Message from Acting chief executive Dr Tamsin Waterhouse
Progress continues to be made in vaccinating staff against COVID-19 with more than 70 per cent of our workforce having received at least their first dose of vaccination - either with the Pfizer vaccine at the Westmead hub or the AstraZeneca vaccine at the Hornsby hub. The recent updated advice from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) temporarily paused our delivery of the AstraZeneca vaccination program at Hornsby while the informed consent information provided was updated, but we soon recommenced for those over 50. For the small number of staff under 50 who have not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine, we are making arrangements to offer the Pfizer vaccine (now preferred for this age group) as soon as possible. Thank you to all our hardworking staff for your adaptability regarding the updated advice, and thank you to everyone coming forward to get your vaccinations. I strongly encourage those who can be vaccinated to get your protection from the virus as soon as you can. The 2021 staff flu vaccination program is also now underway. Last year we had a fantastic response from staff in what was to become a record year with more than 8800 NSLHD staff getting vaccinated. I look forward to seeing strong numbers again this year. Staff can get the flu vaccination two weeks after their second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, and staff who have received the Astra Zeneca vaccine can have their flu shot as long as there is a two week gap between all vaccinations. For more information, please visit the Intranet here. At NSLHD reflecting the community
we provide care to is so important and we are committed to taking steps to strengthen the diversity and inclusion of our workplace culture. That is why we have established a variety of employee networks in which our staff can actively participate. Our newest employee-led network, the Women in Leadership network, is sponsored by our Chief Executive Deb Willcox and aims to provide a collaborative, safe space to capture and to amplify the voices of women and those who identify as female. Staff are encouraged to get involved in this network and you can get more information by contacting NSLHD- Finally, I would like to remind you nominations are still open for the Quality and Improvement Awards. I know there are lots of impressive projects underway across our district which have made, and continue to make, a real difference to patients and their families. The awards allow us to showcase this inspiring work. If you or your team have a project that has improved outcomes for patients, consumers or staff, you have until April 30 to submit your application through the NSLHD intranet here.
Dr Tamsin Waterhouse Acting Chief Executive Northern Sydney Local Health District
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