Vice-Chancellor’s Message to the Graduates of 2022 My heartiest congratulations to each member of the graduating class of 2022! You have toiled assiduously at your academic studies and today, together with your families and loved ones, we celebrate your achievement. Some of you are also second-time graduates of this institution and I commend you for your commitment to pursuing a regional education. Your journey to this day has been an interesting one. Some of you may have had only one and a half semesters of face-to-face classes before we pivoted to remote teaching in March 2020. It is possible that some of you may have never been on one of the campuses! Whatever your experience has been, this graduating class, like those of 2020 and 2021, has a special place in the unfolding history of this institution. Your success is our success and your University is grateful to you for staying the course and demonstrating that in the face of significant challenges, by working together, we can achieve our goals. Your world has been transformed by technology. The fourth industrial revolution which was already upon us was given impetus by the COVID-19 pandemic and we all got a taste of what the world of the future will look like. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, cloud technology, and the internet of things have become infused in our lives and have changed our perspective about how we interact with each other. Traditional university life usually affords students opportunities to engage with counterparts others from other countries and cultures. It is my fervent hope that even with online studies, you were still able to form friendships that withstood the test of group work and assignments. That networking and some of those friendships may last beyond your academic careers and into your professional lives. Continue to nurture those relationships. As you reflect on the journey you have completed and on what lies ahead, I ask that you consider how you can have a positive influence in all that you do in the future. In addition to your professional lives, mentor a student, contribute towards scholarships for bright but financially challenged students, advocate for your university in various fora, and stay in touch with us through the various social networking facilities that have been set up for this purpose.
We wish you the very best as you continue on your chosen paths.
Hilary Beckles, Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Graduates 2022 | 5
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