Principal’s Farewell Message to the Graduating Class of 2022
On behalf of The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, I extend heartiest congratulations to you, the graduating class of 2022. This signifies the end of one part of your life’s journey and the beginning of another. We reflect with pride on all that you have accomplished, together and individually, and are delighted to celebrate this milestone with you.
You are the group of graduates who had persevered under the exceptional circumstances of virtual learning. Most of you had only one semester of in-person classes and interactions. Notwithstanding, you learned quickly how to manipulate and change your reception of information from the traditional teaching modality. You have done things in different ways and we salute you for your patience and resilience. You are no less capable nor less trained than the prior cohorts who were taught by in-person instructions. Indeed, you possess additional skills that we have never had in our repertoire and have influenced how the UWI will move forward as a global university. The UWI will continue to offer hybrid, blended and alternative teaching/evaluation systems because your successes have shown us that these systems can succeed and the efficacy of an on-line education in a new context. We welcome you into the group of eminent scholars who are alumni of this distinguished and historical regional institution. I implore you to take advantage of the methods of connection you used throughout your years as a UWI student. Stay connected with each other, connect with your Alma Mater (through the varying networks, halls, faculties, clubs and sporting activities), be ambassadors of the UWI brand. We are happy to have been able to guide and support you along this journey and recognize that in your creativity and innovative spirit you have shared as much with us as we have shared with you. Always remember the UWI in your near future, give back to this institution, not only financially but in time, opportunities, ideas and communication. Graduation is a momentous occasion because of all that it signifies. It is an indication that you have overcome many challenges and have made many sacrifices to achieve this accomplishment. There were the challenges of adjusting or re-adjusting to a tertiary education setting, balancing the demands of your various responsibilities, and planning for your life beyond this point in a world climate, marked by natural and anthropogenic challenges. You are here because you had resolved to see this tertiary education journey through to its end. It also means that you have achieved this great
6 | The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus
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