Verifiable Credentials During the period August to October 2021, The UWI Open Campus issued its first set of verifiable credentials to thirty- one persons from across the Caribbean as part of a Verifiable Credentials Project being implemented in collaboration with World Data, and funding from the Inter-American Development Bank. Receiving verifiable credentials were eight students who successfully completed the Continuing and Professional Education Sport Broadcasting Workshop , which was hosted in collaboration with The UWI Faculty of Sport and facilitated by the Open Campus Academy of Sport (OCAS); and a cohort of twenty- three students who successfully completed the CCRIF SPC/UWI course titled Fundamentals of Disaster Risk Financing for Advancing the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) . The Project’s main objective is to issue 2500 verifiable credentials by the end of June 2023. The Culture Stewards CV Publications The Culture Stewards Committee (CSC) falls under the remit of the Campus Principal who is responsible for advocating/ championing an Open Campus Culture in alignment with The UWI Core Values (CV) of Integrity, Excellence, Gender Justice, Diversity and Student Centredness . In September 2021, a group of Culture Stewards formed a sub-committee aimed at featuring and promoting The UWI Core Values to the Campus Community through a monthly publication called “Our CV”. Eight issues were published over the year. These publications involved staff, students and alumni sharing their perspectives on each Core Value; tips, quotes, puzzles; and reflections, reminders and other relevant content. The series of publications have been well received by the Campus over the last year. To illustrate, the themes addressed included, inter alia , “Academic Integrity and Plagiarism” and “How Health and Safety Drives Excellence”.
Centenary Celebrations at FFA The Faculty of Food and Agriculture celebrated one hundred years of education, research and outreach in October 2021. Formally established as the West Indian Agricultural College at St. Augustine in 1921 – and subsequently renamed the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture – the St. Augustine Campus received its first cohort of students in October 1922. In 1960, it became the first faculty of the St. Augustine Campus of The University of the West Indies. The Centennial Legacy of Agriculture at The UWI St. Augustine was marked with a grand launch ceremony and virtual panel discussion, featuring a keynote address by Minister of Education Dr the Honourable Nyan Gadsby Dolly, and a tree planting ceremony, along with other events. A special newspaper publication chronicled the hundred years’ journey, while a special edition of the Tropical Agriculture journal focused on achievements over the centenary.
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