

MUGISA, Tusiime Mugabi

WYNN, Ranjel Richardo YOUNG, Keowna Amanda

MYERS, Jodi Lianna

Bachelor of Arts (Ministerial Studies) First Class Honours BYFIELD, Javanie Ashanie



Bachelor of Arts (Theology)

First Class Honours

ALFRED, Joelle Marla BOWEN, Oneil Duane GREEN, Robert Rayon INTIAZ, Javed Nasir KAGABA, Emmanuel

MURRAY, Gillian Nicole MUTUNGA, Edward Musilu PHILLS, Jerand Irwin Marc ROBINSON, Anthony Ricardo

CARRIDICE, Courtney Wayne Anthony

PRENDERGAST, Kamar Krisstoff Jovaughn

CHAMBERS, Nicholas Cole

TIMME, Rachel

EREM, Christ

Bachelor of Education

First Class Honours

BARRETT, Tashika Antonette HARVEY, Kay-Ann Alexia

ROSS MCCALLUM, Tamara Sharane

SMALL, Suzanne Shauna-Kay

LEWIS, Crystal Gale

ALLEN, Nikeita Kemelia ARCHER, Mitcheonie

MATTHEWS-FRAZER, Shini Stephany MCDONALD, Garrett Anthony MCKENZIE, Vineisa Stephanie MCPHERSON, Kerry-Ann Alicia

BELNAVIS, Samoya Ava-Gaye BROWN, Gary Christopher

BROWN, Shanie Bianca

MESSAM, Romell Adrian POWELL, Ashley Briana POWELL, Shanique Marie

BUCHANAN-STEPHEN, Petrona Natashay

CAMPBELL, Monique Amoy CORKE, Latoya Tanisha CROOKS, Jamoi Levaughn DIAS, Cydon Shadai Britny FONG, Martina Osheen HENRY, Bradley Vernon HENRY, Tajay Tawon

SALMON, Cindy-Lee Georgiana

SMITH, Lonna-Gay Talica

STANLEY-BENT, Catora Katherine STEWART-GORDON, Romel Andrea

TRACEY, Tamique Kay-Wane WATSON, Janieve Olivia

LLOYD, Jodian Savannah Michelle

Bachelor of Fine Arts

First Class Honours

GAYLE, Lee-San Shelleya

LYN, Ariana Alexia

ASH, Kirsten Kayland

GOODCHILD, Cylindian Primrose HOLGATE, Jonathan Lloyd Anthony

BARNETT, Rebekah Rose-Ann BROWN, Davario Raheim BROWN, Glynn-Paige Novelett DAVIDSON, Ajowah Ruth DAWSON, Shenell Roberta DIXON, Husani Abayomi

JENEZ, Britney Alexandria LEWIS, Nyron Kevaughn

NELSON, Sameque Toni-Marie SINCLAIR, Soleil Amore McKenzie STENNETT, Xandria Ashley Krysten


With Distinction

KET-ENG, Julius Caslangen

NZYOKA, Michael Ndunda TALABAN, Johnson Yanguas

KULLU, Praful

MADEIRA, Narciso

TOILI, John Paul TOPPO, Vinod

MAUNDU, Gabriel Matata NTHUKA, Francis Nzyoka


With Honours

BERIBE, Wilhelmus Wuringama

NESI, Adrianus

DIRI, Fransiskus KULLU, Policarp

NGUI, Michael Mutunga PADRE, Crispin Campo

MUTUNGA, Ancent Wambua

SORENG, Ranjit



SURIN, Agapit




Faculty of Law Dean of the Faculty of Law Professor Shazeeda A. Ali LLB (UWI), LLM (Cantab), PhD (Lond), Attorney-at-Law Bachelor of Laws

First Class Honours

BIGGS, Sophronia Shania FRASER, Sydney Amaliya

REID, Dacia Antonette RICHARDS, Akeelia Shani RICHARDS, Ronaldo Anthony ROSEN, Ashley Elizabeth SOUTHWELL, Akilah Jael Deshawn

GUINESS-BROWN, Joshua Alexander

HENRY, Lisakay Trishanna

KING, Tiffany Nicole

MCFARLANE, Janessa Alexandra MIRANDA, Tannisha Siddonie

ST. HILL, Janecia Jamielia STREETE, Darien Denzil

MYRIE, Aaliyah Marjolae

ALLEN, Shannon Sheroi ARCHER, Danielle Melissa BARCLAY, Ruth Joanna

GRANT, Onella Jon Benet HARRISON, Kimesha Sujude HAYNES, Nicholas Xavier Jared HENRY, Jana-Lee Ramona HENRY, Shari-Ann Carlisha

BARNES, Stephanie Heather Rebecca BARRACKS, Wesley-Ann Sasha-Gaye

BEAUMONT, Shane Dominic

HENRY, Vanessa Patrice

BELL, Breanna Sharae

HUTCHINSON, Kerry-Ann Shanalee HYLTON, Cheyenne Taylor IMO, Johsiah Kimani Jahwanza

BENJAMIN, Sharese Audria Yvette BINGHAM, Patrique Indra Pricilla

BLAKE, Akeem Andrew BLAKE, Christina Paula-Ann

JACKSON, Monique Roslyn JOHNSON, Danielle Thaelia

BOSWELL-EDWARDS, Natasha Allison

JONES, Ashley Sarah JONES, Kyle Nicholas

BROWN, Dana Christina

BROWN, Deleishia Areicia Headley

JOSEPHS, Courtniy Gheanelle KELLY, Ashley Donnae Andrea KELLY, Tiana Britny-Ann KENNEDY, Ketra-Loy Marie KNIGHT, Kay Roxanne Rene LAFAYETTE, Leila Lemerra LEGGARD, Kaelan Gadiel LESS, Lauren Antoinette LEWIS, Donovan Patrick Charles

BRUCE, Jevauna Brittany BRYAN, Shemar Bjorn

BURTON, Jordan Douglas Orlando BUSHAY, Kourtni Tyler-Jade Ashley

CAMPBELL, Tahirah Nasani CAMPBELL, Tamoy Allayha

CATO, Najeel Natalie

CHAMBERS, Denneil Horace CHUCK, Tineille Sue-Ann COKE, Ravelle Oshardo COLEY, Rakeisha Annakay

LUGG, Sanjay

LYLE, Hasani Adrian

MAKONNEN, Kwasi Magann MAXWELL, Ruth-Ann Abigail

COX, Kimberly Wahu

DACOSTA, Fiona Alisha Alorna

MAYNE, Nicane

DALEY, Anica Jennelle DALEY, Delorane Deketa DALEY, Shantel Ashley

MCCALPIN, Shanice Reana MCCARTHY, Mishka Hushena MCCORMACK, Gabrielle Stephanie

DAVIS, Raemone Pia-Shante DAVIS, Taylor-Anne Samantha DEHANEY, Briann Lesley-Ann


MCKAIN, Amber-Joy Tammi-Ann MCLEAN, Michelle Carol-Lee MCLEOD, Tionne Brianna Latavia MCNAUGHTON, Jelani Akil MEDWYNTER, Bradley Kristophe

DENNIS, Sabrina Ann

DIXON, Cebrena Kimorne DOUCE, Britney-Ann Kimberly

DUNKLEY, Amy Elizabeth

MILLER, Aadajah Nate

DUVERNEY, Dennise Elizabeth ELLIS, Rachel Michael-Lee Joanna EVERETT, Ronaldo Kristoff Brooks FALCONER, Anique Marika FARQUHARSON, Paje Ebony

MILLER, Kris-Ann Angelica Roberta MILLER, Morgan-Leigh Alyssa

MILLER, Shienelle Cee-Jay MINOTT, Shanae Lourie-Ann

MOGUEL, Abibi Sarai

FOSTER, Natalia Alexia

MOODIE-HENRY, Angelle Gedon MOORE, Miheala Moya MORRIS, Duvaughn Asher MURRAY, Candace Gabrielle MYERS, Anastasia Allanis

GENAS, Thandeka Nathania GORDON, Danielle Pamella GORDON, Dea Akilah GORDON, Jamal Denzel GORDON, Roshae Elizabeth

MYLES, Ayoka Ashaki NELSON, Shanelle Annisa

GRAHAM, Topaz Eloae




NELSON, Tanisha Shanice NICHOL, Dadrie Nicola

SMITH, Catherine Abbigail Minto

SMITH, Janelle Peter Gaye SMITH, Kodia Toni-Ann SMITH, Octavia Kamarla SMITH, Sarah Elizabeth STEPHENS, Africka Sara STIRLING, Trudy-Ann

NICHOLAS, Christopher Andrew PAGE, Joshua Sylvester PALMER, Michael Dave PARILLON, Grace Elizabeth PLUMMER, Denyta Niany PRINCE, Brianna-Lee Marie RATTRAY, Chad Barrington Bruce RAWLINS, Jon-Alesi Dejanell REDWOOD-JOHNSON, Julian Necola

STREET SILVERA, Regina Anastasia SUKIE-LINDO, Sasha Narkia SWABY, Katelyn Rose TAYLOR, Tatyana Aaliyah THOMAS, Tasheka Teviesha THOMPSON, Deandria Safeiya THOMPSON, Tajaun Royan

REYNOLDS, Tishawna Renee RICHARDS, Michela Jenique

ROBB, Tecia Cerina

ROBERTS, Donela Hope

UTER, Rojay Anthony

ROBERTS, Ruth-Ann Shantel

VALENTINE, Toni-Jae Trevene VANRIEL, Oshay Alexsandra WAITE, Zaviah Shamanie WALKER, Kacia Nastassia WELLINGTON, Keandra Sabrean

ROBERTSON, Tatiana Tarai Mique ROBINSON, Roshaun Beverley RUSSELL-HARRIS, Andrene Melissa

SADLER, Sage Victoria

SALWAY-ANDERSON, Celestine SAMUELS, Nyvia Marica SCOTT, Rianna Christine SCOTT, Shaquiera Shevonese

WHITE, Rushana Renice

WILLIAMS, Christina Bernadette Simone

WILLIAMS, Christina Sandi WOODBINE, Daniela Antonette WRIGHT, Ashley Alexandria

SELLARS, Ernestine

SIMMONDS, Jeff Larry

WYNTER, Shamoya Shantoy Stephenson

SIMMONDS, Shinae Shantia SIMPSON, Chadrica Davanah

YOUNG, Kymari Damion YOUNG, Lenore Kimone



Faculty of Medical Sciences Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences Professor Minerva Thame

MB,BS, DCH, DM(Paeds), PhD, FAcadMEd Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery With Distinction

JONES, Kristina Sofia Abigail

SYLVESTER, Rodean Melandia

SMITH, Angelique

With Honours

ANDERSON, Anquan Winston Charles

GIBSON, Chelsi Riche

ANDREW, Carlos Andre

GREEN, Makayla Sandrene HAYE, Akeem Malone HEMMINGS, Imani Faith HODGE, Je Marc Keagan HYLTON, Lisanne Marie JEAN-MARIE, Simone Lauren

BAIN, Norshanti Norashel Norissa BAIN, Teria Anfela Antoinette BARRETT, Devon Vinroy BETHELL, Ave' Lauren BOGLE, Preston Dane BROWN, Aaryanna Rochelle BROWN, Kiana Shashani BROWN, Trishell Ann-Marie

JONES, Cyan Elizabeth KERR, Kemar Esroy

LEWIS, O'Sini Alexandra Loraine

CAMPBELL, Tasha Gay CATTOUSE, Yan Ullrich CHAMBERS, Daniel Elijah CHARLES, Rose Mika CHEA, Amanda Megan CHRISTIAN, Shanae Tiana CHUCK, Anya Lurain CHUNG, Justine Ashley

LOWE, Jonathan Gar-Man

MCINTOSH, Abbygale Samantha MILLER, Chinelle Amoy MILLER, Ricardo Theodore MORGAN, Glenneshia Esther MORGAN, Glenric Antonio MORGAN, Jabari Saint Julian MORGAN, TerryLee Jodelle PALMER, Dayna Nichole PALMER, Shanique Kerrian PERRYMAN, Amanda Sara RAMSINGH, Dana Jayne SAUNDERS, Kyle Van-Dyke SEYMOUR, Zarya Delorean Cerene SHALLOWE, B'Jon Naylan Ted

CLARKE, Abigail Jody-Ann COLLINGTON, Jordan Akeem CROOKS, Jonothan St. Christopher

CUNNINGHAM, Avery DAVIS, Aliana Shanika

DAWKINS, Barbrianna Ginger EDWARDS, Latisha Shanelle ETIENNE, Obasi Hintsa Makesi

WILLIAMS, Brian Jordan

ABAYOMI, Bilal Olasunkanmi AKONG, Chad Joshua Shanley

BRANFORD, Tara-Lloy Romee` East BREWSTER, Devon Malcolm BROWN, Rohan Orlando BROWN, Tressonica Aiesha BROWNE, Demitri Alexis Tyriek BRYAN, Brittany Stephnie-Kay BUTLER, Asia Nichristia BUTLER, Shanae Lyndesha


ALEXANDER, Felicia Velita ALLEN, De Vaughn Claude

ANDERSON, Karla Aeisha Yannique

ANDERSON, Tanya Dennika ARCHIBALD, Nadjae Malique

AUGIER, Alexander Vincent Michael

CAIN, Rhea Delise

AUNG, Pye Phyo

CAMPBELL, Jilaine Danielle

AUSTIN, Tamara Morriki BAILEY, Andriano Alex BAISDEN, Vivien Christal

CARTWRIGHT, Celine Hughette Lili CASTLE, Jason James Anthony

CASTLE, Jonathan Jamal CATO, Palacia Imani

BAKER, Miguel Paul


CHEDDESINGH, Victoria Ann-Marie CHUNG, Jodi-Ann Samantha CHUNG, Mishka Kara Gloria-Ann

BARTLETT, Travis Xavier

BARTON, Shantol Chevanese BASHFORD, Jackebia Vivannie BENJAMIN, Jheanel Mickelia Palmer BENJAMIN, Sarah Gabrielle BERNARD, Omeika Alecia BETHEL, Morganne Yvette Marie

CLARKE, Shantol Shanique

CLEARE, Matio Siebe

COOPER, Greganique Brittany COOPER, Jah-zein Alleyah COULSON, Ashley Houdhan

BLACK, Ronaldo Wesley BOWE, Georgia Leticia

COX, Felice Desha

DACOSTA, Jhenelle Deanna

BOWLES, Caneicea Vonshel BOYD, Anna-Maria Kimberly

DATT, Ryan Dharry

DAVIDSON, Shanique Latoya


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