The UWI Mona Campus_Graduation Ceremonies 2022

GRADUATION ADDRESS The Chancellor will call on the Honorary Graduand, Dr. Adam Stewart to address the Company.


AWARD OF FIRST DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor, and call on the Deans of the appropriate Faculties to present those persons in their Faculties who have been awarded First Degrees and Diplomas. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS The Chancellor will invite the Class Valedictorian, Tamarnie Tavares, Bachelor of Science in Operations Management (Major) and Management Studies (Major) with Second Class Honours (Upper Division), to address the Company. AWARD OF HIGHER DEGREES AND POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMAS The University Registrar will address the Chancellor and call on the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Studies and Research to present those persons who have been awarded Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas. ALUMNI PLEDGE The Chancellor will invite the President UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter), Mr. Dwayne Haynes to lead the graduates in reciting the Alumni Pledge. SINGING OF THE UNIVERSITY SONG The Chancellor will invite the University Singers to lead the Company in the singing of the University Song. CLOSURE OF CEREMONY The Chancellor will declare the Ceremony at an end. The Processions will retire in the following order: The Chancellor’s Procession The Academic Procession The Company is asked to stand and to remain in place until the Processions have retired.

Presentation of Graduates 2022 | 19

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